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 * ForumEntry.php - Allows the retrieval and handling of forum-entrys
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * @author      Till Glöggler <>
 * @license GPL version 3
 * @category    Stud.IP

class ForumEntry  implements PrivacyObject
    const WITH_CHILDS = true;
    const WITHOUT_CHILDS = false;
    const THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH = 100;
    const POSTINGS_PER_PAGE = 10;
    const FEED_POSTINGS = 100;

    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     * H   E   L   P   E   R   -   F   U   N   C   T   I   O   N   S *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

     * is used for posting-preview. replaces all newlines with spaces
     * @param string $text the text to work on
     * @returns string
    public static function br2space($text)
        return str_replace("\n", ' ', str_replace("\r", '', $text));

     * remove the edit-html from a posting
     * @param string $description the posting-content
     * @return string the content stripped by the edit-mark
    public static function killEdit($description)
        // wurde schon mal editiert
        if (preg_match('/^(.*)(<admin_msg.*?)$/s', $description, $match)) {
            return $match[1];
        return $description;

     * add the edit-html to a posting
     * @param string $description the posting-content
     * @return string the content with the edit-mark
    public static function appendEdit($description)
        $edit = "<admin_msg autor=\"" . addslashes(get_fullname()) . "\" chdate=\"" . time() . "\">";
        return $description . $edit;

     * convert the edit-html to raw text
     * @param string $description the posting-content
     * @return string the content with the raw text version of the edit-mark
    public static function parseEdit($description, $anonymous = false)
        // TODO figure out if this function can be removed
        //      has been replaced with getContentAsHTML in core code
        $content = ForumEntry::killEdit($description);
        $comment = ForumEntry::getEditComment($description, $anonymous);
        return $content . ($comment ? "\n\n%%" . $comment .'%%' : '');

     * Get content with appended edit comment as HTML.
     * @param string  $description  Database entry of forum entry's body.
     * @param bool    $anonymous    True, if only root is allowed to see
     *                              authors.
     * @return string  Content and edit comment as HTML.
    public static function getContentAsHtml($description, $anonymous = false)
        $raw_content = ForumEntry::killEdit($description);

        $comment = ForumEntry::getEditComment($description, $anonymous);
        $content = formatReady($raw_content);

        if ($comment) {
            $content .= '<br><em>' . htmlReady($comment) . '</em>';

        return $content;

     * Get author and time of an edited forum entry as a string.
     * @param string  $description  Database entry of forum entry's body.
     * @param bool    $anonymous    True, if only root is allowed to see
     *                              authors.
     * @return string  Author and time or empty string if not edited.
    public static function getEditComment($description, $anonymous = false)
        $info = ForumEntry::getEditInfo($description);
        if ($info) {
            $root = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root');
            $author = ($anonymous && !$root) ? _('Anonym') : $info['author'];
            $time = date('d.m.y - H:i', $info['time']);
            return '[' . _('Zuletzt editiert von') . " $author - $time]";
        return '';

     * Get author and time of an edited forum entry.
     * @param string  $description  Database entry of forum entry's body.
     * @return array    Associative array containing author and time.
     *         boolean  False if edit tag was not found.
    public static function getEditInfo($description) {
        if (preg_match('/<admin_msg autor="([^"]*)" chdate="([^"]*)">\s*$/i', $description, $matches)) {
            // wurde schon mal editiert
            return ['author' => $matches[1], 'time' => $matches[2]];
        return false;

     * Remove all quote blocks AND the quoted text from a forum post.
     * @param String $string The string to remove the quote blocks from
     * @return String the posting without the [quote]-blocks (not just tags!)
    public static function removeQuotes($description)
        if (Studip\Markup::isHtml($description)) {
            // remove all blockquote tags
            $dom = new DOMDocument();
            $dom->loadHtml($description, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD);
            $nodes = iterator_to_array($dom->getElementsByTagName('blockquote'));

            foreach ($nodes as $node) {

        } else {
            $description = preg_replace('/\[quote(=.*)\].*\[\/quote\]/isU', '', $description);
            $description = str_replace('[/quote]', '', $description);
        return $description;

     * calls Stud.IP's kill_format and additionally removes any found smiley-tag
     * @param string $text the text to parse
     * @return string the text without format-tags and without smileys
    public static function killFormat($text)
        $text = kill_format($text);

        // find stuff which is enclosed between to colons
        preg_match('/' . SmileyFormat::REGEXP . '/U', $text, $matches);

        // remove the match if it is a smiley
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            if (Smiley::getByName($match) || Smiley::getByShort($match)) {
                $text = str_replace($match, '', $text);

        return $text;

     * returns the entry for the passed topic_id
     * @param  string  $topic_id
     * @return array   array('lft' => ..., 'rgt' => ..., seminar_id => ...)
     * @throws Exception
    public static function getConstraints($topic_id)
        //very bad performance if topic_id is 0 or false
        if (!$topic_id) return false;

        // look up the range of postings
        $range_stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT *
            FROM forum_entries WHERE topic_id = ?");
        if (!$data = $range_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            return false;
            // throw new Exception("Could not find entry with id >>$topic_id<< in forum_entries, " . __FILE__ . " on line " . __LINE__);

        if ($data['depth'] == 1) {
            $data['area'] = 1;

        return $data;

     * return the topic_id of the parent element, false if there is none (ie the
     * passed topic_id is already the upper-most node in the tree)
     * @param string $topic_id the topic_id for which the parent shall be found
     * @return string the topic_id of the parent element or false
    public static function getParentTopicId($topic_id)
        $path = ForumEntry::getPathToPosting($topic_id);
        $data = array_pop($path);

        return $data['id'] ?: false;

     * get the topic_ids of all childs of the passed topic including itself
     * @param string $topic_id the topic_id to find the childs for
     * @return array a list if topic_ids
    public static function getChildTopicIds($topic_id)
        $constraints = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id);

        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT topic_id
            FROM forum_entries WHERE lft >= ? AND rgt <= ?
                AND seminar_id = ?");
        $stmt->execute([$constraints['lft'], $constraints['rgt'], $constraints['seminar_id']]);

        return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     * D   A   T   A   -   R   E   T   R   I   E   V   A   L *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

      * get the page the passed posting is on
      * @param  string  $topic_id
      * @return  int
    public static function getPostingPage($topic_id, $constraint = null)
        if (!$constraint) {
            $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id);

        // this calculation only works for postings
        if ($constraint['depth'] <= 2) return ForumHelpers::getPage();

        if ($parent_id = ForumEntry::getParentTopicId($topic_id)) {
            $parent_constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

            return ceil((($constraint['lft'] - $parent_constraint['lft'] + 3) / 2) / ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE);

        return 0;

     * return the id for the oldest unread child-posting for the passed topic.
     * @param string $parent_id
     * @return string  id of oldest unread posting
    public static function getLastUnread($parent_id)
        $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

        // take users visitdate into account
        $visitdate = ForumVisit::getLastVisit($constraint['seminar_id']);

        // get the first unread entry
        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT * FROM forum_entries
            WHERE lft > ? AND rgt < ? AND seminar_id = ?
                AND mkdate >= ?
            ORDER BY mkdate ASC LIMIT 1");
        $stmt->execute([$constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['seminar_id'], $visitdate]);
        $last_unread = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        return $last_unread ? $last_unread['topic_id'] : null;

     * retrieve the the latest posting under $parent_id
     * or false if the postings itself is the latest
     * @param string $parent_id the node to lookup the childs in
     * @return mixed the data for the latest postings or false
    public static function getLatestPosting($parent_id)
        $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

        // get last entry
        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT * FROM forum_entries
            WHERE lft > ? AND rgt < ? AND seminar_id = ?
            ORDER BY mkdate DESC LIMIT 1");
        $stmt->execute([$constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['seminar_id']]);

        if (!$data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            return false;

        return $data;

     * returns a hashmap with arrays containing id and name with the entries
     * which lead to the passed topic
     * @param string $topic_id the topic to get the path for
     * @return array
    public static function getPathToPosting($topic_id)
        $data = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id);
        $ret = [];

        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT * FROM forum_entries
            WHERE lft <= ? AND rgt >= ? AND seminar_id = ? ORDER BY lft ASC");
        $stmt->execute([$data['lft'], $data['rgt'], $data['seminar_id']]);

        while ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $ret[$data['topic_id']] = $data;
            $ret[$data['topic_id']]['id'] = $data['topic_id'];

        // set the name of the first entry to the name of the category the entry is in
        if (sizeof($ret) > 1) {
            $tmp = array_slice($ret, 1, 1);
            $area = array_pop($tmp);
            $top  = current($ret);
            $ret[$top['id']]['name'] = ForumCat::getCategoryNameForArea($area['id']) ?: _('Allgemein');

        return $ret;

     * returns a hashmap where key is topic_id and value a posting-title from the
     * entries which lead to the passed topic.
     * WARNING: This function ommits postings with an empty title. For a full
     * list please use ForumEntry::getPathToPosting()!
     * @param string $topic_id the topic to get the path for
     * @return array
    public static function getFlatPathToPosting($topic_id)
        // use only the part of the path until the thread, no posting title
        $postings = array_slice(self::getPathToPosting($topic_id), 0, 3);

        // var_dump($postings);

        foreach ($postings as $post) {
            if ($post['name']) {
                $ret[$post['id']] = $post['name'];

        return $ret;

     * fill the passed postings with additional data
     * @param  array $postings
     * @return array
    public static function parseEntries($postings)
        $posting_list = [];

        // retrieve the postings
        foreach ($postings as $data) {
            // we throw away all formatting stuff, tags, etc, leaving the important bit of information
            $desc_short = ForumEntry::br2space(ForumEntry::killFormat(strip_tags($data['content'])));
            if (mb_strlen($desc_short) > (ForumEntry::THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 2)) {
                $desc_short = mb_substr($desc_short, 0, ForumEntry::THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH) . '...';
            } else {
                $desc_short = $desc_short;

            $posting_list[$data['topic_id']] = [
                'author'          => $data['author'],
                'topic_id'        => $data['topic_id'],
                'name'            => formatReady($data['name']),
                'name_raw'        => $data['name'],
                'content'         => ForumEntry::getContentAsHtml($data['content'], $data['anonymous']),
                'content_raw'     => ForumEntry::killEdit($data['content']),
                'content_short'   => $desc_short,
                'chdate'          => $data['chdate'],
                'mkdate'          => $data['mkdate'],
                'user_id'        => $data['user_id'],
                'raw_title'       => $data['name'],
                'raw_description' => ForumEntry::killEdit($data['content']),
Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
                'fav'             => (!empty($data['fav']) && ($data['fav'] == 'fav')),
                'depth'           => $data['depth'],
                'anonymous'       => $data['anonymous'],
                'closed'          => $data['closed'],
                'sticky'          => $data['sticky'],
                'seminar_id'      => $data['seminar_id']
        } // retrieve the postings

        return $posting_list;

     * Get all entries for the passed parent_id.
     * Returns an array of the following structure:
     * Array (
     *     'list'  => Array (
     *         'author'          =>
     *         'topic_id'        =>
     *         'name'            => formatReady()
     *         'name_raw'        =>
     *         'content'         => formatReady()
     *         'content_raw'     =>
     *         'content_short'   =>
     *         'chdate'          =>
     *         'mkdate'          =>
     *         'user_id'        =>
     *         'raw_title'       =>
     *         'raw_description' =>
     *         'fav'             =>
     *         'depth'           =>
     *         'sticky'          =>
     *         'closed'          =>
     *         'seminar_id'      =>
     *     )
     *     'count' =>
     * )
     * @param string $parent_id    id of parent-element to get entries for.
     * @param boolean $with_childs  if true, the whole subtree is fetched
     * @param string $add          for additional constraints in the WHERE-part of the query
     * @param string $sort_order   can be ASC or DESC
     * @param int $start        can be used for pagination, is used for the LIMIT-part of the query
     * @param int $limit        number of entries to fetch, defaults to ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception  if the retrieval failed, an Exception is thrown
    public static function getEntries($parent_id, $with_childs = false, $add = '',
        $sort_order = 'DESC', $start = 0, $limit = ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE)
        $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);
        $seminar_id = $constraint['seminar_id'];
        $depth      = $constraint['depth'] + 1;

        // count the entries and set correct page if necessary
        if ($with_childs) {
            $count_stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_entries
                LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = forum_entries.topic_id AND ou.user_id = ?)
                WHERE (forum_entries.seminar_id = ?
                    AND forum_entries.seminar_id != forum_entries.topic_id
                    AND lft > ? AND rgt < ?) "
                . ($depth > 2 ? " OR forum_entries.topic_id = ". DBManager::get()->quote($parent_id) : '')
                . $add
                . " ORDER BY forum_entries.mkdate $sort_order");
            $count_stmt->execute([$GLOBALS['user']->id, $seminar_id, $constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt']]);
            $count = $count_stmt->fetchColumn();
        } else {
            $count_stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_entries
                LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = forum_entries.topic_id AND ou.user_id = ?)
                WHERE ((depth = ? AND forum_entries.seminar_id = ?
                    AND forum_entries.seminar_id != forum_entries.topic_id
                    AND lft > ? AND rgt < ?) "
                . ($depth > 2 ? " OR forum_entries.topic_id = ". DBManager::get()->quote($parent_id) : '')
                . ') '. $add
                . " ORDER BY forum_entries.mkdate $sort_order");
            $count_stmt->execute([$GLOBALS['user']->id, $depth, $seminar_id, $constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt']]);
            $count = $count_stmt->fetchColumn();

        // use the last page if the requested page does not exist
        if ($start > $count) {
            $page = ceil($count / ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE);
            $start = max(1, $page - 1) * ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE;

        if ($with_childs) {
            $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT forum_entries.*, IF(ou.topic_id IS NOT NULL, 'fav', NULL) as fav
                    FROM forum_entries
                LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = forum_entries.topic_id AND ou.user_id = ?)
                WHERE (forum_entries.seminar_id = ?
                    AND forum_entries.seminar_id != forum_entries.topic_id
                    AND lft > ? AND rgt < ?) "
                . ($depth > 2 ? " OR forum_entries.topic_id = ". DBManager::get()->quote($parent_id) : '')
                . $add
                . " ORDER BY forum_entries.mkdate $sort_order"
                . ($limit ? " LIMIT $start, $limit" : ''));
            $stmt->execute([$GLOBALS['user']->id, $seminar_id, $constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt']]);
        } else {
            $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT forum_entries.*, IF(ou.topic_id IS NOT NULL, 'fav', NULL) as fav
                    FROM forum_entries
                LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = forum_entries.topic_id AND ou.user_id = ?)
                WHERE ((depth = ? AND forum_entries.seminar_id = ?
                    AND lft > ? AND rgt < ?) "
                . ($depth > 2 ? " OR forum_entries.topic_id = ". DBManager::get()->quote($parent_id) : '')
                . ') '. $add
                . " ORDER BY forum_entries.mkdate $sort_order"
                . ($limit ? " LIMIT $start, $limit" : ''));
            $stmt->execute([$GLOBALS['user']->id, $depth, $seminar_id, $constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt']]);

        if (!$stmt) {
            throw new Exception("Error while retrieving postings in " . __FILE__ . " on line " . __LINE__);

        return ['list' => ForumEntry::parseEntries($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)), 'count' => $count];

     * Takes a posting-array like the one generated by ForumEntry::getList()
     * and adds the child-posting with the freshest creation-date to it.
     * @param array $postings
     * @return array
    public static function getLastPostings($postings)
Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
        foreach ($postings as $key => $posting)
            $last_posting = [];

            if ($data = ForumEntry::getLatestPosting($posting['topic_id'])) {
                $last_posting['topic_id']      = $data['topic_id'];
                $last_posting['date']          = $data['mkdate'];
                $last_posting['user_id']       = $data['user_id'];
                $last_posting['user_fullname'] = $data['author'];
                $last_posting['username']      = get_username($data['user_id']);
                $last_posting['anonymous']     = $data['anonymous'];

                // we throw away all formatting stuff, tags, etc, so we have just the important bit of information
                $text = strip_tags($data['name']);
                $text = ForumEntry::br2space($text);
                $text = ForumEntry::killFormat(ForumEntry::removeQuotes($text));

                if (mb_strlen($text) > 42) {
                    $text = mb_substr($text, 0, 40) . '...';

                $last_posting['text'] = $text;

            $postings[$key]['last_posting'] = $last_posting;
            if (!$postings[$key]['last_unread']  = ForumEntry::getLastUnread($posting['topic_id'])) {
Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
                $postings[$key]['last_unread'] = $last_posting['topic_id'] ?? '';
            $postings[$key]['num_postings'] = ForumEntry::countEntries($posting['topic_id']);


        return $postings;

     * get a list of postings of a special type
     * @param string $type one of 'area', 'list', 'postings', 'latest', 'favorites', 'dump', 'flat'
     * @param string $parent_id the are to fetch from
     * @return array array('list' => ..., 'count' => ...);
    public static function getList($type, $parent_id)
        $start = (ForumHelpers::getPage() - 1) * ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE;

        switch ($type) {
            case 'area':
                $list = ForumEntry::getEntries($parent_id, ForumEntry::WITHOUT_CHILDS, '', 'DESC', 0, 1000);
                $postings = $list['list'];

                $postings = ForumEntry::getLastPostings($postings);
                return ['list' => $postings, 'count' => $list['count']];


            case 'list':
                $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

                // purpose of the following query is to retrieve the threads
                // for an area ordered by the mkdate of their latest posting
                $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
                        fe.*, IF(ou.topic_id IS NOT NULL, 'fav', NULL) as fav
                    FROM forum_entries AS fe
                    LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = fe.topic_id AND ou.user_id = :user_id)
                    WHERE fe.seminar_id = :seminar_id AND fe.lft > :left
                        AND fe.rgt < :right AND fe.depth = 2
                    ORDER BY sticky DESC, latest_chdate DESC
                    LIMIT $start, ". ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE);
                $stmt->bindParam(':seminar_id', $constraint['seminar_id']);
                $stmt->bindParam(':left', $constraint['lft'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $stmt->bindParam(':right', $constraint['rgt'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id);

                $postings = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                $count = DBManager::get()->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();
                $postings = ForumEntry::parseEntries($postings);
                $postings = ForumEntry::getLastPostings($postings);

                return ['list' => $postings, 'count' => $count];

            case 'postings':
                return ForumEntry::getEntries($parent_id, ForumEntry::WITH_CHILDS, '', 'ASC', $start);

            case 'newest':
                $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

                // get postings
                $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT forum_entries.*, IF(ou.topic_id IS NOT NULL, 'fav', NULL) as fav
                    FROM forum_entries
                    LEFT JOIN forum_favorites as ou ON (ou.topic_id = forum_entries.topic_id AND ou.user_id = :user_id)
                    WHERE seminar_id = :seminar_id AND lft > :left
                        AND rgt < :right AND (mkdate >= :mkdate OR chdate >= :mkdate)
                    ORDER BY mkdate ASC
                    LIMIT $start, ". ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE);

                $stmt->bindParam(':seminar_id', $constraint['seminar_id']);
                $stmt->bindParam(':left', $constraint['lft']);
                $stmt->bindParam(':right', $constraint['rgt']);
                $stmt->bindParam(':mkdate', ForumVisit::getLastVisit($constraint['seminar_id']));
                $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id);

                $postings = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

                $postings = ForumEntry::parseEntries($postings);
                // var_dump($postings);

                // count found postings
                $stmt_count = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*)
                    FROM forum_entries
                    WHERE seminar_id = :seminar_id AND lft > :left
                        AND rgt < :right AND mkdate >= :mkdate
                    ORDER BY mkdate ASC");

                $stmt_count->bindParam(':seminar_id', $constraint['seminar_id']);
                $stmt_count->bindParam(':left', $constraint['lft']);
                $stmt_count->bindParam(':right', $constraint['rgt']);
                $stmt_count->bindParam(':mkdate', ForumVisit::getLastVisit($constraint['seminar_id']));

                // return results
                return ['list' => $postings, 'count' => $stmt_count->fetchColumn()];

            case 'latest':
                return ForumEntry::getEntries($parent_id, ForumEntry::WITH_CHILDS, '', 'DESC', $start);

            case 'favorites':
                $add = "AND ou.topic_id IS NOT NULL";
                return ForumEntry::getEntries($parent_id, ForumEntry::WITH_CHILDS, $add, 'DESC', $start);

            case 'dump':
                $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);
                $seminar_id = $constraint['seminar_id'];
                $depth      = $constraint['depth'] + 1;

                $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT * FROM forum_entries
                    WHERE (forum_entries.seminar_id = ?
                        AND forum_entries.seminar_id != forum_entries.topic_id
                        AND lft > ? AND rgt < ?) "
                    . ($depth > 2 ? " OR forum_entries.topic_id = ". DBManager::get()->quote($parent_id) : '')
                    . " ORDER BY forum_entries.lft ASC");
                $stmt->execute([$seminar_id, $constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt']]);

                return ForumEntry::parseEntries($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));

            case 'flat':
                $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

                $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM forum_entries
                    WHERE lft > ? AND rgt < ? AND seminar_id = ? AND depth = ?
                    ORDER BY name ASC");
                $stmt->execute([$constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['seminar_id'], $constraint['depth'] + 1]);

                $count = DBManager::get()->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();

                $posting_list = [];

                // speed up things a bit by leaving out the formatReady fields
                foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $data) {
                    // we throw away all formatting stuff, tags, etc, leaving the important bit of information
                    $desc_short = ForumEntry::br2space(ForumEntry::killFormat(strip_tags($data['content'])));
                    if (mb_strlen($desc_short) > (ForumEntry::THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH + 2)) {
                        $desc_short = mb_substr($desc_short, 0, ForumEntry::THREAD_PREVIEW_LENGTH) . '...';
                    } else {
                        $desc_short = $desc_short;
                    $posting_list[$data['topic_id']] = [
                        'author'          => $data['author'],
                        'topic_id'        => $data['topic_id'],
                        'name_raw'        => $data['name'],
                        'content_raw'     => ForumEntry::killEdit($data['content']),
                        'content_short'   => $desc_short,
                        'chdate'          => $data['chdate'],
                        'mkdate'          => $data['mkdate'],
                        'user_id'         => $data['user_id'],
                        'raw_title'       => $data['name'],
                        'raw_description' => ForumEntry::killEdit($data['content']),
Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
                        'fav'             => (!empty($data['fav']) && $data['fav'] == 'fav'),
                        'depth'           => $data['depth'],
                        'seminar_id'      => $data['seminar_id']

                return ['list' => $posting_list, 'count' => $count];

            case 'depth_to_large':
                $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

                $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM forum_entries
                    WHERE lft > ? AND rgt < ? AND seminar_id = ? AND depth > 3
                    ORDER BY name ASC");
                $stmt->execute([$constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['seminar_id']]);

                $count = DBManager::get()->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();

                return ['list' => $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC), 'count' => $count];

     * Get the latest forum entries for the passed entries childs
     * @param string $parent_id
     * @param int $start_date  timestamp
     * @param int $end_date    timestamp
     * @return array list of postings
    public static function getLatestSince($parent_id, $start_date, $end_date)
        $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM forum_entries
            WHERE lft > ? AND rgt < ? AND seminar_id = ?
                AND mkdate BETWEEN ? AND ?
            ORDER BY name ASC");
        $stmt->execute([$constraint['lft'], $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['seminar_id'], $start_date, $end_date]);

        return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

     ** returns a list of postings for the passed search-term
     * @param string $parent_id the area to search in (can be a whole seminar)
     * @param string $_searchfor the term to search for
     * @param array $options filter-options: search_title, search_content, search_author
     * @return array array('list' => ..., 'count' => ...);
    public static function getSearchResults($parent_id, $_searchfor, $options)
        $start = (ForumHelpers::getPage() - 1) * ForumEntry::POSTINGS_PER_PAGE;

        // if there are quoted parts, they should not be separated
        $suchmuster = '/".*"/U';
        preg_match_all($suchmuster, $_searchfor, $treffer);
        array_walk($treffer[0], function(&$value) { $value = trim($value, '"'); });

        // remove the quoted parts from $_searchfor
        $_searchfor = trim(preg_replace($suchmuster, '', $_searchfor));

        // split the searchstring $_searchfor at every space
        $parts = explode(' ', $_searchfor);

        foreach ($parts as $key => $val) {
            if ($val == '') {

        if (!empty($parts)) {
            $_searchfor = array_merge($parts, $treffer[0]);
        } else  {
            $_searchfor = $treffer[0];

        // make an SQL-statement out of the searchstring
        $search_string = [];
        foreach ($_searchfor as $key => $val) {
            if (!$val) {
            } else {
                $search_word = '%'. $val .'%';
                $zw_search_string = [];
                if ($options['search_title']) {
                    $zw_search_string[] .= "name LIKE " . DBManager::get()->quote($search_word);

                if ($options['search_content']) {
                    $zw_search_string[] .= "content LIKE " . DBManager::get()->quote($search_word);

                if ($options['search_author']) {
                    $zw_search_string[] .= "author LIKE " . DBManager::get()->quote($search_word);

                if (!empty($zw_search_string)) {
                    $search_string[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $zw_search_string) . ')';

        if (!empty($search_string)) {
            $add = "AND (" . implode(' AND ', $search_string) . ")";
            return array_merge(
                ['highlight' => $_searchfor],
                ForumEntry::getEntries($parent_id, ForumEntry::WITH_CHILDS, $add, 'DESC', $start)

        return ['num_postings' => 0, 'list' => []];

     * returns the entry for the passed topic_id
     * @param string $topic_id
     * @return array hash-array with the entries fields
    public static function getEntry($topic_id)
        return ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id);

     * Count the number of child-elements that the passed entry has and return it.
     * @param string $parent_id
     * @return int  the number of child entries for the passed entry
    public static function countEntries($parent_id)
        $data = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);
        return max((($data['rgt'] - $data['lft'] - 1) / 2) + 1, 0);

    * Count the number of postings in a given course and return it.
    * @param string $course_id the id of the given course
    * @return int the number of postings in the course
    public static function countPostings($course_id)
        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_entries
            WHERE seminar_id = ? AND depth >= 2");

        return $stmt->fetchColumn(0);

     * Count all entries the passed user has ever written and return the result
     * @staticvar type $entries
     * @param string $user_id
     * @return int  number of entries user has ever written
    public static function countUserEntries($user_id, $seminar_id = null)
        static $entries;

Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
        if (empty($entries[$user_id])) {
            $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*)
                FROM forum_entries
                WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = IFNULL(?, seminar_id)");
            $stmt->execute([$user_id, $seminar_id]);

            $entries[$user_id] = $stmt->fetchColumn();

        return $entries[$user_id];

    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *   D   A   T   A   -   C   R   E   A   T   I   O   N   *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

     * insert a node into the table
     * @param array $data an array containing the following fields:
     *     topic_id     the id of the new topic
     *     seminar_id   the id of the seminar to add the topic to
     *     user_id      the id of the user who created the topic
     *     name         the title of the entry
     *     content      the content of the entry
     *     author       the author's name as a plaintext string
     *     author_host  ip-address of creator
     * @param string $parent_id the node to add the topic to
     * @return void
    public static function insert($data, $parent_id)
        $constraint = ForumEntry::getConstraints($parent_id);

        // #TODO: Zusammenfassen in eine Transaktion!!!
        DBManager::get()->exec('UPDATE forum_entries SET lft = lft + 2
            WHERE lft > '. $constraint['rgt'] ." AND seminar_id = '". $constraint['seminar_id'] ."'");
        DBManager::get()->exec('UPDATE forum_entries SET rgt = rgt + 2
            WHERE rgt >= '. $constraint['rgt'] ." AND seminar_id = '". $constraint['seminar_id'] ."'");

        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("INSERT INTO forum_entries
            (topic_id, seminar_id, user_id, name, content, mkdate, latest_chdate,
                chdate, author, author_host, lft, rgt, depth, anonymous)
            VALUES (? ,?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        $stmt->execute([$data['topic_id'], $data['seminar_id'], $data['user_id'],
            $data['name'], transformBeforeSave($data['content']), $data['author'], $data['author_host'],
Moritz Strohm's avatar
Moritz Strohm committed
            $constraint['rgt'], $constraint['rgt'] + 1, $constraint['depth'] + 1, $data['anonymous'] ?? 0]);

        // update "latest_chdate" for easier sorting of actual threads
        DBManager::get()->exec("UPDATE forum_entries SET latest_chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
            WHERE topic_id = '" . $constraint['topic_id'] . "'");

        NotificationCenter::postNotification('ForumAfterInsert', $data['topic_id'], $data);

     * update the passed topic
     * @param string $topic_id the id of the topic to update
     * @param string $name the new name
     * @param string $content the new content
     * @return void
    public static function update($topic_id, $name, $content)
        $post = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id);

        if (time() - $post['mkdate'] > 5 * 60) {
            $content = ForumEntry::appendEdit($content);

        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("UPDATE forum_entries
            SET name = ?, content = ?, chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), latest_chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
            WHERE topic_id = ?");
        $stmt->execute([$name, transformBeforeSave($content), $topic_id]);

        // update "latest_chdate" for easier sorting of actual threads
        $parent_id = ForumEntry::getParentTopicId($topic_id);
        DBManager::get()->exec("UPDATE forum_entries SET latest_chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
            WHERE topic_id = '" . $parent_id . "'");

        $post['name']    = $name;
        $post['content'] = $content;

        NotificationCenter::postNotification('ForumAfterUpdate', $topic_id, $post);