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PluginAdministration.php 16.88 KiB
# Lifter010: TODO
* plugin_administration.php - plugin administration model class
* Copyright (c) 2009 Dennis Reil, Elmar Ludwig
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Model code for plugin administration tasks.
class PluginAdministration
* Install a new plugin. Extracts the contents of the uploaded file,
* checks the manifest, creates the new plugin directory und finally
* registers the plugin in the database.
* @param string $filename path to the uploaded file
public function installPlugin($filename)
$packagedir = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH . '/tmp_' . md5($filename);
// extract plugin files
if (!file_exists($packagedir) && mkdir($packagedir) === false) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Fehler beim Entpacken des Plugins (fehlende Schreibrechte?).'));
if (!Studip\ZipArchive::extractToPath($filename, $packagedir)) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Fehler beim Entpacken des Plugins.'));
} else {
$tmpplugindir = $packagedir;
$files = scandir($packagedir);
if (count($files) === 3) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!in_array($file, [".",".."])) {
$tmpplugindir .= "/" . $file;
// check if the plugin might be located in a subfolder
$files = glob($packagedir . '/*');
$dirs = array_filter($files, 'is_dir');
if (!file_exists($packagedir . '/plugin.manifest') && count($dirs) === 1) {
$packagedir = $dirs[0];
// load the manifest
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$manifest = $plugin_manager->getPluginManifest($tmpplugindir);
if ($manifest === NULL) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Manifest des Plugins fehlt.'));
// get plugin meta data
$pluginclass = $manifest['pluginclassname'];
$origin = $manifest['origin'];
$min_version = $manifest['studipMinVersion'] ?? null;
$max_version = $manifest['studipMaxVersion'] ?? null;
// check for compatible version
if ((isset($min_version) && StudipVersion::olderThan($min_version)) ||
(isset($max_version) && StudipVersion::newerThan($max_version))) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Plugin ist mit dieser Stud.IP-Version nicht kompatibel.'));
// determine the plugin path
$basepath = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH;
$pluginpath = $origin . '/' . $pluginclass;
$plugindir = $basepath . '/' . $pluginpath;
$pluginregistered = $plugin_manager->getPluginInfo($pluginclass);
// is the plugin already installed?
if (file_exists($plugindir)) {
if ($pluginregistered) {
$this->updateDBSchema($plugindir, $tmpplugindir, $manifest);
// on NFS file system, removing the plugin may fail (see ticket #1892)
if (file_exists($plugindir)) {
$plugindir_old = $plugindir . '.old';
rename($plugindir, $plugindir_old);
// avoid loading old version of the class from opcache (see ticket #569)
ini_set('opcache.enable', 0);
// move directory to final destination
if (!file_exists($basepath . '/' . $origin) && mkdir($basepath . '/' . $origin) === false) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(sprintf(
_('Der Ordner "%s" konnte nicht erstellt werden.'),
studip_relative_path($basepath . '/' . $origin)
if (!is_writable($basepath . '/' . $origin)) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(sprintf(
_('Der Ordner "%s" ist nicht schreibbar.'),
studip_relative_path($basepath . '/' . $origin)
rename($tmpplugindir, $plugindir);
// create database schema if needed
$this->createDBSchema($plugindir, $manifest, $pluginregistered);
// now register the plugin in the database
$pluginid = $plugin_manager->registerPlugin($manifest['pluginname'], $pluginclass, $pluginpath);
if ($pluginid === NULL) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Plugin enthält keine gültige Plugin-Klasse.'));
// register additional plugin classes in this package
$additionalclasses = $manifest['additionalclasses'] ?? null;
if (is_array($additionalclasses)) {
foreach ($additionalclasses as $class) {
$plugin_manager->registerPlugin($class, $class, $pluginpath, $pluginid);
return $pluginid;
* Download and install a new plugin from the given URL.
* @param string $plugin_url the URL of the plugin package
public function installPluginFromURL($plugin_url)
$temp_name = tempnam(Config::get()->TMP_PATH, 'plugin');
if (!@copy($plugin_url, $temp_name, get_default_http_stream_context($plugin_url))) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Herunterladen des Plugins ist fehlgeschlagen.'));
$pluginid = $this->installPlugin($temp_name);
return $pluginid;
* Download and install a plugin with the given name from the
* plugin repository.
* @param string $pluginname name of the plugin to install
public function installPluginByName($pluginname)
$repository = new PluginRepository();
$plugin = $repository->getPlugin($pluginname);
if (!isset($plugin)) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Plugin konnte nicht gefunden werden.'));
* Uninstall the given plugin from the system. It will remove
* the database schema and all the plugin's files.
* @param array $plugin meta data of plugin
public function uninstallPlugin($plugin)
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
// check if there are dependent plugins
foreach ($plugin_manager->getPluginInfos() as $dep_plugin) {
if ($dep_plugin['depends'] === $plugin['id']) {
$plugindir = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . $plugin['path'];
$manifest = $plugin_manager->getPluginManifest($plugindir);
// delete database if needed
$this->deleteDBSchema($plugindir, $manifest);
PluginAsset::deleteBySQL('plugin_id = ?', [$plugin['id']]);
* Create the initial database schema for the plugin.
* @param string $plugindir absolute path to the plugin
* @param array $manifest plugin manifest information
* @param boolean $update update installed plugin
private function createDBSchema($plugindir, $manifest, $update)
$pluginname = $manifest['pluginname'];
if (isset($manifest['dbscheme']) && !$update) {
$schemafile = $plugindir . '/' . $manifest['dbscheme'];
$contents = file_get_contents($schemafile);
$statements = preg_split("/;[[:space:]]*\n/", $contents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$db = DBManager::get();
foreach ($statements as $statement) {
if (is_dir($plugindir . '/migrations')) {
$schema_version = new DBSchemaVersion($pluginname);
$migrator = new Migrator($plugindir . '/migrations', $schema_version);
* Update the database schema maintained by the plugin.
* @param string $plugindir absolute path to the plugin
* @param string $new_pluginpath absolute path to updated plugin
* @param array $manifest plugin manifest information
private function updateDBSchema($plugindir, $new_pluginpath, $manifest)
$pluginname = $manifest['pluginname'];
if (is_dir($plugindir . '/migrations')) {
$schema_version = new DBSchemaVersion($pluginname);
$new_version = 0;
if (is_dir($new_pluginpath . '/migrations')) {
$migrator = new Migrator($new_pluginpath . '/migrations', $schema_version);
$all_branches = array_fill_keys($schema_version->getAllBranches(), 0);
$new_version = $migrator->topVersion(true) + $all_branches;
$migrator = new Migrator($plugindir . '/migrations', $schema_version);
* Delete the database schema maintained by the plugin.
* @param string $plugindir absolute path to the plugin
* @param array $manifest plugin manifest information
private function deleteDBSchema($plugindir, $manifest)
$pluginname = $manifest['pluginname'];
if (is_dir($plugindir . '/migrations')) {
$schema_version = new DBSchemaVersion($pluginname);
$migrator = new Migrator($plugindir . '/migrations', $schema_version);
if (isset($manifest['uninstalldbscheme'])) {
$schemafile = $plugindir . '/' . $manifest['uninstalldbscheme'];
$contents = file_get_contents($schemafile);
$statements = preg_split("/;[[:space:]]*\n/", $contents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$db = DBManager::get();
foreach ($statements as $statement) {
* Get a list of the types of all installed plugins.
* @return array list of plugin types
public function getPluginTypes()
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$plugin_infos = $plugin_manager->getPluginInfos();
$plugin_types = [];
foreach ($plugin_infos as $plugin) {
$plugin_types = array_merge($plugin_types, $plugin['type']);
return array_unique($plugin_types);
* Fetch update information for a list of plugins. This method
* returns for each plugin: the plugin name, current version and
* meta data of the plugin update, if available.
* @param array $plugins array of plugin meta data
public function getUpdateInfo($plugins)
$default_repository = new PluginRepository();
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$update_info = [];
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$repository = $default_repository;
$plugindir = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . $plugin['path'];
$manifest = $plugin_manager->getPluginManifest($plugindir);
if (!$manifest) {
if (isset($manifest['updateURL'])) {
$repository = new PluginRepository($manifest['updateURL']);
$meta_data = $repository->getPlugin($manifest['pluginname']);
if (isset($meta_data) &&
version_compare($meta_data['version'], $manifest['version']) > 0) {
$manifest['update'] = $meta_data;
$update_info[$plugin['id']] = $manifest;
return $update_info;
* Fetch migration information plugins. This method
* returns for each plugin:
* current schema version and top migration version, if available.
* @return array
public function getMigrationInfo()
$info = [];
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$plugins = $plugin_manager->getPluginInfos();
$basepath = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH;
foreach ($plugins as $id => $plugin) {
$plugindir = $basepath . '/' . $plugin['path'] . '/';
if (is_dir($plugindir . '/migrations')) {
$schema_version = new DBSchemaVersion($plugin['name']);
$migrator = new Migrator($plugindir . '/migrations', $schema_version);
$info[$id]['migration_top_version'] = $migrator->topVersion();
$info[$id]['schema_version'] = $schema_version->get();
return $info;
* migrate plugin to top migration
* @param integer $plugin_id
* @return string output from migrator
public function migratePlugin($plugin_id)
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$plugin = $plugin_manager->getPluginInfoById($plugin_id);
$basepath = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH;
$plugindir = $basepath . '/' . $plugin['path'] . '/';
if (is_dir($plugindir . '/migrations')) {
$schema_version = new DBSchemaVersion($plugin['name']);
$migrator = new Migrator($plugindir .'/migrations', $schema_version, true);
$log = ob_get_clean();
return $log;
* scans PLUGINS_PATH for plugin.manifest files
* belonging to not registered plugins
* @return array with manifest meta data
public function scanPluginDirectory()
$found = [];
$basepath = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH;
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$iterator = new RegexIterator(
new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($basepath, FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS)),
'/plugin\.manifest$/', RecursiveRegexIterator::MATCH);
foreach ($iterator as $manifest_file) {
$manifest = $plugin_manager->getPluginManifest($manifest_file->getPath());
$pluginpath = $basepath . '/' . $manifest['origin'] . '/' . $manifest['pluginclassname'];
if (!$plugin_manager->getPluginInfo($manifest['pluginclassname'])
&& $pluginpath === $manifest_file->getPath()) {
$manifest['path'] = $manifest_file->getPath();
$found[] = $manifest;
return $found;
* registers plugin at given path in database
* @param string $plugindir path to plugin
* @throws PluginInstallationException
public function registerPlugin($plugindir)
$plugin_manager = PluginManager::getInstance();
$manifest = $plugin_manager->getPluginManifest($plugindir);
if (!$manifest) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Manifest des Plugins fehlt.'));
// get plugin meta data
$pluginclass = $manifest['pluginclassname'];
$origin = $manifest['origin'];
$min_version = $manifest['studipMinVersion'];
$max_version = $manifest['studipMaxVersion'];
// check for compatible version
if ((isset($min_version) && StudipVersion::olderThan($min_version)) ||
(isset($max_version) && StudipVersion::newerThan($max_version))) {
throw new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Plugin ist mit dieser Stud.IP-Version nicht kompatibel.'));
// determine the plugin path
$basepath = Config::get()->PLUGINS_PATH;
$pluginpath = $origin . '/' . $pluginclass;
$pluginregistered = $plugin_manager->getPluginInfo($pluginclass);
if ($pluginregistered) {
new PluginInstallationException(_('Das Plugin ist bereits registriert.'));
// create database schema if needed
$this->createDBSchema($plugindir, $manifest, $pluginregistered);
// now register the plugin in the database
$pluginid = $plugin_manager->registerPlugin($manifest['pluginname'], $pluginclass, $pluginpath);
// register additional plugin classes in this package
$additionalclasses = $manifest['additionalclasses'];
if (is_array($additionalclasses)) {
foreach ($additionalclasses as $class) {
$plugin_manager->registerPlugin($class, $class, $pluginpath, $pluginid);