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courses.php 59.39 KiB
 * courses.php - Controller for admin and seminar related
 * pages under "Meine Veranstaltungen"
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * @author      David Siegfried <>
 * @license GPL version 2 or later
 * @category    Stud.IP
 * @since       3.1
require_once 'lib/';
require_once 'lib/';
require_once 'lib/'; //for lastActivity in getCourses() method

class Admin_CoursesController extends AuthenticatedController

     * This helper method retrieves the values of datafields when
     * the user started a search for courses matching a specific value of
     * one or more datafields.
     * This method also checks if a datafield is activated by the user
     * and will reject any value for datafields that aren't activated by the user.
     * @return Array Associative array, consisting of datafield names
     * (as array keys) and values for those datafields.
    private function getDatafieldFilters()
        //first get the active datafields of the user:
        $userSelectedElements = $this->getActiveElements();
        $activeDatafields = $userSelectedElements['datafields'];

        if (!$activeDatafields) {
            return [];

        //Ok, we have a list of active datafields whose value may be searched for.
        //We must check for the request parameters (df_$DATAFIELD_ID)
        //and return their IDs with a value.

        $searchedDatafields = [];

        foreach ($activeDatafields as $activeField) {
            $requestParamValue = Request::get('df_'.$activeField);
            if ($requestParamValue) {
                $searchedDatafields[$activeField] = $requestParamValue;

        return $searchedDatafields;

     * This method returns the appropriate widget for the given datafield.
     * @param DataField datafield The datafield whose widget is requested.
     * @return SidebarWidget|null Returns a SidebarWidget derivative or null in case of an error.
    private function getDatafieldWidget(DataField $datafield)
        if ($datafield->accessAllowed()) {
            //The current user is allowed to see this datafield.
            //Now we must distinguish between the different types of data fields:

            $type = $datafield->type;

            if ($type == 'bool') {
                //bool fields just need a checkbox for the states TRUE and FALSE
                $checkboxWidget = new OptionsWidget($datafield->name);
                    _('Feld gesetzt'),
                    Request::bool('df_'.$datafield->id, false),
                        ['df_'.$datafield->id => '1']
                return $checkboxWidget;
            } elseif ($type == 'selectbox' || $type == 'radio' || $type == 'selectboxmultiple') {
                $options = array_map('trim', explode("\n", DBManager::get()->fetchColumn(
                    'SELECT typeparam FROM datafields WHERE datafield_id = ?',

                if ($options) {
                    $options = array_merge(
                        [' ' => '(' . _('keine Auswahl') . ')'],

                    $selectWidget = new SelectWidget(
                        'df_' . $datafield->id
                    foreach($options as $option) {
                            new SelectElement($option, $option, Request::get('df_'.$datafield->id) == $option)
                    return $selectWidget;
                return null;
            } else {
                //all other fields get a text field
                $textWidget = new SearchWidget();
                return $textWidget;

     * This method is responsible for building the sidebar.
     * Depending on the sidebar elements the user has selected some of those
     * elements are shown or not. To find out what elements
     * the user has selected the user configuration is accessed.
     * @param string courseTypeFilterConfig The selected value for the course type filter field, defaults to null.
     * @return null This method does not return any value.
    private function buildSidebar($courseTypeFilterConfig = null)
            Depending on the elements the user has selected
            some of the following elements may not be presented
            in the sidebar.
        $visibleElements = $this->getActiveElements();

        $sidebar = Sidebar::get();

            Order of elements:
            * Navigation
            * selected filters (configurable)
            * selected actions widget
            * actions
            * view filter (configurable)
            * export

            Now draw the configurable elements according
            to the values inside the visibleElements array.
        if ($visibleElements['search']) {
        if ($visibleElements['institute']) {
        if ($visibleElements['semester']) {
        if ($visibleElements['stgteil']) {
        if ($visibleElements['courseType']) {
        if ($visibleElements['teacher']) {

        //if there are datafields in the list, draw their input fields, too:
        if ($visibleElements['datafields']) {
            //The datafields entry contains an array with datafield-IDs.
            //We must fetch them from the database and show an appropriate widget
            //for each datafield.

            $visibleDatafieldIds = $visibleElements['datafields'];

            $datafields = DataField::getDataFields('sem');

            if ($datafields) {
                foreach ($datafields as $datafield) {
                    if (in_array($datafield->id, $visibleDatafieldIds)) {
                        $widget = $this->getDatafieldWidget($datafield);

                        if ($widget) {

        //this shall be visible in every case:

        //actions: always visible, too
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm($this->sem_create_perm)) {
            $actions = new ActionsWidget();
                _('Neue Veranstaltung anlegen'),
                _('Diese Seitenleiste konfigurieren'),

            $sidebar->addWidget($actions, 'links');

        //the view filter's visibility is configurable:
        if (in_array('viewFilter', $visibleElements)) {

        //"export as Excel" is always visible:
        if ($this->sem_create_perm) {
            $params = [];

            if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT) {
                $params['search'] = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT;
            $export = new ExportWidget();
                _('Als Excel exportieren'),
                 URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/export_csv', $params),

     * Common tasks for all actions
     * @param String $action Called action
     * @param Array  $args   Possible arguments
    public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
        parent::before_filter($action, $args);

        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
        } else {

        // we are defintely not in an lecture or institute

        //delete all temporary permission changes
        if (is_array($_SESSION)) {
            foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) {
                if (mb_strpos($key, 'seminar_change_view_') !== false) {

        $this->insts = Institute::getMyInstitutes($GLOBALS['user']->id);

        if (empty($this->insts) && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Sie wurden noch keiner Einrichtung zugeordnet'));

        if (!$GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT', $this->insts[0]['Institut_id']);

        // Semester selection
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE) {
            $this->semester = Semester::find($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE);

        if (Request::submitted('search')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT', Request::get('search'));
        if (Request::get('reset-search')) {
        if (Request::submitted('teacher_filter')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER', Request::option('teacher_filter'));

        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Verwaltung von Veranstaltungen und Einrichtungen'));
        // Add admission functions.

     * Show all courses with more options
    public function index_action()
        $this->sem_create_perm = in_array(Config::get()->SEM_CREATE_PERM, ['root', 'admin', 'dozent'])
            ? Config::get()->SEM_CREATE_PERM
            : 'dozent';

        // get courses only if institutes available
        $this->actions = $this->getActions();

        $config_my_course_type_filter = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER;

        // Get the view filter
        $this->view_filter = $this->getFilterConfig();

        if (Request::get('sortFlag')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT_FLAG', Request::get('sortFlag') === 'asc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
        if (Request::option('sortby')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT', Request::option('sortby'));

        $this->selected_action = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA;
        if (is_null($this->selected_action) || (!is_numeric($this->selected_action) && !class_exists($this->selected_action))) {
            $this->selected_action = 1;

        $this->sortby = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT;
        $this->sortFlag = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT_FLAG ?: 'ASC';
        $this->courses = $this->getCourses([
            'sortby'      => $this->sortby,
            'sortFlag'    => $this->sortFlag,
            'view_filter' => $this->view_filter,
            'typeFilter'  => $config_my_course_type_filter,
            'datafields' => $this->getDatafieldFilters()
        ], Request::get('display') === 'all');

        if (in_array('contents', $this->view_filter)) {
            $this->nav_elements = MyRealmModel::calc_nav_elements([$this->courses]);
        // get all available teacher for infobox-filter
        // filter by selected teacher
        $_SESSION['MY_COURSES_LIST'] = array_map(function ($c, $id) {
        return [
            'Name' => $c['Name'],
            'Seminar_id' => $id
        }, array_values($this->courses), array_keys($this->courses));

        $this->all_lock_rules = new SimpleCollection(array_merge(
                'name'    => '--' . _("keine Sperrebene") . '--',
                'lock_id' => 'none'
        $this->aux_lock_rules = array_merge(
                'name'    => '--' . _("keine Zusatzangaben") . '--',
                'lock_id' => 'none'

        //build the sidebar:


     * The sidebar action is responsible for showing a dialog
     * that lets the user configure what elements of the sidebar are visible
     * and which will be invisible.
     * @return null This method does not return any value.
    public function sidebar_action()
        if (Request::get('updateConfig', false)) {
                The user has changed the configuration.
                Collect the activated elements:

            $searchActive = Request::get('searchActive');
            $instituteActive = Request::get('instituteActive');
            $semesterActive = Request::get('semesterActive');
            $stgteilActive = Request::get('stgteilActive');
            $courseTypeActive = Request::get('courseTypeActive');
            $teacherActive = Request::get('teacherActive');
            $viewFilterActive = Request::get('viewFilterActive');
            $activeDatafields = Request::getArray('activeDatafields');

                Update or create an entry for the current user
                in the user configuration table.
            $activeArray = [];
            if ($searchActive) {
                $activeArray['search'] = true;
            if ($instituteActive) {
                $activeArray['institute'] = true;
            if ($semesterActive) {
                $activeArray['semester'] = true;
            if ($stgteilActive) {
                $activeArray['stgteil'] = true;
            if ($courseTypeActive) {
                $activeArray['courseType'] = true;
            if ($teacherActive) {
                $activeArray['teacher'] = true;
            if ($viewFilterActive) {
                $activeArray['viewFilter'] = true;

            if ($activeDatafields) {
                $activeArray['datafields'] = $activeDatafields;

            //store the configuration value:

        } else {
                The user accesses the page to check the current configuration.

            $this->datafields = DataField::getDataFields('sem');

            $this->userSelectedElements = $this->getActiveElements();

            //add the last activity for each Course object:
            $this->lastActivities = [];

     * Export action
    public function export_csv_action()
        $filter_config = Request::getArray('fields');

        if (count($filter_config) > 0) {
            $sortby = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT');
            $config_my_course_type_filter = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER');

            $courses = $this->getCourses([
                'sortby' => $sortby,
                'sortFlag' => 'asc',
                'typeFilter' => $config_my_course_type_filter,
                'view_filter' => $filter_config,
            ], true);

            $view_filters = $this->getViewFilters();

            $data = [];
            foreach ($courses as $course_id => $course) {
                $sem = new Seminar(Course::buildExisting($course));
                $row = [];

                if (in_array('number', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['number'] = $course['VeranstaltungsNummer'];

                if (in_array('name', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['name'] = $course['Name'];

                if (in_array('type', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['type'] = sprintf(
                        '%s: %s',

                if (in_array('room_time', $filter_config)) {
                    $_room = $sem->getDatesExport([
                        'semester_id' => $this->semester->id,
                        'show_room' => true
                    $row['room_time'] = $_room ?: _('nicht angegeben');

                if (in_array('requests', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['requests'] = $course['requests'];

                if (in_array('teachers', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['teachers'] = implode(', ', array_map(function ($d) {
                        return $d['fullname'];
                    }, $course['dozenten']));

                if (in_array('members', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['members'] = $course['teilnehmer'];

                if (in_array('waiting', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['waiting'] = $course['waiting'];

                if (in_array('preliminary', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['preliminary'] = $course['prelim'];

                if (in_array('last_activity', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['last_activity'] = strftime('%x', $course['last_activity']);

                if (in_array('semester', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['semester'] = $course->semester_text;

                foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
                    foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                        if (in_array($plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index, $filter_config)) {
                            $content = $plugin->adminAreaGetCourseContent(Course::find($course_id), $index);
                            $row[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = strip_tags(is_a($content, 'Flexi_Template')
                                ? $content->render()
                                : $content

                $data[$course_id] = $row;

            $captions = [];
            foreach ($filter_config as $index) {
                $captions[$index] = $view_filters[$index];
            foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
                foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                    if (in_array($plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index, $filter_config)) {
                        $captions[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = $label;

            $tmpname = md5(uniqid('Veranstaltungsexport'));
            if (array_to_csv($data, $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmpname, $captions)) {
        } else {
            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Spalten zum Export auswählen'));
            $this->fields = $this->getViewFilters();
            $this->selection = $this->getFilterConfig();

     * Set the selected institute or semester
    public function set_selection_action()
        if (Request::option('institute')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER', null);
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL', null);
            $inst = explode('_', Request::option('institute'));
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT', $inst[0]);

            if ($inst[1] == 'withinst') {
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN', 1);
            } else {
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN', 0);

            PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschte Einrichtung wurde ausgewählt!'));

        if (Request::option('sem_select')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE', Request::option('sem_select'));
            if (Request::option('sem_select') !== "all") {
                $sem_name = Semester::find(Request::option('sem_select'))->name;
                PageLayout::postSuccess(sprintf(_('Das %s wurde ausgewählt'), htmlReady($sem_name)));
            } else {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Semesterfilter abgewählt'));

        if (Request::option('stgteil_select')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL', Request::option('stgteil_select'));
            if (Request::option('stgteil_select') !== "all") {
                    _('Der Studiengangteil %s wurde ausgewählt'),
            } else {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Studiengangteilfilter abgewählt'));

     * Set the lockrules of courses
    public function set_lockrule_action()
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
        $result = false;
        $courses = Request::getArray('lock_sem');
        $errors = [];

        if (!empty($courses)) {
            foreach ($courses as $course_id => $value) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('dozent', $course_id)) {
                    // force to pre selection
                    if (Request::get('lock_sem_all') && Request::submitted('all')) {
                        $value = Request::get('lock_sem_all');

                    $course = Course::find($course_id);
                    if ($value == 'none') {
                        $value = null;

                    if ($course->lock_rule == $value) {

                    $course->setValue('lock_rule', $value);
                    if (!$course->store()) {
                        $errors[] = $course->name;
                    } else {
                        $result = true;

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden erfolgreich durchgeführt!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Lock or unlock courses
    public function set_locked_action()
        $admission_locked = Request::getArray('admission_locked');

        $all_courses = Request::getArray('all_sem');

        $course_set_id = CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId();

        foreach ($all_courses as $course_id) {
            if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('dozent', $course_id)) {
                $set = CourseSet::getSetForCourse($course_id);

                if (!is_null($set)) {
                    if (!$set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission')) {

                    if ($set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission') && !isset($admission_locked[$course_id])) {
                        if (CourseSet::removeCourseFromSet($set->getId(), $course_id)) {
                            $log_msg = _('Veranstaltung wurde entsperrt');

                if (is_null($set) && isset($admission_locked[$course_id])) {
                    if (CourseSet::addCourseToSet($course_set_id, $course_id)) {
                        $log_msg = sprintf(_('Veranstaltung wurde gesperrt, set_id: %s'), $course_set_id);

                if ($log_msg) {
                    StudipLog::log('SEM_CHANGED_ACCESS', $course_id, NULL, $log_msg);

        PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden ausgeführt!'));

     * Set the visibility of a course
    public function set_visibility_action()
        $result = false;
        $visibilites = Request::intArray('visibility');
        $all_courses = Request::getArray('all_sem');
        $errors = [];

        if (!empty($all_courses)) {
            foreach ($all_courses as $course_id) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
                    $course = Course::find($course_id);

                    if ($course->isOpenEnded() || $course->end_semester->visible) {
                        $visibility = $visibilites[$course_id] ?: 0;

                        if ($course->visible == $visibility) {

                        $course->visible = $visibility;
                        if (!$course->store()) {
                            $errors[] = $course->name;
                        } else {
                            $result = true;
                            StudipLog::log($visibility ? 'SEM_VISIBLE' : 'SEM_INVISIBLE', $course->id);

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die Sichtbarkeit wurde bei den gewünschten Veranstatungen erfolgreich geändert!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Set the additional course informations
    public function set_aux_lockrule_action()
        $result = false;
        $courses = Request::getArray('lock_sem');
        $lock_sem_forced = Request::getArray('lock_sem_forced');
        $errors = [];
        if (!empty($courses)) {
            foreach ($courses as $course_id => $value) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
                    // force to pre selection
                    if (Request::submitted('all')) {
                        $value = Request::get('lock_sem_all');
                        $value_forced = Request::int('aux_all_forced');
                    } else {
                        $value_forced = $lock_sem_forced[$course_id];

                    $course = Course::find($course_id);

                    if (!$value) {
                        $value_forced = 0;

                    $course->setValue('aux_lock_rule', $value);
                    $course->setValue('aux_lock_rule_forced', $value_forced);

                    $ok = $course->store();
                    if ($ok === false) {
                        $errors[] = $course->name;
                    } elseif ($ok) {
                        $result = true;

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden erfolgreich durchgeführt!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Set the selected view filter and store the selection in configuration
    public function set_view_filter_action($filter = null, $state = true)
        // store view filter in configuration
        if (!is_null($filter)) {
            $filters = $this->getFilterConfig();

            if ($state) {
                $filters = array_diff($filters, [$filter]);
            } else {
                $filters[] = $filter;



     * Set the selected action type and store the selection in configuration
    public function set_action_type_action()
        // select the action area
        if (Request::option('action_area')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA', Request::option('action_area'));
            PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Der Aktionsbereich wurde erfolgreich übernommen!'));


     * Set the selected course type filter and store the selection in configuration
    public function set_course_type_action()
        if (Request::option('course_type')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER', Request::option('course_type'));
            PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Der gewünschte Veranstaltungstyp wurde übernommen!'));

     * Marks a course as complete/incomplete.
     * @param String $course_id Id of the course
    public function toggle_complete_action($course_id)
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
        $course = Course::find($course_id);
        $course->completion = ($course->completion + 1) % 3;

        if (Request::isXhr()) {
        } else {
            $this->redirect('admin/courses/index#course-' . $course_id);

     * Changes the notice for a course.
     * @param  string $course_id
    public function notice_action(Course $course)
        if (Request::isPost()) {
            $course->config->store('COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE', trim(Request::get('notice')));

            if (Request::isXhr()) {
                $this->response->add_header('X-Dialog-Notice', json_encode([
                    'id'     => $course->id,
                    'notice' => $course->config->COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE,
            } else {

        $this->course = $course;
        $this->notice = $course->config->COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE;

    public function get_subcourses_action($course_id)
        // get courses only if institutes available
        $this->actions = $this->getActions();

        // Get the view filter
        $this->view_filter = $this->getFilterConfig();

        $this->selected_action = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA;
        if (is_null($this->selected_action) || (!is_numeric($this->selected_action) && !class_exists($this->selected_action))) {
            $this->selected_action = 1;

        $this->courses = $this->getCourses([
            'sortby'      => $this->sortby,
            'sortFlag'    => $this->sortFlag,
            'view_filter' => $this->view_filter,
            'datafields' => $this->getDatafieldFilters(),
            'parent_course' => $course_id

        $this->parent = $course_id;


     * Return a specifically action or all available actions
     * @param null $selected
     * @return array
    private function getActions($selected = null)
        // array for the avaiable modules
        $sem_filter = $this->semester ? $this->semester->beginn : 'all';
        $actions = [
            1 => [
                'name'       => _('Grunddaten'),
                'title'      => _('Grunddaten'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/basicdata/view?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            2 => [
                'name'       => _('Studienbereiche'),
                'title'      => _('Studienbereiche'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/study_areas/show/?cid=%s&from=admin/courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            3 => [
                'name'       => _('Zeiten/Räume'),
                'title'      => _('Zeiten/Räume'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/index?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
                'params'     => [
                    'newFilter' => $sem_filter,
                    'cmd'       => 'applyFilter'
            8 => [
                'name'      => _('Sperrebene'),
                'title'     => _('Sperrebenen'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_lockrule',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'lock.php',
            9 => [
                'name'      => _('Sichtbarkeit'),
                'title'     => _('Sichtbarkeit'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_visibility',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'visibility.php',
            10 => [
                'name'      => _('Zusatzangaben'),
                'title'     => _('Zusatzangaben'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_aux_lockrule',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'aux-select.php',
            11 => [
                'name'       => _('Veranstaltung kopieren'),
                'title'      => _('Kopieren'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/wizard/copy/%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            14 => [
                'name'       => 'Zugangsberechtigungen',
                'title'      => _('Zugangsberechtigungen'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/admission?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            16 => [
                'name'      => _('Löschen'),
                'title'     => _('Löschen'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/course/archive/confirm',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'add_to_archive.php',
            17 => [
                'name'      => _('Gesperrte Veranstaltungen'),
                'title'     => _('Einstellungen speichern'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_locked',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'admission_locked.php',
            18 => [
                'name'       => _('Startsemester'),
                'title'      => _('Startsemester'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/editSemester?cid=%s&origin=admin_courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=400'],
            19 => [
                'name'       => _('LV-Gruppen'),
                'title'      => _('LV-Gruppen'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/lvgselector?cid=%s&from=admin/courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            20 => [
                'name'       => _('Notiz'),
                'title'      => _('Notiz'),
                'url'        => $this->noticeURL('%s'),
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=auto'],
                'partial'    => 'notice-action.php',

        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            if (!Config::get()->ALLOW_DOZENT_DELETE) {
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent')) {

        if (Config::get()->RESOURCES_ENABLE && Config::get()->RESOURCES_ALLOW_ROOM_REQUESTS) {
            $actions[4] = [
                'name'  => 'Raumanfragen',
                'title' => _('Raumanfragen'),
                'url'   => 'dispatch.php/course/room_requests/index?cid=%s&origin=admin_courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],

        foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseAction') as $plugin) {
            $actions[get_class($plugin)] = [
                'name'      => $plugin->getPluginName(),
                'title'     => $plugin->getPluginName(),
                'url'       => $plugin->getAdminActionURL(),
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
                'multimode' => $plugin->useMultimode()

        if (is_null($selected)) {
            return $actions;

        return $actions[$selected];

     * Set and return all needed view filters
     * @return array
    private function getViewFilters()
        $views = [
            'number'        => _('Nr.'),
            'name'          => _('Name'),
            'type'          => _('Veranstaltungstyp'),
            'room_time'     => _('Raum/Zeit'),
            'semester'      => _('Semester'),
            'requests'      => _('Raumanfragen'),
            'teachers'      => _('Lehrende'),
            'members'       => _('Teilnehmende'),
            'waiting'       => _('Personen auf Warteliste'),
            'preliminary'   => _('Vorläufige Anmeldungen'),
            'contents'      => _('Inhalt'),
            'last_activity' => _('Letzte Aktivität'),
        foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
            foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                $views[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = $label;
        return $views;

     * Returns all courses matching set criteria.
     * @param array $params Additional parameters
     * @param bool $display_all : boolean should we show all courses or check for a limit of 500 courses?
     * @return array of courses
    private function getCourses($params = [], $display_all = false)
        // Init
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === "all") {
            $inst = new SimpleCollection($this->insts);
            $inst->filter(function ($a) use (&$inst_ids) {
                $inst_ids[] = $a->Institut_id;
        } else {
            //We must check, if the institute ID belongs to a faculty
            //and has the string _i appended to it.
            //In that case we must display the courses of the faculty
            //and all its institutes.
            //Otherwise we just display the courses of the faculty.

            $inst_id = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT;

            $institut = new Institute($inst_id);

            if (!$institut->isFaculty() || $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN) {
                // If the institute is not a faculty or the child insts are included,
                // pick the institute IDs of the faculty/institute and of all sub-institutes.
                $inst_ids[] = $inst_id;
                if ($institut->isFaculty()) {
                    foreach ($institut->sub_institutes->pluck('Institut_id') as $institut_id) {
                        $inst_ids[] = $institut_id;
            } else {
                // If the institute is a faculty and the child insts are not included,
                // pick only the institute id of the faculty:
                $inst_ids[] = $inst_id;

        $active_elements = $this->getActiveElements();

        $filter = AdminCourseFilter::get(true);

        if ($params['datafields']) {
            foreach ($params['datafields'] as $field_id => $value) {
                $datafield = DataField::find($field_id);
                if ($datafield) {
                    //enable filtering by datafield values:
                    //and use the where-clause for each datafield:
                    $filter->settings['query']['joins']['de_'.$field_id] = [
                        'table' => "datafields_entries",
                        'join' => "LEFT JOIN",
                        'on' => "seminare.seminar_id = de_".$field_id.".range_id"
                    $filter->where("(de_".$field_id.".datafield_id = :fieldId_".$field_id." "
                        . "AND de_".$field_id.".content = :fieldValue_".$field_id.") "
                        . ($datafield['default_value'] == $value ? " OR (de_".$field_id.".content IS NULL)" : "")." ",
                            'fieldId_'.$field_id => $field_id,
                            'fieldValue_'.$field_id => $value

        $filter->where("sem_classes.studygroup_mode = '0'");

        // Get only children of given course
        if ($params['parent_course']) {
            $filter->where("parent_course = :parent",
                    'parent' => $params['parent_course']

        if ($active_elements['semester'] && is_object($this->semester)) {
        if ($active_elements['courseType'] && $params['typeFilter'] && $params['typeFilter'] !== "all") {
            list($class_filter,$type_filter) = explode('_', $params['typeFilter']);
            if (!$type_filter && !empty($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$class_filter])) {
                $type_filter = array_keys($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$class_filter]->getSemTypes());
        if ($active_elements['search'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT) {
        if ($active_elements['teacher'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER && ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER !== "all")) {
        if ($active_elements['institute']) {
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL !== 'all') {
        if ($params['sortby'] === "status") {
            $filter->orderBy(sprintf(' %s, %s, VeranstaltungsNummer', $params['sortFlag'], $params['sortFlag'], $params['sortFlag']), $params['sortFlag']);
        } elseif ($params['sortby']) {
            $filter->orderBy($params['sortby'], $params['sortFlag']);
        $this->count_courses = $filter->countCourses();
        if ($this->count_courses && ($this->count_courses <= $filter->max_show_courses || $display_all)) {
            $courses = $filter->getCourses();
        } else {
            return [];

        $seminars   = array_map('reset', $courses);
        $visit_data = get_objects_visits(array_keys($seminars), 0, null, null, array_keys(MyRealmModel::getDefaultModules()));

        if (!empty($seminars)) {
            foreach ($seminars as $seminar_id => $seminar) {
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['seminar_id'] = $seminar_id;
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['obj_type'] = 'sem';
                $dozenten = $this->getTeacher($seminar_id);
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['dozenten'] = $dozenten;

                if (in_array('contents', $params['view_filter'])) {
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['visitdate'] = $visit_data[$seminar_id][0]['visitdate'];
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['last_visitdate'] = $visit_data[$seminar_id][0]['last_visitdate'];
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['tools'] = new SimpleCollection(ToolActivation::findbyRange_id($seminar_id, "ORDER BY position"));
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['navigation'] = MyRealmModel::getAdditionalNavigations(
                //add last activity column:
                if (in_array('last_activity', $params['view_filter'])) {
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['last_activity'] = lastActivity($seminar_id);
                if ((int)$this->selected_action === 17) {
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = false;
                    if ($seminar['course_set']) {
                        $set = new CourseSet($seminar['course_set']);
                        if (!is_null($set) && $set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission')) {
                            $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = 'locked';
                        } else {
                            $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = 'disable';

        return $seminars;

     * Returns the teacher for a given cours
     * @param String $course_id Id of the course
     * @return array of user infos [user_id, username, Nachname, fullname]
    private function getTeacher($course_id)
        $teachers   = CourseMember::findByCourseAndStatus($course_id, 'dozent');
        $collection = SimpleCollection::createFromArray($teachers);
        return $collection->map(function (CourseMember $teacher) {
            return [
                'user_id'  => $teacher->user_id,
                'username' => $teacher->username,
                'Nachname' => $teacher->nachname,
                'fullname' => $teacher->getUserFullname('no_title_rev'),

     * Adds view filter to the sidebar
     * @param array $configs
    private function setViewWidget($configs = [])
        $configs         = $configs ?: [];
        $checkbox_widget = new OptionsWidget();

        foreach ($this->getViewFilters() as $index => $label) {
            $state = in_array($index, $configs);
                $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_view_filter/' . $index . '/' . $state)
        Sidebar::get()->addWidget($checkbox_widget, 'views');

     * Adds the institutes selector to the sidebar
    private function setInstSelector()
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(
        $list->class = 'institute-list';

        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') || (count($this->insts) > 1)) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') ? _('Alle') : _('Alle meine Einrichtungen'),
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === 'all'),

        foreach ($this->insts as $institut) {
                new SelectElement(
                    (!$institut['is_fak'] ? ' ' : '') . $institut['Name'],
                    $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === $institut['Institut_id']
                'select-' . $institut['Institut_id']

            //check if the institute is a faculty.
            //If true, then add another option to display all courses
            //from that faculty and all its institutes.

            //$institut is an array, we can't use the method isFaculty() here!
            if ($institut['fakultaets_id'] == $institut['Institut_id']) {
                    new SelectElement(
                        $institut['Institut_id'] . '_withinst', //_withinst = with institutes
                        ' ' . $institut['Name'] . ' +' . _('Institute'),
                        ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === $institut['Institut_id'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN)
                    'select-' . $institut['Name'] . '-with_institutes'

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_institute');

     * Adds the semester selector to the sidebar
    private function setSemesterSelector()
        $semesters = array_reverse(Semester::getAll());
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Semester'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_selection'), 'sem_select');
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement('all', _('Alle')), 'sem_select-all');
        foreach ($semesters as $semester) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $semester->id === $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE
            ), 'sem_select-' . $semester->id);

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_semester');

     * Adds the studiengangteil selector to the sidebar
    private function setStgteilSelector()
        $stgteile = StudiengangTeil::getAllEnriched('fach_name','ASC', ['mvv_fach_inst.institut_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT]);
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Studiengangteil'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_selection'), 'stgteil_select');
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement('all', _('Alle')), 'stgteil_select-all');
        foreach ($stgteile as $stgteil) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $stgteil->id === $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL
            ), 'stgteil_select-' . $stgteil->id);

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_stgteil');

     * Adds HTML-Selector to the sidebar
     * @param null $selected_action
     * @return string
    private function setActionsWidget($selected_action = null)
        $actions = $this->getActions();
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Aktionsbereichauswahl'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_action_type'), 'action_area');

        foreach ($actions as $index => $action) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement($index, $action['name'], $selected_action == $index), 'action-aria-' . $index);
        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'editmode');

     * Returns a course type widthet depending on all available courses and theirs types
     * @param string $selected
     * @param array $params
     * @return ActionsWidget
    private function setCourseTypeWidget($selected = 'all')
        $sidebar = Sidebar::get();
        $this->url = $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_course_type');
        $this->types = [];
        $this->selected = $selected;

        $list = new SelectWidget(
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
            'all', _('Alle'), $selected === 'all'
        ), 'course-type-all');
        foreach ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'] as $class_id => $class) {
            if ($class['studygroup_mode']) {

            $element = new SelectElement(
                $selected === (string)$class_id
                'course-type-' . $class_id

            foreach ($class->getSemTypes() as $id => $result) {
                $element = new SelectElement(
                    $class_id . '_' . $id,
                    $selected === $class_id . '_' . $id
                    'course-type-' . $class_id . '_' . $id
        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter-course-type');

     * Returns a widget to selected a specific teacher
     * @param array $teachers
     * @return ActionsWidget|null
    private function setTeacherWidget()
        if (!$GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT || $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === "all") {
        $teachers = DBManager::get()->fetchAll("
            SELECT auth_user_md5.*, user_info.*
            FROM auth_user_md5
                LEFT JOIN user_info ON (auth_user_md5.user_id = user_info.user_id)
                INNER JOIN user_inst ON (user_inst.user_id = auth_user_md5.user_id)
                INNER JOIN Institute ON (Institute.Institut_id = user_inst.Institut_id)
            WHERE (Institute.Institut_id = :institut_id OR Institute.fakultaets_id = :institut_id)
                AND auth_user_md5.perms = 'dozent'
            ORDER BY auth_user_md5.Nachname ASC, auth_user_md5.Vorname ASC
        ", [
            'institut_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT
        function ($data) {
            $ret['user_id'] = $data['user_id'];
            $ret['fullname'] = User::build($data)->getFullName("full_rev");
            return $ret;

        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Lehrendenfilter'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/index'), 'teacher_filter');
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement('all', _('alle'), Request::get('teacher_filter') == 'all'), 'teacher_filter-all');

        foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER === $teacher['user_id']
            ), 'teacher_filter-' . $teacher['user_id']);

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_teacher');

     * Adds a search widget to the sidebar
    private function setSearchWiget()
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $search = new SearchWidget(URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses'));
        $search->addNeedle(_('Freie Suche'), 'search', true, null, null, $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT);
        $sidebar->addWidget($search, 'filter_search');

     * Returns the filter configuration.
     * @return array containing the filter configuration
    private function getFilterConfig()
        $available_filters = array_keys($this->getViewFilters());

        $temp = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ADMIN_VIEW_FILTER_ARGS;
        if ($temp) {
            $config = json_decode($temp, true);
            if (!is_array($config)) {
                $config = [];

            $config = array_intersect($config, $available_filters);
        } else {
            $config = [];

        if (!$config) {
            $config = $this->setFilterConfig($available_filters);

        return $config;

     * Sets the filter configuration.
     * @param Array $config Filter configuration
     * @return array containing the filter configuration
    private function setFilterConfig($config)
        $config = $config ?: array_keys($this->getViewFilters());
        $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_ADMIN_VIEW_FILTER_ARGS', json_encode($config));

        return $config;

     * Returns the default element configuration.
     * @return array containing the default element configuration
    private function getActiveElementsDefault()
        return [
            'search' => true,
            'institute' => true,
            'semester' => true,
            'stgteil' => true,
            'courseType' => true,
            'teacher' => true,
            'viewFilter' => true

     * Returns the active element configuration of the current user.
     * @return array containing the active element configuration
    private function getActiveElements()
        $active_elements = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS;

        if ($active_elements) {
            return json_decode($active_elements, true);
        } else {
            return $this->getActiveElementsDefault();

     * Sets the active element configuration for the current user.
     * @param Array $active_elements element configuration
    private function setActiveElements($active_elements)
        if ($active_elements == $this->getActiveElementsDefault()) {
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('ADMIN_COURSES_SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS', json_encode($active_elements));