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 * my_ilias_accounts.php - ILIAS interface for courses and institutes
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * @author      Arne Schroeder <>
 * @copyright   2018 Suchi & Berg GmbH <>
 * @license GPL version 2
 * @category    Stud.IP
 * @since       4.3
class Course_IliasInterfaceController extends AuthenticatedController
     * Before filter, set up the page by initializing the session and checking
     * all conditions.
     * @param String $action Name of the action to be invoked
     * @param Array  $args   Arguments to be passed to the action method
    public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
        parent::before_filter($action, $args);

        if (Request::isXhr()) {
            $this->dialog = true;
        if (!Config::Get()->ILIAS_INTERFACE_ENABLE ) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException(_('ILIAS-Interface ist nicht aktiviert.'));
        } else
            $this->elearning_active = true;

        PageLayout::setTitle(Context::getHeaderLine(). " - " . _("ILIAS"));

        checkObject(); // do we have an open object?
        $this->studip_module = checkObjectModule('IliasInterfaceModule', true);

        $this->ilias_interface_config = Config::get()->getValue('ILIAS_INTERFACE_BASIC_SETTINGS');

        $this->search_key = Request::get('search_key');
        $this->seminar_id = Context::getId();
        $this->edit_permission = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->seminar_id);
        $this->author_permission = false;
        $this->change_course_permission = $GLOBALS['auth']->auth["perm"] == "root" || ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->seminar_id) && $this->ilias_interface_config['allow_change_course']);
        $this->add_own_course_permission = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->seminar_id) && $this->ilias_interface_config['allow_add_own_course'];
        $this->course_permission = $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->seminar_id);

        $this->sidebar = Sidebar::get();

     * Displays a page.
    public function index_action($id = null)

        // Zugeordnete Ilias-Kurse ermitteln und ggf. aktualisieren
        $missing_course = false;
        $this->courses = [];
        $this->ilias_list = [];
        $module_count = 0;
        foreach (Config::get()->ILIAS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS as $ilias_index => $ilias_config) {
            if ($ilias_config['is_active']) {
                $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index] = new ConnectedIlias($ilias_index);
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm($this->ilias_list[$ilias_index]->ilias_config['author_perm'])) {
                    $this->author_permission = true;
                $crs_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, "crs", $ilias_index);
                if ($crs_id) {
                    $this->course_objects[$ilias_index] = $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index]->getModule($crs_id);
                    if ($this->course_objects[$ilias_index]->isAllowed('start')) {
                        $this->courses[$ilias_index] = $crs_id;
                        $module_count += count($this->ilias_list[$ilias_index]->getCourseModules());
                } else {
                    $missing_course = true;

        if (($this->module_count == 0) && (!$this->courses)) {
            if (Context::isInstitute()) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('Momentan sind dieser Einrichtung keine Lernobjekte zugeordnet.'));
            } else {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('Momentan sind dieser Veranstaltung keine Lernobjekte zugeordnet.'));

        if ($this->edit_permission) {
            $widget = new ActionsWidget();
            $widget->setTitle(_('Lernobjekte hinzufügen'));
            if ($this->ilias_interface_config['search_active']) {
                    _('Lernobjekte suchen'),
            if ($this->author_permission) {
                    _('Meine Lernobjekte'),
            if ($this->ilias_interface_config['search_active'] || $this->author_permission) {

        $widget = new ActionsWidget();
        $widget->setTitle(count($this->ilias_list) > 1 ? _('ILIAS-Kurse') : _('ILIAS-Kurs'));
        if ($this->edit_permission && $missing_course) {
                _('Neuen ILIAS-Kurs anlegen'),
            if ($this->change_course_permission) {
                    _('ILIAS-Kurs aus einer anderen Veranstaltung zuordnen'),
            if ($this->add_own_course_permission) {
                    _('Eigenen ILIAS-Kurs zuordnen'),
        foreach ($this->courses as $ilias_index => $crs_id) {
                sprintf(_('Kurs in %s'), $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index]->getName()).($this->course_objects[$ilias_index]->is_offline ? ' '._('(offline)') : ''),
                ['target' => '_blank', 'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer']
            if ($this->change_course_permission) {
                    sprintf(_('Verknüpfung zu %s entfernen'), $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index]->getName()),
                        'data-confirm' => sprintf(
                            _('Verknüpfung zum Kurs in %s entfernen? Hierdurch werden auch die Verknüpfungen zu allen Objekten innerhalb des Kurses entfernt.'),

        if ($this->author_permission || $this->edit_permission) {
            $widget = new ActionsWidget();
            if ($this->edit_permission && $this->ilias_interface_config['add_statusgroups']) {
                    _('Gruppen übertragen'),
            if ($this->author_permission) {
                    _('Externe Accounts verwalten'),
            if ($this->edit_permission && $this->ilias_interface_config['edit_moduletitle']) {
                    _('Seite umbenennen'),

        // show error messages
        foreach ($this->ilias_list as $ilias_index => $ilias) {
            foreach ($ilias->getError() as $error) {

     * edit module connection
     * @param $index Index of ILIAS installation
    public function edit_object_assignment_action($index)
        if (!$this->edit_permission) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $this->ilias = new ConnectedIlias($index);
        $this->module_id = Request::int('ilias_module_id');
        $this->ilias_index = $index;
        $module = $this->ilias->getModule(Request::int('ilias_module_id'));
        if ($module->isAllowed('edit') || $module->isAllowed('copy')) {
            $permission_level = $this->ilias->ilias_config['author_perm'];
        } else {
            $permission_level = '';
        if (Request::submitted('remove_module') && $module->isAllowed('delete')) {
            if ($this->ilias->unsetCourseModuleConnection($this->seminar_id, Request::int('ilias_module_id'), $module->getModuleType())) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('Die Zuordnung wurde entfernt.'));
        } elseif (Request::get('ilias_add_mode') == 'copy') {
            if ($this->ilias->setCourseModuleConnection($this->seminar_id, Request::int('ilias_module_id'), $module->getModuleType(), 'copy', $permission_level)) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('Die Zuordnung wurde gespeichert.'));
        } elseif (Request::get('ilias_add_mode') == 'reference') {
            if ($this->ilias->setCourseModuleConnection($this->seminar_id, Request::int('ilias_module_id'), $module->getModuleType(), 'reference', '')) {
                PageLayout::postInfo(_('Die Zuordnung wurde gespeichert.'));
        if (!Request::submitted('add_module')) {

     * Add module to course
     * @param $index Index of ILIAS installation
    public function add_object_action($mode = 'search', $index = '')
        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Lernobjekt hinzufügen'));

        if (!$this->edit_permission) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        // get active ILIAS installations
        $this->ilias_list = [];
        $this->mode = $mode;
        $this->keep_dialog = false;
        foreach (Config::get()->ILIAS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS as $ilias_index => $ilias_config) {
            if ($ilias_config['is_active']) {
                $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index] = new ConnectedIlias($ilias_index);
                $last_ilias_index = $ilias_index;
                if (Request::get('ilias_index') == $ilias_index) {
                    $index = $ilias_index;

        if ($mode === 'new_course' || $mode === 'assign_course' || $mode === 'assign_own_course') {
            // allow add course only if no course exists
            foreach ($this->ilias_list as $ilias_index => $ilias) {
                if (IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, 'crs', $ilias_index)) {
                } else {
                    $last_ilias_index = $ilias_index;

        if (!$index && count($this->ilias_list) > 1) {
            // if several installations available yet no index given show index selection dialog
            $this->submit_text =  _('Weiter');
            $this->keep_dialog = true;

        } elseif (count($this->ilias_list)) {
            // skip installation selection if only one ILIAS installation is active
            if (!$index) {
                $index = $last_ilias_index;
            $this->ilias = $this->ilias_list[$index];
            $this->ilias_index = $index;
            $this->ilias_modules = [];
            $object_connections = new IliasObjectConnections($this->seminar_id);
            $course_modules = $object_connections->getConnections();

            if ($mode === 'search') {
                $this->keep_dialog = true;
                // perform search
                $this->ilias_search = Request::quoted('ilias_search');
                if (mb_strlen($this->ilias_search) > 2) {
                    $this->ilias_modules = $this->ilias->searchModules($this->ilias_search);
                    foreach ($this->ilias_modules as $search_module_id => $search_module_object) {
                        if (!$search_module_object->isAllowed('copy') && !$search_module_object->isAllowed('edit')) {
                } elseif (mb_strlen($this->ilias_search) > 0) {
                    PageLayout::postInfo(_('Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens drei Zeichen lang sein.'));
                if (count($this->ilias_modules)) {
                    $this->submit_text = _('Zurück zur Suche');
                } else {
                    $this->submit_text = _('Suchen');

            } elseif ($mode === 'my_modules') {
                // get user modules
                $this->ilias_modules = $this->ilias->getUserModules();

            } elseif ($mode === 'new_course') {
                $this->submit_text = _('Kurs anlegen');
                if (Request::get('cmd') === 'add_course') {
                    $crs_id = $this->ilias->addCourse($this->seminar_id);
                    if ($crs_id) {
                        PageLayout::postInfo(_('Neuer Kurs wurde angelegt.'));

            } elseif ($mode === 'assign_course') {
                $this->submit_text = _('Kurs zuordnen');
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
                    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT object_id, module_id, Name
                              FROM object_contentmodules
                              LEFT JOIN seminare ON (object_id = Seminar_id)
                              WHERE module_type = 'crs'
                                AND system_type = ?";
                } else {
                    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT object_id, module_id, Name
                              FROM object_contentmodules
                              JOIN seminare ON (object_id = Seminar_id)
                              JOIN seminar_user USING (Seminar_id)
                              WHERE module_type = 'crs'
                                AND system_type = ?
                                AND seminar_user.status = 'dozent'
                                AND seminar_user.user_id = ?";
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                $statement->execute([$this->ilias_index, User::findCurrent()->id]);
                $this->studip_course_list = [];
                while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                    $this->studip_course_list[$row['module_id']] = my_substr($row['Name'],0,60)." ".sprintf(_("(Kurs-ID %s)"), $row['module_id']);

                if (Request::get('cmd') === 'assign_course') {
                    $crs_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, 'crs', $this->ilias_index);
                    if (Request::get('ilias_course_id') && !$crs_id) {
                        IliasObjectConnections::setConnection($this->seminar_id, Request::get(ilias_course_id), 'crs', $this->ilias_index);
                        PageLayout::postInfo(_('Kurs wurde zugeordnet.'));
            } elseif ($mode === 'assign_own_course') {
                $own_courses = $this->ilias->soap_client->getCoursesForUser($this->ilias->user->getId(), 12);
                if (is_array($own_courses) && count($own_courses)) {
                    $this->submit_text = _('Kurs zuordnen');
                    foreach ($own_courses as $own_course_id => $own_course_name) {
                        $this->studip_course_list[$own_course_id] = my_substr($own_course_name,0,60) . ' ' . sprintf(_('(Kurs-ID %s)'), $own_course_id);
                } else {
                    $this->submit_text = '';

                if (Request::get('cmd') === 'assign_course') {
                    $crs_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, 'crs', $this->ilias_index);
                    if (Request::get('ilias_course_id') && !$crs_id) {
                        IliasObjectConnections::setConnection($this->seminar_id, Request::get(ilias_course_id), 'crs', $this->ilias_index);
                        PageLayout::postInfo(_('Kurs wurde zugeordnet.'));
            // exclude all modules that are already assigned to course
            foreach ($this->ilias_modules as $module_id => $module) {
                if ($course_modules[$this->ilias_index][$module_id]) {
            // show error messages
            foreach ($this->ilias->getError() as $error) {

     * Add/Update status groups
     * @param $index Index of ILIAS installation
    public function add_groups_action($index = '')
        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Gruppen übertragen'));

        if (!$this->edit_permission) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $this->groups = Statusgruppen::findBySeminar_id($this->seminar_id);

        // get active ILIAS installations
        $this->ilias_list = [];
        foreach (Config::get()->ILIAS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS as $ilias_index => $ilias_config) {
            if ($ilias_config['is_active'] && IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, "crs", $ilias_index)) {
                $this->ilias_list[$ilias_index] = new ConnectedIlias($ilias_index);
                $last_ilias_index = $ilias_index;
                if (Request::get('ilias_index') == $ilias_index) {
                    $index = $ilias_index;

        if (!$index && (count($this->ilias_list) > 1)) {
            // if several installations available yet no index given show index selection dialog
            $this->submit_text =  _('Weiter');

        } elseif (count($this->ilias_list)) {
            // skip installation selection if only one ILIAS installation is active
            if (!$index) {
                $index = $last_ilias_index;
            $this->ilias = $this->ilias_list[$index];
            $this->ilias_index = $index;
            $this->ilias_groups = [];
            $this->groups_exist = false;
            $this->submit_text =  _('Gruppen anlegen');
            $course_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($this->seminar_id, "crs", $this->ilias_index);

            if ((Request::get('cmd') == 'create_groups') && $course_id) {
                // add groups
                foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
                    $group_data = [
                        'title' => $group->getName(),
                        'owner' => $this->ilias->user->getId()
                    if ($group_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($group->getId(), "group", $this->ilias_index)) {
                        // update existing group
                        $this->ilias->soap_client->updateGroup($group_data, $group_id);
                        $ilias_group = $this->ilias->soap_client->getGroup($group_id);
                        $member_count = 0;
                        // add assigned Stud.IP members
                        foreach ($group->members as $member) {
                            $query = "SELECT external_user_id FROM auth_extern WHERE studip_user_id = ? AND external_user_system_type = ?";
                            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                            $statement->execute([$member->user_id, $this->ilias_index]);
                            $data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                            if ($data) {
                                $position = array_search($data['external_user_id'], $ilias_group['members']);
                                if ($position === false) {
                                    $this->ilias->soap_client->assignGroupMember($group_id, $data['external_user_id'], 'Member');
                                } else {
                        // remove remaining ILIAS members
                        foreach ($ilias_group['members'] as $member) {
                            $this->ilias->soap_client->excludeGroupMember($group_id, $member);
                            _('Gruppe "%s" (%s Teilnehmende) aktualisiert.'),
                    } elseif ($group_id = $this->ilias->soap_client->addGroup($group_data, $course_id)) {
                        // create new group
                        IliasObjectConnections::setConnection($group->getId(), $group_id, 'group', $this->ilias_index);
                        // add members
                        $member_count = 0;
                        foreach ($group->members as $member) {
                            $query = "SELECT external_user_id FROM auth_extern WHERE studip_user_id = ? AND external_user_system_type = ?";
                            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                            $statement->execute([$member->user_id, $this->ilias_index]);
                            $data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                            if ($data) {
                                $this->ilias->soap_client->assignGroupMember($group_id, $data['external_user_id'], 'Member');
                            _('Gruppe "%s" (%s Teilnehmende) angelegt.'),
            } else {
                foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
                    if ($group_id = IliasObjectConnections::getConnectionModuleId($group->getId(), "group", $this->ilias_index)) {
                        $this->submit_text =  _('Gruppen aktualisieren');
                        $this->groups_exist = true;

            // show error messages
            foreach ($this->ilias->getError() as $error) {

     * Remove course connection
     * @param $index Index of ILIAS installation
     * @param $crs_id course ID
    public function remove_course_action($index, $crs_id)
        if (!$this->edit_permission) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        $this->ilias = new ConnectedIlias($index);
        if ($this->ilias->isActive()) {
            if (IliasObjectConnections::DeleteAllConnections($this->seminar_id, $index)) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Kurs-Verknüpfung entfernt.'));
        } else {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Diese ILIAS-Installation ist nicht aktiv.'));

     * View ILIAS module Details
     * @param $index Index of ILIAS installation
     * @param $module_id module ID
    public function view_object_action($index, $module_id)
        $this->ilias = new ConnectedIlias($index);
        if ($this->ilias->isActive()) {
            //TODO: check context
            $this->module = $this->ilias->getModule($module_id);
            $this->module->setConnectionType(IliasObjectConnections::isObjectConnected($index, $module_id));
            $this->module_id = $module_id;
            $this->ilias_search = Request::get('ilias_search');
            $this->mode = Request::get('mode');
            $this->ilias_index = $index;
        } else {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Diese ILIAS-Installation ist nicht aktiv.'));

     * Edit course module title
    public function edit_moduletitle_action()
        $this->ilias_interface_moduletitle = CourseConfig::get($this->seminar_id)->getValue('ILIAS_INTERFACE_MODULETITLE');
        if (Request::get('ilias_interface_moduletitle')) {
            if (Request::get('ilias_interface_moduletitle') != Config::get()->getValue('ILIAS_INTERFACE_MODULETITLE')) {
                CourseConfig::get($this->seminar_id)->store('ILIAS_INTERFACE_MODULETITLE', Request::get('ilias_interface_moduletitle'));
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Seitentitel gespeichert'));
            } else {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Seitentitel zurückgesetzt'));