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# Lifter007: TODO
# Lifter003: TODO
# Lifter010: TODO

 * news.php - News controller
 * Copyright (C) 2007 - Marcus Lunzenauer <>, Rasmus Fuhse <>, Arne Schröder <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * @author      Rasmus Fuhse <>
 * @author      Marcus Lunzenauer <>
 * @author      Arne Schröder <>
 * @license GPL version 2
 * @category    Stud.IP
 * @package     news

require_once 'lib/';
require_once 'lib/';

class NewsController extends StudipController
    protected $with_session = true;

     * Callback function being called before an action is executed.
    public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
        parent::before_filter($action, $args);

        $this->area_structure = [
            'global' => [
                'title' => _('Stud.IP (systemweit)'),
                'icon'  => 'home',
            'inst' => [
                'title' => _('Einrichtungen'),
                'icon'  => 'institute',
            'sem' => [
                'title' => _('Veranstaltungen'),
                'icon'  => 'seminar',
            'user' => [
                'title' => _('Profil'),
                'icon'  => 'person',
Sebastian Biller's avatar
Sebastian Biller committed

        $this->priorities = [
            0 => '0 (' . _('normal') . ')',
            1 => '1 (' . _('sehr niedrig') . ')',
            2 => '2',
            3 => '3',
            4 => '4',
            5 => '5',
            6 => '6',
            7 => '7',
            8 => '8',
            9 => '9',
           10 => '10 (' . _('sehr hoch') . ')',

       $this->roles = NewsRoles::getAvailableRoles();
       $this->rolesStats = RolePersistence::getStatistics();

     * Widget controller to produce the formally known show_votes()
     * @param String $range_id range id of the news to get displayed
     * @return array() Array of votes
    public function display_action($range_id)
        if (!$range_id) {
            return $this->render_nothing();

        if (!StudipNews::haveRangePermission('view', $range_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
            return $this->render_nothing();

        // Store visit if user opened comments
        if (Request::bool('comments') && Request::submitted('contentbox_open')) {
            object_set_visit(Request::option('contentbox_open'), 'news');

        // Check if user wrote a comment
        if (Request::submitted('accept') && trim(Request::get('comment_content')) && Request::isPost()) {
                'object_id' => Request::get('comsubmit'),
                'user_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->id,
                'content' => trim(Request::get('comment_content'))

        // Check if user wants to remove a announcement
        if ($news_id = Request::get('remove_news')) {
            $news = new StudipNews($news_id);
            $range = Request::get('news_range');
            if ($news->havePermission('unassign', $range)) {
                if (Request::get('confirm')) {
                } else {
                    $this->question = (string) QuestionBox::create(
                        _('Ankündigung wirklich aus diesem Bereich entfernen?'),
                        URLHelper::getURL('', ['remove_news' => $news_id, 'news_range' => $range, 'confirm' => true])

        // Check if user wants to delete an announcement
        if ($news_id = Request::get('delete_news')) {
            $news = new StudipNews($news_id);
            if ($news->havePermission('delete')) {
                if (Request::get('confirm')) {
                } else {
                    $this->question = (string) QuestionBox::create(
                        _('Ankündigung wirklich löschen?'),
                        URLHelper::getURL('', ['delete_news' => $news_id, 'confirm' => true])

        $this->perm = StudipNews::haveRangePermission('edit', $range_id);
        $this->show_all_news = Request::get('nshow_all') && $this->perm;
        if ($this->show_all_news) {
            URLHelper::addLinkParam('nshow_all', 1);
        $this->news           = StudipNews::GetNewsByRange($range_id, !$this->show_all_news, true);
        $this->count_all_news = $this->show_all_news ? count($this->news) : count(StudipNews::GetNewsByRange($range_id, false));
        $this->rss_id         = Config::get()->NEWS_RSS_EXPORT_ENABLE ? StudipNews::GetRssIdFromRangeId($range_id) : false;
        $this->range          = $range_id;
        $this->nobody         = !$GLOBALS['user']->id || $GLOBALS['user']->id === 'nobody';


    private function visit()
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->id && $GLOBALS['user']->id !== 'nobody' && Request::option('contentbox_open') && Request::option('contentbox_type') === 'news') {
            object_set_visit(Request::option('contentbox_open'), 'news'); //and, set a visittime

    public function visit_action()

     * Builds news dialog for editing / adding news
     * @param string $id news           id (in case news already exists; otherwise set to "new")
     * @param string $context_range     range id (only for new news; set to 'template' for copied news)
     * @param string $template_id       template id (source of news template)
    public function edit_news_action($id = '', $context_range = '', $template_id = '')
        // initialize
        $ranges = [];

        $this->ranges                  = [];
        $this->area_options_selectable = [];
        $this->area_options_selected   = [];
        $this->may_delete              = false;
        $this->route                   = "news/edit_news/{$id}";

        $this->news_isvisible = [
            'news_basic' => true,
            'news_comments' => false,
            'news_areas' => false,
Sebastian Biller's avatar
Sebastian Biller committed
            'news_visibility' => false,

        if ($context_range) {
            $this->route .= "/{$context_range}";
            if ($template_id)
                $this->route .= "/{$template_id}";

        $msg_object = new messaging();

        if ($id === 'new') {
            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Ankündigung erstellen'));
        } else
            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Ankündigung bearbeiten'));

        // user has to have autor permission at least
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor')) {
            return $this->render_nothing();

        // load news and comment data and check if user has permission to edit
        $news = new StudipNews($id);
        if (!$news->isNew()) {
            $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id);

        if (!$news->havePermission('edit') && !$news->isNew()) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
Sebastian Biller's avatar
Sebastian Biller committed

            $this->assigned = NewsRoles::getRoles($id);
            if ($this->assigned){
                $this->news_isvisible['news_visibility'] = true;
            $this->roles = NewsRoles::getAvailableRoles($id);

        // if form sent, get news data by post vars
        if (Request::get('news_isvisible')) {
            // visible categories, selected areas, topic, and body are utf8 encoded when sent via ajax
            $this->news_isvisible = json_decode(Request::get('news_isvisible'), true);
            $this->area_options_selected = json_decode(Request::get('news_selected_areas'), true);
            $this->area_options_selectable = json_decode(Request::get('news_selectable_areas'), true);

            $news->topic          = Request::i18n('news_topic');
            $news->body           = Request::i18n('news_body', null, function ($string) {
                                        if (!$string) {
                                            return $string;
                                        return transformBeforeSave(Studip\Markup::purifyHtml($string));
            $news->date           = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start');
            $news->expire         = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end')
                                  ? $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') - $news->date
                                  : '';
            $news->allow_comments = Request::bool('news_allow_comments', false);
Sebastian Biller's avatar
Sebastian Biller committed
            $news->prio = Request::int('news_prio', 0);
            $assignedroles = Request::intArray('assignedroles',false);

            $this->assigned = NewsRoles::load($assignedroles);
            if ($this->assigned){
                $this->news_isvisible['news_visibility'] = true;
        } elseif ($id) {
            // if news id given check for valid id and load ranges
            if ($news->isNew()) {
                PageLayout::postError(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!'));
                return $this->render_nothing();
            $ranges = $news->news_ranges->toArray();
        } elseif ($template_id) {
            // otherwise, load data from template
            $news_template = new StudipNews($template_id);
            if ($news_template->isNew()) {
                PageLayout::postError(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!'));
                return $this->render_nothing();
            // check for permission
            if (!$news_template->havePermission('edit')) {
                return $this->render_nothing();
            $ranges = $news_template->news_ranges->toArray();
            // remove those ranges for which user doesn't have permission
            foreach ($ranges as $key => $news_range)
                if (!$news->haveRangePermission('edit', $news_range['range_id'])) {
                    $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true;
            if ($changed_areas == 1) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('1 zugeordneter Bereich wurde nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.'));
            } elseif ($changed_areas) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(sprintf(_('%s zugeordnete Bereiche wurden nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.'), $changed_areas));
            $news->topic          = $news_template->topic;
            $news->body           = $news_template->body;
            $news->date           = $news_template->date;
            $news->expire         = $news_template->expire;
            $news->allow_comments = $news_template->allow_comments;
        } else {
            // for new news, set startdate to today and range to dialog context
            $news->date   = strtotime('today');
            $news->expire = strtotime('23:59 +1 week') - $news->date;
            if ($context_range && $context_range !== 'template') {
                $add_range = new NewsRange(['', $context_range]);
                $ranges[] = $add_range->toArray();
        // build news var for template
        $this->news = $news;

        // treat faculties and institutes as one area group (inst)
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            switch ($range['type']) {
                case 'fak' :
                    $this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range['range_id']] = $range['name'];
                    $this->area_options_selected[$range['type']][$range['range_id']] = (string) $range['name'];

        // define search presets
        $this->search_presets['user'] = _('Meine Profilseite');
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor') && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            $my_sem = $this->search_area('__THIS_SEMESTER__');
            if (is_array($my_sem['sem']) && count($my_sem['sem']))
                $this->search_presets['sem'] = _('Meine Veranstaltungen im aktuellen Semester') . ' (' . count($my_sem['sem']) . ')';
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor') && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            $my_nextsem = $this->search_area('__NEXT_SEMESTER__');
            if (is_array($my_nextsem['sem']) && count($my_nextsem['sem']))
                $this->search_presets['nextsem'] = _('Meine Veranstaltungen im nächsten Semester') . ' (' . count($my_nextsem['sem']) . ')';
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent') && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
            $my_inst = $this->search_area('__MY_INSTITUTES__');
            if (count($my_inst))
                $this->search_presets['inst'] = _('Meine Einrichtungen') . ' (' . count($my_inst['inst']) . ')';
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
            $this->search_presets['global'] = $this->area_structure['global']['title'];

        // perform search
        if (Request::submitted('area_search') || Request::submitted('area_search_preset')) {
            $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true;

            $this->anker = 'news_areas';
            $this->search_term = Request::get('area_search_term');
            if (Request::submitted('area_search')) {
                $this->area_options_selectable = $this->search_area($this->search_term);
            } else {
                $this->current_search_preset = Request::option('search_preset');
                if ($this->current_search_preset === 'inst') {
                    $this->area_options_selectable = $my_inst;
                } elseif ($this->current_search_preset === 'sem') {
                    $this->area_options_selectable = $my_sem;
                } elseif ($this->current_search_preset === 'nextsem') {
                    $this->area_options_selectable = $my_nextsem;
                } elseif ($this->current_search_preset === 'user') {
                    $this->area_options_selectable = ['user' => [$GLOBALS['user']->id => get_fullname()]];
                } elseif ($this->current_search_preset === 'global') {
                    $this->area_options_selectable = ['global' => ['studip' => _('Stud.IP')]];

            if (!count($this->area_options_selectable)) {
            } else {
                // already assigned areas won't be selectable
                foreach($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) {
                    foreach ($data as $id => $title) {
        // delete comment(s)
        if (Request::submitted('delete_marked_comments')) {
            $this->anker = 'news_comments';
            $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments(Request::optionArray('mark_comments'));
            $this->flash['question_param'] = ['mark_comments' => Request::optionArray('mark_comments'),
                                                   'delete_marked_comments' => 1];
            // reload comments
            if (!$this->flash['question_text']) {
                $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id);
        if ($news->havePermission('delete')) {
            $this->comments_admin = true;
        if (is_array($this->comments)) {
            foreach ($this->comments as $key => $comment) {
                if (Request::submitted('news_delete_comment_'.$comment['comment_id'])) {
                    $this->anker = 'news_comments';
                    $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments($comment['comment_id']);
                    $this->flash['question_param'] = ['mark_comments' => [$comment['comment_id']],
                                                           'delete_marked_comments' => 1];
        // open / close category
        foreach($this->news_isvisible as $category => $value) {
            if (Request::get($category . '_js') == 'toggle') {
                $this->news_isvisible[$category] = !$this->news_isvisible[$category];
                $this->anker = $category;
        // add / remove areas
        if (Request::submitted('news_add_areas') && is_array($this->area_options_selectable)) {
            $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true;

            $this->anker = 'news_areas';
            foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selectable') as $range_id) {
                foreach ($this->area_options_selectable as $type => $data) {
                    if (isset($data[$range_id])) {
                        $this->area_options_selected[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id];
        if (Request::submitted('news_remove_areas') && is_array($this->area_options_selected)) {
            $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true;

            $this->anker = 'news_areas';
            foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selected') as $range_id) {
                foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) {
                    if (isset($data[$range_id])) {
                        $this->area_options_selectable[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id];
        // prepare to save news
        if (Request::submitted('save_news') && Request::isPost()) {
            //prepare ranges array for already assigned news_ranges
            foreach($news->getRanges() as $range_id) {
                $this->ranges[$range_id] = get_object_type($range_id, ['global', 'fak', 'inst', 'sem', 'user']);

            // check if new ranges must be added
            foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $area_group) {
                foreach ($area_group as $range_id => $area_title) {
                    if (!isset($this->ranges[$range_id])) {
                        if ($news->haveRangePermission('edit', $range_id)) {
                        } else {
                            PageLayout::postError(sprintf(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung für "%s".'), htmlReady($area_title)));

            // check if assigned ranges must be removed
            foreach ($this->ranges as $range_id => $range_type) {
                if (($range_type === 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range_id])) ||
                    ($range_type !== 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected[$range_type][$range_id])))
                    if ($news->havePermission('unassign', $range_id)) {
                    } else {
                        PageLayout::postError(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung.'));

            // save news
            if ($news->validate() && !$error) {
                if ($news->user_id !== $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
                    $news->chdate_uid = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
                    $msg = sprintf(_('Ihre Ankündigung "%s" wurde von %s verändert.'), $news->topic, get_fullname() . ' ('.get_username().')'). "\n";
                    $msg_object->insert_message($msg, get_username($news->user_id) , "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Systemnachricht:")." "._("Ankündigung geändert"));
                } else {
                    $news->chdate_uid = '';


Sebastian Biller's avatar
Sebastian Biller committed
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
                    NewsRoles::update($news->id, $assignedroles);

                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die Ankündigung wurde gespeichert.'));
                if (!Request::isXhr() && !$id) {
                    // in fallback mode redirect to edit page with proper news id
                    $this->redirect('news/edit_news/' . $news->id);
                } elseif (Request::isXhr()) {
                    // if in dialog mode send empty result (STUDIP.News closes dialog and initiates reload)
        // check if user has full permission on news object
        if ($news->havePermission('delete')) {
            $this->may_delete = true;

     * Show administration page for user's news
     * @param string $area_type         area filter
    public function admin_news_action($area_type = '')
        // check permission
        if (!$GLOBALS['auth']->is_authenticated() || $GLOBALS['user']->id === 'nobody') {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // initialize
        $news_result = [];
        $limit = 100;
        if (Request::get('news_filter') === 'set') {
            $this->news_searchterm = Request::option('news_filter_term');
            $this->news_startdate  = Request::int('news_filter_start');
            $this->news_enddate    = Request::int('news_filter_end');
        } else {
            $this->news_startdate = time();
        if (is_array($this->area_structure[$area_type])) {
            $this->area_type = $area_type;
        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Meine Ankündigungen'));

        if (Request::submitted('reset_filter')) {
            $area_type = 'all';
            $this->news_searchterm = '';
            $this->news_startdate  = time();
            $this->news_enddate    = time();

        // delete news
        if (Request::submitted('remove_marked_news')) {
            $remove_ranges = [];
            foreach (Request::optionArray('mark_news') as $mark_id) {
                list($news_id, $range_id) = explode('_', $mark_id);
                $remove_ranges[$news_id][] = $range_id;
            $this->flash['question_text'] = remove_news($remove_ranges);
            $this->flash['question_param'] = ['mark_news' => Request::optionArray('mark_news'),
                                                   'remove_marked_news' => 1];
        // apply filter
        if (Request::submitted('apply_news_filter')) {
            $this->news_isvisible['basic'] = !$this->news_isvisible['basic'];
            if (Request::get('news_searchterm') && mb_strlen(trim(Request::get('news_searchterm'))) < 3) {
                PageLayout::postError(_('Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein.'));
            } elseif ((Request::get('news_startdate') && !$this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start')) || (Request::get('news_enddate') && !$this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end'))) {
                PageLayout::postError(_('Ungültige Datumsangabe. Bitte geben Sie ein Datum im Format TT.MM.JJJJ ein.'));
            } elseif (Request::get('news_startdate') && Request::get('news_enddate') && ($this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start') > $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end'))) {
                PageLayout::postError(_('Das Startdatum muss vor dem Enddatum liegen.'));

            if (mb_strlen(trim(Request::get('news_searchterm'))) >= 3) {
                $this->news_searchterm = Request::get('news_searchterm');

            $this->news_startdate = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start');
            $this->news_enddate   = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') ?: time();
        // fetch news list
        $this->news_items = StudipNews::getNewsRangesByFilter($GLOBALS['user']->id, $this->area_type, $this->news_searchterm, $this->news_startdate, $this->news_enddate, true, $limit+1);
        // build area and filter description
        if ($this->news_searchterm && $this->area_type && $this->area_type !== 'all') {
            if ($this->news_startdate && $this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s" zum Suchbegriff "%s", die zwischen dem %s und dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } elseif ($this->news_startdate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s" zum Suchbegriff "%s", die ab dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate));
            } elseif ($this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s" zum Suchbegriff "%s", die vor dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } else {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s" zum Suchbegriff "%s".'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], $this->news_searchterm);
        } elseif ($this->area_type && $this->area_type !== 'all') {
            if ($this->news_startdate && $this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s", die zwischen dem %s und dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } elseif ($this->news_startdate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s", die ab dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate));
            } elseif ($this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s", die vor dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title'], date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } else {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen im Bereich "%s".'), $this->area_structure[$this->area_type]['title']);
        } elseif ($this->news_searchterm) {
            if ($this->news_startdate && $this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen zum Suchbegriff "%s", die zwischen dem %s und dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } elseif ($this->news_startdate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen zum Suchbegriff "%s", die ab dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate));
            } elseif ($this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen zum Suchbegriff "%s", die vor dem %s sichtbar sind.'), $this->news_searchterm, date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } else {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen zum Suchbegriff "%s".'), $this->news_searchterm);
        } elseif ($this->news_startdate || $this->news_enddate) {
            if ($this->news_startdate && $this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen, die zwischen dem %s und dem %s sichtbar sind.'), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
            } elseif ($this->news_startdate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen, die ab dem %s sichtbar sind.'), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_startdate));
            } elseif ($this->news_enddate) {
                $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Ankündigungen, die vor dem %s sichtbar sind.'), date('d.m.Y', $this->news_enddate));
        $counter = 0;
        // check for delete-buttons and news limit
        foreach ($this->area_structure as $type => $area_data) {
            if (is_array($this->news_items[$type])) {
                foreach($this->news_items[$type] as $key => $news) {
                    // has trash icon been clicked?
                    if (Request::submitted('news_remove_' . $news['object']->news_id . '_' . $news['range_id']) && Request::isPost()) {
                        $this->flash['question_text'] = remove_news([$news['object']->news_id => $news['range_id']]);
                        $this->flash['question_param'] = ['mark_news' => [$news['object']->news_id.'_'.$news['range_id']],
                                                               'remove_marked_news' => 1];
                    // check if result set too big
                    if ($counter == $limit + 1) {
                        PageLayout::postInfo(sprintf(_('Es werden nur die ersten %s Ankündigungen angezeigt.'), $limit));

        // sort grouped list by title
        foreach($this->area_structure as $type => $area_data) {
            if (isset($this->news_groups[$type]) && count($this->news_groups[$type])) {

        $this->sidebar = Sidebar::get();
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('tutor')) {
            $widget = new ViewsWidget();
                _('Alle Ankündigungen'),
            if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
                )->setActive($this->area_type === 'global');
            if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent')) {
                )->setActive($this->area_type === 'inst');
            )->setActive($this->area_type === 'sem');
            )->setActive($this->area_type === 'user');

        $widget = new ActionsWidget();
            _('Ankündigung erstellen'),
            ['rel' => 'get_dialog', 'target' => '_blank']

     * checks string for valid date
     * @param string $date date-string to be checked
     * @param string $mode 'start' for startddate, 'end' for enddate (i.e. 23:59)
     * @return mixed result
    private function getTimeStamp($date, $mode = 'start')
        // No date given
        if (!$date) {
            return false;

        return strtotime($date);

     * Searchs for studip areas using given search term
     * @param string $term search term
     * @return array area data
    private function search_area($term)
        global $perm;
        $result = $tmp_result = [];
        if (mb_strlen($term) < 3) {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens drei Zeichen lang sein.'));
            return $result;

        if ($term === '__THIS_SEMESTER__') {
            $current_semester = Semester::findCurrent();
            $query = "SELECT seminare.Name AS sem_name, seminare.Seminar_id, seminare.visible
                      FROM seminar_user
                          LEFT JOIN seminare USING (Seminar_id)
                          LEFT JOIN semester_courses ON (semester_courses.course_id = seminar_user.Seminar_id)
                      WHERE seminar_user.user_id = :user_id
                          AND seminar_user.status IN('tutor', 'dozent')
                          AND (semester_courses.semester_id = :semester_id OR semester_courses.semester_id IS NULL)
            if (Config::get()->DEPUTIES_ENABLE) {
                $query .= " UNION SELECT CONCAT(seminare.Name, ' ["._("Vertretung")."]') AS sem_name, seminare.Seminar_id,
                            FROM deputies
                                LEFT JOIN seminare ON (deputies.range_id=seminare.Seminar_id)
                                LEFT JOIN semester_courses ON (semester_courses.course_id = deputies.range_id)
                            WHERE deputies.user_id = :user_id
                            AND (semester_courses.semester_id = :semester_id OR semester_courses.semester_id IS NULL)";
            $query .= " ORDER BY sem_name ASC";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            $statement->bindValue(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id);
            $statement->bindValue(':semester_id', $current_semester->semester_id);
            $seminars = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            foreach($seminars as $key => $sem) {
                $tmp_result[$sem['Seminar_id']] = [
                    'name' => $sem['sem_name'],
                    'type' => 'sem',
            $term = '';
        } elseif ($term === '__NEXT_SEMESTER__') {
            $next_semester = Semester::findNext();
            $query = "SELECT seminare.Name AS sem_name, seminare.Seminar_id, seminare.visible
                      FROM seminar_user
                          LEFT JOIN seminare  USING (Seminar_id)
                          LEFT JOIN semester_courses ON (semester_courses.course_id = seminar_user.Seminar_id)
                      WHERE seminar_user.user_id = :user_id
                          AND seminar_user.status IN('tutor', 'dozent')
                          AND (semester_courses.semester_id = :semester_id OR semester_courses.semester_id IS NULL)";
            if (Config::get()->DEPUTIES_ENABLE) {
                $query .= " UNION SELECT CONCAT(seminare.Name, ' ["._("Vertretung")."]') AS sem_name, seminare.Seminar_id,
                            FROM deputies
                                LEFT JOIN seminare ON (deputies.range_id=seminare.Seminar_id)
                                LEFT JOIN semester_courses ON (semester_courses.course_id = deputies.range_id)
                            WHERE deputies.user_id = :user_id
                                AND (semester_courses.semester_id = :semester_id OR semester_courses.semester_id IS NULL)";
            $query .= " ORDER BY sem_name ASC";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            $statement->bindValue(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id);
            $statement->bindValue(':semester_id', $next_semester->semester_id);
            $seminars = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            foreach($seminars as $key => $sem) {
                $tmp_result[$sem['Seminar_id']] = [
                    'name' => $sem['sem_name'],
                    'type' => 'sem',
            $term = '';
        } elseif ($term === '__MY_INSTITUTES__') {
            $term = '';
            if ($perm->have_perm('root')) {
                $tmp_result['studip'] = [
                    'name' => 'Stud.IP',
                    'type' => 'global'
            $inst_list = Institute::getMyInstitutes();
            if (count($inst_list)) {
                foreach($inst_list as $data) {
                    $tmp_result[$data['Institut_id']] = [
                        'name' => $data['Name'],
                        'type' => $data['is_fak'] ? 'fak' : 'inst'
        } else {
            $tmp_result = search_range($term, true) ?: [];
            // add users
            if (mb_stripos(get_fullname(), $term) !== false) {
                $tmp_result[$GLOBALS['user']->id] = [
                    'name' => get_fullname(),
                    'type' => 'user'
            if (Deputy::isEditActivated()) {
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.user_id
                          FROM deputies d
                          JOIN auth_user_md5 a ON (d.range_id = a.user_id)
                          JOIN user_info u ON (a.user_id=u.user_id)
                          WHERE d.user_id = ?
                            AND CONCAT(u.title_front, ' ', a.Vorname, ' ', a.Nachname, ', ', u.title_rear) LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%')";
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                $statement->execute([$GLOBALS['user']->id, $term]);
                while ($data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                    $tmp_result[$data['user_id']] = [
                        'name' => get_fullname($data['user_id']),
                        'type' => 'user',
        // workaround: apply search term (ignored by search_range below admin)
        if (count($tmp_result) && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin') && $term) {
            foreach ($tmp_result as $id => $data) {
                if (mb_stripos($data['name'], $term) === false) {
        // prepare result

        if (count($tmp_result)) {
            foreach ($tmp_result as $id => $data) {
                $index = $data['type'] === 'fak'
                       ? 'inst'
                       : $data['type'];
                $result[$index][$id] = $data['name'];
        } elseif ($term) {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Zu diesem Suchbegriff wurden keine Bereiche gefunden.'));
        return $result;

    public function rss_config_action($range_id)
        if (!Config::get()->NEWS_RSS_EXPORT_ENABLE || !StudipNews::haveRangePermission('edit', $range_id)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
        if (Request::isPost()) {
            if (Request::submitted('rss_on')) {
            } else {
        $this->range_id = $range_id;
        $this->rss_id = StudipNews::GetRssIdFromRangeId($range_id);