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 * StatusgroupController
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * @author      Thomas Hackl <>
 * @license GPL version 2
 * @category    Stud.IP
 * @since       3.5

require_once 'lib/'; //Funktionen des Nachrichtensystems
require_once 'lib/export/'; // Funktionen für den Export
require_once 'lib/export/';

class Course_StatusgroupsController extends AuthenticatedController
    public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
        parent::before_filter($action, $args);

        global $perm;


        $course = Course::findCurrent();
        $this->course_id = $course->id;
        $this->course_title = $course->getFullname();
        $this->config = CourseConfig::get($this->course_id);

        // Check perms
        $this->is_dozent = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('dozent', $this->course_id);
        $this->is_tutor  = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->course_id);
        $this->is_autor  = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('autor', $this->course_id);

        // Hide groups page?
        if (!$this->is_tutor && $this->config->COURSE_MEMBERS_HIDE) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // Check lock rules
        $this->is_locked = LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'groups');
        $this->is_participants_locked = LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'participants');

        PageLayout::setTitle(sprintf('%s - %s', Course::findCurrent()->getFullname(), _('Gruppen')));

     * Lists all available statusgroups.
    public function index_action()

        if ($this->is_locked && $this->is_tutor) {
            $lockdata = LockRules::getObjectRule($this->course_id);
            if ($lockdata['description']) {

        // Sorting as given by Request parameters
        $this->sort_by = Request::option('sortby', 'nachname');
        $this->order = Request::option('order', 'desc');
        $this->sort_group = Request::get('sort_group', '');
        $this->open_groups = Request::get('open_groups');

        // Get all course members (needed for mkdate).
        $this->allmembers = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(

        // Find all statusgroups for this course.
        $groups = Statusgruppen::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);

         * Check if the current user may join any group at all. This is needed
         * for deciding if a Sidebar action for joining a group will be
         * displayed.
        $joinable = false;

        // Fetch membercounts (all at once for performance)
        $membercounts = array_column(DBManager::get()->fetchAll(
            "SELECT u.`statusgruppe_id`, COUNT(u.`user_id`) as membercount
                FROM `statusgruppen` s
    	            JOIN `statusgruppe_user` u USING (`statusgruppe_id`)
                WHERE s.`range_id` = ?
                GROUP BY `statusgruppe_id`
                ORDER BY s.`position` ASC, s.`name` ASC",

        // Now build actual groups.
        $this->groups = [];
        foreach ($groups as $g) {
            $groupdata = [
                'group' => $g,
                'members' => [],
                'membercount' => $membercounts[$g->id] ?? 0,
                'invisible_users' => 0

             * We only need to load members for a group that shall be sorted
             * explicitly, as this group will be loaded at once and not via AJAX.
            if ($g->id == $this->sort_group || $this->open_groups) {
                if ($this->sort_group == $g->id) {
                    $sorted = $this->sortMembers($g->members, $this->sort_by, $this->order);
                } else {
                    $sorted = $this->sortMembers($g->members);

                foreach ($sorted as $member) {
                    //Note: $member is a StatusgruppeUser object.
                    //We must get the CourseMember object to correctly
                    //determine the visibility of the user.
                    $course_member = CourseMember::findOneBySql(
                        'user_id = :user_id AND seminar_id = :course_id',
                        ['user_id' => $member->user_id, 'course_id' => $member->group->range_id]
                    if ($this->is_tutor || ($member->user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id) ||
                        ($course_member->visible != 'no')) {
                        $groupdata['members'][] = $member;
                    } else {
                $groupdata['load'] = true;
            } else {
                $groupdata['load'] = false;

            if (!$this->is_tutor && $g->userMayJoin($GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
                $joinable = true;
            } else {
                $joinable = false;
            $groupdata['joinable'] = $joinable;
            $this->groups[] = $groupdata;

         * Get number of users that are in no group, this is needed
         * for displaying in group header.
        $ungrouped_count = DBManager::get()->fetchFirst(
            "SELECT COUNT(s.`user_id`) FROM `seminar_user` s WHERE s.`Seminar_id` = :course AND NOT EXISTS (
                    SELECT u.`user_id` FROM `statusgruppe_user` u
                    WHERE u.`statusgruppe_id` IN (:groups) AND u.`user_id` = s.`user_id`)",
                'course' => $this->course_id,
                'groups' => DBManager::get()->fetchFirst(
                    "SELECT `statusgruppe_id` FROM `statusgruppen` WHERE `range_id` = ?",
        $this->ungrouped_count = $ungrouped_count[0];
        if ($this->ungrouped_count > 0) {
            // Create dummy entry for "no group" users.
            $no_group = new StdClass();
            $no_group->id = 'nogroup';
            $no_group->name = _('keiner Gruppe zugeordnet');
            $no_group->size = 0;
            $no_group->selfassign = 0;

            $groupdata = [
                'group' => $no_group,
                'membercount' => $this->ungrouped_count,
                'joinable' => false,
                'invisible_users' => 0,
                'members' => []

            $nogroupmembers = DBManager::get()->fetchFirst("SELECT user_id
                FROM seminar_user
                WHERE `Seminar_id` = :course AND NOT EXISTS (
                    SELECT `user_id` FROM `statusgruppe_user`
                    WHERE `statusgruppe_id` IN (:groups) AND `user_id` = seminar_user.`user_id`)",
                    'course' => $this->course_id,
                    'groups' => array_map(function ($g) { return $g->id; }, $groups)

            $this->nogroupmembers = $nogroupmembers;

            if ($this->sort_group == 'nogroup') {
                $members = $this->allmembers->findby('user_id', $nogroupmembers);
                $members = $this->sortMembers($members, $this->sort_by, $this->order);
                $groupdata['load'] = true;
            } else {
                $members = $this->allmembers->findby(

            if(!empty($members)) {
                foreach ($members as $member) {
                    //Note: $member is a CourseMember object here.
                    if ($this->is_tutor || ($member->user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id) ||
                        ($member->visible != 'no')) {
                        $groupdata['members'][] = $member;
                    } else {
            $this->groups[] = $groupdata;
        } else {
            $this->nogroupmembers = [];

        // Prepare search object for MultiPersonSearch.
        $this->memberSearch = new PermissionSearch(
            _('Personen suchen'),
                'permission' => ['user', 'autor', 'tutor', 'dozent'],
                'exclude_user' => []

         * Setup sidebar.
        $sidebar = Sidebar::get();

        $actions = new ActionsWidget();
        if ($this->is_tutor) {
            if (!$this->is_locked) {
                    _('Mehrere Gruppen anlegen'),
            if (Config::get()->EXPORT_ENABLE) {
                $export = new ExportWidget();
                // create csv-export link
                $csvExport = export_link($this->course_id, 'person',
                    sprintf('%s %s', _('Gruppenliste'), htmlReady($this->course_title)),
                    'csv', 'csv-gruppen', 'status',
                    _('Als CSV-Dokument exportieren'),
                $element = LinkElement::fromHTML($csvExport, Icon::create('export'));

                // create rtf-export link
                $rtfExport = export_link($this->course_id, 'person',
                    sprintf('%s %s', _('Gruppenliste'), htmlReady($this->course_title)),
                    'rtf', 'rtf-gruppen', 'status',
                    _('Als RTF-Dokument exportieren'),
                $element = LinkElement::fromHTML($rtfExport, Icon::create('export'));

        // Current user may join at least one group => show sidebar action.
        } else if ($joinable) {
                _('In eine Gruppe eintragen'),

        if ($this->open_groups) {
                _('Alle Gruppen zuklappen'),
        } else {
                _('Alle Gruppen aufklappen'),
                $this->url_for('course/statusgroups', ['open_groups' => '1']),

     * Fetches the members of the given group.
     * @param String $group_id the statusgroup to get members for.
    public function getgroup_action($group_id)
        $this->sort_by = '';
        if ($group_id != 'nogroup') {
            $this->group = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);
            $this->members = [];
            $this->invisible = 0;
            if (!empty($this->group->members)) {
                //Note: $members consists of StatusgruppeUser objects here.
                $members = $this->sortMembers($this->group->members);
                foreach ($members as $member) {
                    //Get the course member object to check the visibility
                    //in the course.
                    $course_member = CourseMember::findOneBySql(
                        'user_id = :user_id AND seminar_id = :course_id',
                        ['user_id' => $member->user_id, 'course_id' => $member->group->range_id]
                    if ($this->is_tutor || ($member->user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id)
                        || ($course_member->visible != 'no')) {
                        $this->members[] = $member;
                    } else {
        } else {
            // Create dummy entry for "no group" users.
            $no_group = new StdClass();
            $no_group->id = 'nogroup';
            $no_group->name = _('keiner Gruppe zugeordnet');
            $no_group->size = 0;
            $no_group->selfassign = 0;

            $members = DBManager::get()->fetchAll("SELECT seminar_user.*,
                    FROM seminar_user
                    LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING (user_id)
                    LEFT JOIN user_info ui USING (user_id)
                    WHERE `Seminar_id` = :course AND NOT EXISTS (
                        SELECT `user_id` FROM `statusgruppe_user`
                        WHERE `statusgruppe_id` IN (:groups) AND `user_id` = seminar_user.`user_id`)",
                    'course' => $this->course_id,
                    'groups' => DBManager::get()->fetchFirst(
                        "SELECT `statusgruppe_id` FROM `statusgruppen` WHERE `range_id` = ?",
                ], 'CourseMember::buildExisting');

            $members = new SimpleCollection($members);
            //Note: $members consists of CourseMember objects here.
            $members = $this->sortMembers($members);
            $this->invisible = 0;
            $this->members = [];
            foreach ($members as $member) {
                if ($this->is_tutor || ($member->user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id)
                    || ($member->visible != 'no')) {
                    $this->members[] = $member;
                } else {

            $this->group = $no_group;

     * Provides extended info about a status group, like maximum number of
     * participants, selfassign, exclusive entry, selfassign start and end
     * times.
     * @param String $group_id The group to show info for.
    public function groupinfo_action($group_id)
        $this->group = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);

        // Topics can be implicitly assigned via course dates.
        $this->topics = $this->group->findTopics();

        // Lecturers can be implicitly assigned via course dates.
        $this->lecturers = $this->group->findLecturers();

     * Shows a list of all groups that can be joined by current user
     * and allows the user to select one.
    public function joinables_action()
        $this->joinables = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
            Statusgruppen::findJoinableGroups($this->course_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id))
            ->orderBy('position asc, name asc');

     * Adds selected persons to given group. user_ids to add come from a
     * MultiPersonSearch object which was triggered in group actions.
     * @param String $group_id
    public function add_member_action($group_id)
        $g = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);

        // Get selected persons.
        $mp = MultiPersonSearch::load('add_statusgroup_member' . $group_id);

        $success = 0;
        $fail = 0;

        foreach ($mp->getAddedUsers() as $a) {

            if (!CourseMember::exists([$this->course_id, $a])) {
                $m = new CourseMember();
                $m->seminar_id = $this->course_id;
                $m->user_id = $a;
                $m->status = User::find($a)->perms == 'user' ? 'user' : 'autor';

            $s = new StatusgruppeUser();
            $s->statusgruppe_id = $group_id;
            $s->user_id = $a;
            if ($s->store() !== false) {
            } else {

        if ($success > 0 && $fail == 0) {
                '%u Person wurde zu %s hinzugefügt.',
                '%u Personen wurden zu %s hinzugefügt.',
                $success), $success, htmlReady($g->name)
        } else if ($success > 0 && $fail > 0) {
            $successMsg = sprintf(ngettext(
                '%u Person wurde zu %s hinzugefügt.',
                '%u Personen wurden zu %s hinzugefügt.',
                $success), $success, htmlReady($g->name)
            $failMsg = sprintf(ngettext(
                '%u Person konnte nicht zu %s hinzugefügt werden.',
                '%u Personen konnten nicht zu %s hinzugefügt werden.',
                $fail), $fail, htmlReady($g->name)
            PageLayout::postWarning($successMsg . ' ' . $failMsg);
        } else if ($success == 0 && $fail > 0) {
                '%u Person konnte nicht zu %s hinzugefügt werden.',
                '%u Personen konnten nicht zu %s hinzugefügt werden.',
                $success), $success, htmlReady($g->name)



     * Allows editing of a given statusgroup or creating a new one.
     * @param String $group_id ID of the group to edit
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function edit_action($group_id = '')
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // Fetch group with given ID or create a new one.
        $this->group = new Statusgruppen($group_id);

        // Check if course has regular times.
        $this->cycles = SeminarCycleDate::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);

        // Check if course has single dates, not belonging to a regular cycle.
        $dates = CourseDate::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);
        $this->singledates = array_filter($dates, function ($d) {
            return !((bool) $d->metadate_id);

     * Saves changes to given statusgroup or creates a new entry.
     * @param String $group_id ID of the group to edit
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function save_action($group_id = '')
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

         * Check if a valid end time was given.
        if (Request::int('selfassign', 0)) {
            $endtime = strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 'now'));
            $starttime = strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now'));
            if ($endtime <= $starttime) {
                $endtime = 0;
        $position = Statusgruppen::find($group_id)->position;
        $selfassign = Request::int('selfassign', 0);
        // Exclusive entry makes sense only when selfassign is set in general.
        if ($selfassign !== 0) {
            $selfassign += Request::int('exclusive', 0);
        // Selfassign is not set but exclusive selfassign or some timeframe -> show warning message
        } else if (Request::int('exclusive', 0) !== 0
                || Request::get('selfassign_start', null) !== null
                || Request::get('selfassign_end', null) !== null) {
            PageLayout::postWarning(_('Einstellungen zum Eintrag in eine Gruppe oder zum Eintragszeitraum können ' .
                'nur gespeichert werden, wenn der Selbsteintrag aktiviert ist.'));
        $group = Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate(
            $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
            Request::int('selfassign', 0) !== 0
                ? strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now'))
                : 0,
            Request::int('selfassign', 0) && Request::get('selfassign_end')
                ? strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end'))
                : 0,
            Request::int('makefolder', 0),

        $group->description = trim(Request::get('description')) ?: null;

        if (!$group_id) {
                _('Die Gruppe "%s" wurde angelegt.'),
        } else {
                _('Die Daten der Gruppe "%s" wurden gespeichert.'),

        $thread = BlubberStatusgruppeThread::findByStatusgruppe_id($group->id);
        if (Request::get("blubber") && !$thread) {
            $thread = new BlubberStatusgruppeThread();
            $thread['context_type'] = "course";
            $thread['context_id'] = $this->course_id;
            $thread['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
            $thread['external_contact'] = 0;
            $thread['visible_in_stream'] = 1;
            $thread['display_class'] = "BlubberStatusgruppeThread";
            $thread['commentable'] = 1;
            $thread['metadata'] = ['statusgruppe_id' => $group->id];
        } elseif(!Request::get("blubber") && $thread) {


     * Deletes the given statusgroup.
     * @param String $group_id ID of the group to delete
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function delete_action($group_id)
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $group = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);
        $groupname = $group->name;
            _('Die Gruppe "%s" wurde gelöscht.'),

     * Removes the given user from the given statusgroup.
     * @param String $user_id user to remove
     * @param String $group_id affected group
    public function delete_member_action($user_id, $group_id)
        $g = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);
        if (!$this->is_tutor && ($user_id !== $GLOBALS['user']->id || !$g->userMayLeave($user_id))) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $s = StatusgruppeUser::find([$group_id, $user_id]);
        $name = $s->user->getFullname();
        if ($s->delete()) {
            if ($user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
                    _('Sie wurden aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen.'),
            } else {
                    _('%s wurde aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen.'),
        } else {
            if ($user_id == $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
                    _('Sie konnten nicht aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen werden.'),
            } else {
                    _('%s konnte nicht aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen werden.'),

    public function move_member_action($user_id, $group_id)
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $this->source_group = $group_id;

        $this->members = [$user_id];

        // Find possible target groups.
        $this->target_groups = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
            ->orderBy('position, name')
            ->filter(function ($g) use ($group_id) { return $g->id != $group_id; });

     * Provides the possibility to batch create several groups at once.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function create_groups_action()
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // Check if course has regular times.
        $this->has_cycles = count(SeminarCycleDate::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id)) > 0;

        // Check if course has single dates, not belonging to a regular cycle.
        $dates = CourseDate::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);
        $this->has_singledates = count(array_filter($dates, function ($d) {
            return !((bool) $d->metadate_id);
        })) > 0;

        // Check if course has topics.
        $topics = CourseTopic::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);
        $paper_topics = array_filter($topics, function ($topic) {
            return $topic->paper_related;

        $this->has_topics = count($topics) > 0;
        $this->has_paper_related_topics = count($paper_topics) > 0;

     * Adds the current user to the given group.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if current user may not join the given group.
    public function join_action($group_id = '')

        // group_id can also be given per request.
        if (!$group_id) {
            $group_id = Request::option('target_group');

            // Safety check if no group_id at all.
            if (!$group_id) {
                throw new Trails_Exception(400);

        $g = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);

        if (!$g->userMayJoin($GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $s = new StatusgruppeUser();
        $s->user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
        $s->statusgruppe_id = $group_id;
        if ($s->store()) {
                _('Sie wurden als Mitglied der Gruppe %s eingetragen.'),
        } else {
                _('Sie konnten nicht als Mitglied der Gruppe %s eingetragen werden.'),


     * Removes the current user from the given group.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if current user may not join the given group.
    public function leave_action($group_id)
        $g = Statusgruppen::find($group_id);

        if (!$g->userMayLeave($GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $s = StatusgruppeUser::find([$group_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id]);
        if ($s->delete()) {
                _('Sie wurden aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen.'),
        } else {
                _('Sie konnten nicht aus der Gruppe %s ausgetragen werden.'),


     * Batch creation of statusgroups according to given settings.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function batch_create_action()
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();


        $counter = 0;

        // Create a number of groups, sequentially named.
        if (Request::option('mode') == 'numbering') {
            if (Request::get('numbering_type') == 2) {
                $numbering = 'A';
            } else {
                $numbering = Request::int('startnumber', 1);
            for ($i = 0 ; $i < Request::int('number') ; $i++) {
                Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate('', Request::get('prefix').' '.
                    null, $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
                    Request::int('selfassign', 0) + Request::int('exclusive', 0),
                    strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now')),
                    strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 0)),
                    Request::int('makefolder', 0));

        // Create groups by course metadata, like topics, dates or lecturers.
        } else if (Request::option('mode') == 'coursedata') {
            $mode = Request::option('createmode');
            switch ($mode) {

                // Create groups per topic.
                case 'topics':
                case 'paper_related':
                    $topics = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
                    )->filter(function ($topic) use ($mode) {
                        return $mode !== 'paper_related'
                            || $topic->paper_related;

                    foreach ($topics as $t) {
                        $group = Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate('', _('Thema:') . ' ' . $t->title,
                            null, $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
                            Request::int('selfassign', 0) + Request::int('exclusive', 0),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now')),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 0)),
                            Request::int('makefolder', 0)

                        // Connect group to dates that are assigned to the given topic.
                        $dates = CourseDate::findByIssue_id($t->id);
                        foreach ($dates as $d) {



                // Create groups per (regular and irregular) dates.
                case 'dates':

                    // Find regular cycles first and create corresponding groups.
                    $cycles = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(

                    foreach ($cycles as $c) {
                        $cd = new CycleData($c);

                        $name = $c->toString();

                        // Append description to group title if applicable.
                        if ($c->description) {
                            $name .= ' ' . mila($c->description, 30);

                        // Get name of most used room and append to group title.
                        if ($rooms = $cd->getPredominantRoom()) {
                            $room_keys = array_keys($rooms);
                            $room_name = DBManager::get()->fetchOne(
                                "SELECT `name` FROM `resources` WHERE `id` = ?",
                            $name .= ' (' . $room_name['name'] . ')';
                        } else {
                            $free_text_predominant_rooms = array_keys($cd->getFreeTextPredominantRoom());
                            $room = trim(array_pop($free_text_predominant_rooms));
                            if ($room) {
                                $name .= ' (' . $room . ')';

                        $group = Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate('', $name,
                            null, $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
                            Request::int('selfassign', 0) + Request::int('exclusive', 0),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now')),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 0)),
                            Request::int('makefolder', 0));

                        // Connect group to dates that are assigned to the given cycle.
                        foreach ($c->dates as $d) {


                    // Now find irregular dates and create groups.
                    $dates = CourseDate::findBySeminar_id($this->course_id);
                    $singledates = array_filter($dates, function ($d) { return !((bool) $d->metadate_id); });
                    foreach ($singledates as $d) {
                        $name = $d->getFullname();

                        // Append description to group title if applicable.
                        if ($d->description) {
                            $name .= ' ' . mila($d->description, 30);

                        // Get room name and append to group title.
                        if ($room = $d->getRoomName()) {
                            $name .= ' (' . $room . ')';

                        $group = Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate('', $name,
                            $counter + 1, $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
                            Request::int('selfassign', 0) + Request::int('exclusive', 0),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now')),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 0)),
                            Request::int('makefolder', 0));




                // Create groups per lecturer.
                case 'lecturers':
                    $lecturers = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
                        CourseMember::findByCourseAndStatus($this->course_id, 'dozent'))->orderBy('position');

                    foreach ($lecturers as $l) {
                        Statusgruppen::createOrUpdate('', $l->getUserFullname('full'),
                            null, $this->course_id, Request::int('size', 0),
                            Request::int('selfassign', 0) + Request::int('exclusive', 0),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_start', 'now')),
                            strtotime(Request::get('selfassign_end', 0)),
                            Request::int('makefolder', 0));



        if ($counter > 0) {
                ngettext('Eine Gruppe wurde angelegt.', '%u Gruppen wurden angelegt.', $counter),


     * Batch action for several groups or group members at once.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if access not allowed with current permission level.
    public function batch_action_action()
        // Non-tutors may not access this.
        if (!$this->is_tutor) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // Actions for selected groups.
        if (Request::submitted('batch_groups')) {
            if ($groups = Request::getArray('groups')) {
                $this->groups = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
                    Statusgruppen::findMany($groups))->orderBy('position, name');
                switch (Request::option('groups_action')) {
                    case 'edit_size':
                        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Gruppengröße bearbeiten'));
                        $this->edit_size = true;

                        $sizes = [];

                        // Check for diverging values on all groups.
                        foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
                            $sizes[$group->size] = true;

                        // Get default group size
                        $this->size = max(array_keys($sizes));

                    case 'edit_selfassign':
                        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Selbsteintrag bearbeiten'));
                        $this->edit_selfassign = true;

                        $selfassign = 0;
                        $exclusive = 0;
                        $selfassign_start = [];
                        $selfassign_end = [];

                        // Check for diverging values on all groups.
                        foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
                            if ((int)$group->selfassign == 1) {
                            if ((int)$group->selfassign === 2) {
                            $selfassign_start[$group->selfassign_start] = true;
                            $selfassign_end[$group->selfassign_end] = true;

                        if ($selfassign > 0) {
                            $this->selfassign = true;