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Closes #2803 Merge request studip/studip!1890
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jsupdater.php 9.55 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2011 Rasmus Fuhse
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Controller called by the main periodical ajax-request. It collects data,
* converts the textstrings to utf8 and returns it as a json-object to the
* internal javascript-function "STUDIP.JSUpdater.process(json)".
class JsupdaterController extends AuthenticatedController
// Allow nobody to prevent login screen
// Refers to
protected $allow_nobody = true;
* Checks whether we have a valid logged in user,
* send "Forbidden" otherwise.
* @param String $action The action to perform
* @param Array $args Potential arguments
public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
parent::before_filter($action, $args);
// Check for a valid logged in user (only when an ajax request occurs)
if (Request::isXhr() && (!is_object($GLOBALS['user']) || $GLOBALS['user']->id === 'nobody')) {
$action = 'nop';
* Does and renders absolute nothing.
public function nop_action()
* Main action that returns a json-object like
* {
* 'js_function.sub_function': data,
* 'anotherjs_function.sub_function': moredata
* }
* This action is called by STUDIP.JSUpdater.poll and the result processed
* the internal STUDIP.JSUpdater.process method
public function get_action()
UpdateInformation::setInformation("server_timestamp", time());
$data = UpdateInformation::getInformation();
$data = array_merge($data, $this->coreInformation());
* Marks a personal notification as read by the user so it won't be displayed
* in the list in the header.
* @param string $id : hash-id of the notification
public function mark_notification_read_action($id)
if ($id === 'all') {
} else {
$url = false;
if ($id === 'all') {
$url = Request::get('return_to');
} elseif (!Request::isXhr() || Request::isDialog()) {
$notification = new PersonalNotifications($id);
$url = $notification->url;
if ($url) {
} else {
* Sets the background-color of the notification-number to blue, so it does
* not annoy the user anymore. But he/she is still able to see the notificaion-list.
* Just sets a unix-timestamp in the user-config NOTIFICATIONS_SEEN_LAST_DATE.
public function notifications_seen_action()
UserConfig::get($GLOBALS['user']->id)->store('NOTIFICATIONS_SEEN_LAST_DATE', time());
* SystemPlugins may call UpdateInformation::setInformation to set information
* to be sent via ajax to the main request. Core-functionality-data should be
* collected and set here.
* @return array: array(array('index' => $data), ...)
protected function coreInformation()
$pageInfo = Request::getArray("page_info");
$data = [
'coursewareclipboard' => $this->getCoursewareClipboardUpdates($pageInfo),
'blubber' => $this->getBlubberUpdates($pageInfo),
'messages' => $this->getMessagesUpdates($pageInfo),
'personalnotifications' => $this->getPersonalNotificationUpdates($pageInfo),
'questionnaire' => $this->getQuestionnaireUpdates($pageInfo),
return array_filter($data);
private function getBlubberUpdates($pageInfo)
$data = [];
if (isset($pageInfo['blubber']['threads']) && is_array($pageInfo['blubber']['threads'])) {
$blubber_data = [];
foreach ($pageInfo['blubber']['threads'] as $thread_id) {
$thread = new BlubberThread($thread_id);
if ($thread->isReadable()) {
$comments = BlubberComment::findBySQL(
"thread_id = :thread_id AND chdate >= :time ORDER BY mkdate ASC",
['thread_id' => $thread_id, 'time' => UpdateInformation::getTimestamp()]
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$blubber_data[$thread_id][] = $comment->getJSONdata();
if (count($blubber_data)) {
$data['addNewComments'] = $blubber_data;
$statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("
SELECT blubber_events_queue.item_id
FROM blubber_events_queue
WHERE blubber_events_queue.event_type = 'delete'
$comment_ids = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
if (count($comment_ids)) {
$data['removeDeletedComments'] = $comment_ids;
$statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("
DELETE FROM blubber_events_queue
WHERE mkdate <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 60 * 15
if (mb_stripos(Request::get("page"), "dispatch.php/blubber") !== false) {
//collect updated threads for the widget
$threads = BlubberThread::findMyGlobalThreads(30, UpdateInformation::getTimestamp());
$thread_widget_data = [];
foreach ($threads as $thread) {
$thread_widget_data[] = [
'thread_id' => $thread->getId(),
'avatar' => $thread->getAvatar(),
'name' => $thread->getName(),
'timestamp' => (int) $thread->getLatestActivity()
if (count($thread_widget_data)) {
$data['updateThreadWidget'] = $thread_widget_data;
return $data;
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
private function getMessagesUpdates($pageInfo)
$data = [];
if (mb_stripos(Request::get("page"), "dispatch.php/messages") !== false) {
$messages = Message::findNew(
$templateFactory = $this->get_template_factory();
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$attributes = [
'message' => $message,
'received' => $pageInfo['messages']['received'],
'controller' => $this,
$html = $templateFactory->open("messages/_message_row.php")
$data['messages'][$message->getId()] = $html;
return $data;
* @SuppressWarnings(UnusedFormalParameter)
private function getPersonalNotificationUpdates($pageInfo)
$data = [];
if (PersonalNotifications::isActivated()) {
$notifications = PersonalNotifications::getMyNotifications();
if ($notifications && count($notifications)) {
$ret = [];
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
$info = $notification->toArray();
$info['html'] = $notification->getLiElement();
$ret[] = $info;
$data['notifications'] = $ret;
} else {
$data['notifications'] = [];
return $data;
private function getQuestionnaireUpdates($pageInfo)
if (
|| !is_array($pageInfo['questionnaire']['questionnaire_ids'])
) {
return [];
$data = [];
function (Questionnaire $questionnaire) use ($pageInfo, &$data) {
if ($questionnaire->latestAnswerTimestamp() > $pageInfo['questionnaire']['last_update']) {
$template = $this->get_template_factory()->open("questionnaire/evaluate");
$template->filtered = $pageInfo['questionnaire']['filtered'];
$template->set_attribute("questionnaire", $questionnaire);
$data[$questionnaire->id] = [
'html' => $template->render()
return $data;
private function getCoursewareClipboardUpdates($pageInfo)
$counter = $pageInfo['coursewareclipboard']['counter'] ?? 0;
return \Courseware\Clipboard::countByUser_id($GLOBALS['user']->id) != $counter;