* Factory Class for the plugin engine
* @author Dennis Reil, <>
class PluginEngine
* This function maps an incoming request to a tuple
* (pluginclassname, unconsumed rest).
* @param string $dispatch_to
* @return array the above mentioned tuple
public static function routeRequest($dispatch_to)
$dispatch_to = ltrim($dispatch_to, '/');
if (mb_strlen($dispatch_to) === 0) {
throw new PluginNotFoundException(_('Es wurde kein Plugin gewählt.'));
$pos = mb_strpos($dispatch_to, '/');
? [$dispatch_to, '']
: [mb_substr($dispatch_to, 0, $pos), mb_substr($dispatch_to, $pos + 1)];
* Load the default set of plugins. This currently loads plugins of
* type Homepage, Standard (if a course is selected), Administration
* (if user has admin status) and System. The exact type of plugins
* loaded here may change in the future.
public static function loadPlugins()
global $user, $perm;
// load system plugins
// load course plugins
if (Context::getId()) {
$modules = self::getPlugins(StudipModule::class, Context::getId());
$navigation = Navigation::getItem('/course');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$tabs = $module->getTabNavigation(Context::getId());
if ($navigation && $tabs) {
$navigation->addToolNavigation($module->getPluginId(), $tabs);
// load admin plugins
if (is_object($user) && $perm->have_perm('admin')) {
* Get instance of the plugin specified by plugin class name.
* @param class-string<P> $class class name of plugin
* @return P
public static function getPlugin ($class)
return PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugin($class);
* Get instances of all plugins of the specified type. A type of NULL
* returns all enabled plugins. The optional context parameter can be
* used to get only plugins that are activated in the given context.
* @param class-string<P>|null $type plugin type or null (all types)
* @param string $context context range id (optional)
* @return P[]|StudIPPlugin[] all plugins of the specified type
public static function getPlugins ($type, $context = null)
return PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins($type, $context);
* Sends a message to all activated plugins of a type and returns an array of
* the return values.
* @param string $type plugin type or null (all types)
* @param string $method the method name that should be send to all plugins
* @param mixed a variable number of arguments
* @return array an array containing the return values
public static function sendMessage($type, $method /* ... */)
$args = func_get_args();
array_splice($args, 1, 0, [null]);
return call_user_func_array([__CLASS__, 'sendMessageWithContext'], $args);
* Sends a message to all activated plugins of a type enabled in a context and
* returns an array of the return values.
* @param string $type plugin type or null (all types)
* @param string $context context range id (may be null)
* @param string $method the method name that should be send to all plugins
* @param mixed a variable number of arguments
* @return array an array containing the return values
public static function sendMessageWithContext($type, $context, $method /* ... */)
$args = func_get_args();
$args = array_slice($args, 3);
$results = [];
foreach (self::getPlugins($type, $context) as $plugin) {
$results[] = call_user_func_array([$plugin, $method], $args);
return $results;
* Generates a URL which can be shown in user interfaces
* @param StudIPPlugin|string $plugin - the plugin to which should be linked
* @param array $params - an array with name value pairs
* @param string $cmd - command to execute by clicking the link
* @param bool $ignore_registered_params do not add registered params
* @return string a link to the current plugin with the additional $params
public static function getURL($plugin, $params = [], $cmd = 'show', $ignore_registered_params = false)
if (is_null($plugin)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(_('Es wurde kein Plugin gewählt.'));
} else if (is_object($plugin)) {
$plugin = mb_strtolower(get_class($plugin)) . '/' . $cmd;
} else if (mb_strpos($plugin, '/') === false) {
$plugin = $plugin . '/' . $cmd;
return URLHelper::getURL('plugins.php/' . $plugin, $params, $ignore_registered_params);
* Generates a link (entity encoded URL) which can be shown in user interfaces
* @param StudIPPlugin|string $plugin - the plugin to which should be linked
* @param array $params - an array with name value pairs
* @param string $cmd - command to execute by clicking the link
* @param bool $ignore_registered_params do not add registeredparams
* @return string a link to the current plugin with the additional $params
public static function getLink($plugin, $params = [], $cmd = 'show', $ignore_registered_params = false)
return htmlReady(self::getURL($plugin, $params, $cmd, $ignore_registered_params));