import { $gettext } from '../lib/gettext.js'; /** * This file provides a set of global handlers. */ var proxy_elements_selector = ':checkbox[data-proxyfor], :radio[data-proxyfor]'; var proxied_elements_selector = ':checkbox[data-proxiedby], :radio[data-proxiedby]'; function connectProxyAndProxied(event) { $(proxy_elements_selector).each(function () { const proxy = $(this); const proxyId = proxy.uniqueId().attr('id'); const proxied ='proxyfor'); // The following seems like a hack but works perfectly fine. $(proxied).each(function () { const proxiedBy = ($(this).attr('data-proxiedby') || '').split(',').filter(a => a.length > 0); proxiedBy.push(`#${proxyId}`); $(this) .attr('data-proxiedby', proxiedBy.join(',')) .data('proxiedby', `#${proxyId}`); }); }).trigger('update.proxy'); } // Use a checkbox as a proxy for a set of other checkboxes. Define // proxied elements by a css selector in attribute "data-proxyfor". $(document).on('change', proxy_elements_selector, function (event, force) { // Detect if event was triggered natively (triggered events have no // originalEvent) if (event.originalEvent !== undefined || !!force) { const proxied = $(this).data('proxyfor'); $(proxied) .filter(':not(:disabled)') .prop('checked', this.checked) .prop('indeterminate', false) .each((index, element) => { const proxiedBy = $(element).attr('data-proxiedby'); $(proxiedBy) .filter((idx, item) => item !== this) .trigger('update.proxy'); }) .filter('[data-proxyfor]') .trigger('change', [true]); } }).on('update.proxy', proxy_elements_selector, function () { const proxied = $(this).data('proxyfor'); const $proxied = $(proxied).filter(':not(:disabled)'); const $checked = $proxied.filter(':checked'); const $indeterminate = $proxied.filter(function () { return $(this).prop('indeterminate'); }); $(this).prop('checked', $proxied.length > 0 && $proxied.length === $checked.length); $(this).prop( 'indeterminate', ($checked.length > 0 && $checked.length < $proxied.length) || $indeterminate.length > 0 ); $(this).trigger('change'); }).on('change', proxied_elements_selector, function () { //In case of radio buttons in a group that are deselected, //we must trigger the update.proxy event for each radio //button in the group, if the proxy is another element //than the proxy for "this" element. if ($(this).is(':radio')) { var proxy = $(this).data('proxiedby'); var name = $(this).attr('name'); var radio_button_group = $(`:radio[name="${name}"]`); $(radio_button_group).each(function () { var button_proxy = $(this).data('proxiedby'); if (button_proxy != proxy) { $(button_proxy).trigger('update.proxy'); } }); } else { const proxy = $(this).attr('data-proxiedby'); $(proxy).trigger('update.proxy'); } }); STUDIP.ready(connectProxyAndProxied); $(document).on('refresh-handlers', connectProxyAndProxied); // Use a checkbox or radiobox as a toggle switch for the disabled attribute of // another set of elements. Define set of elements to disable/enable if item is // neither :checked nor :indeterminate by a css selector in attribute // "data-activates" / "deactivates". $(document).on('change', '[data-activates],[data-deactivates]', function() { if (!$(this).is(':checkbox,:radio')) { return; } ['activates', 'deactivates'].forEach((type) => { var selector = $(this).data(type); if (selector === undefined || $(this).prop('disabled')) { return; } var state = $(this).prop('checked') || $(this).prop('indeterminate') || false; $(selector).each(function() { const condition = $(this).data(`${type}Condition`); const toggle = state && (!condition || $(condition).length > 0); const disabled = type === 'activates' ? !toggle : toggle; $(this).attr({ disabled: disabled, 'aria-disabled': disabled ? 'true' : 'false' }).trigger('update.proxy'); }); }); }); STUDIP.ready((event) => { $('[data-activates],[data-deactivates]','change'); }); // Use a select as a toggle switch for the disabled attribute of another // element. Define element to disable if select has a value different from // an empty string by a css selector in attribute "data-activates". $(document).on('change update.proxy', 'select[data-activates]', function() { const activates = $(this).data('activates'); const disabled = $(this).is(':disabled') || $(this).val().length === 0; $(activates).attr({ disabled: disabled, 'aria-disabled': disabled ? 'true' : 'false' }); }); STUDIP.ready((event) => { $('select[data-activates]','change'); }); // $(document).on('change', '[data-hides],[data-shows]', function () { if (!$(this).is(':checkbox,:radio')) { return; } ['hides', 'shows'].forEach((type) => { var selector = $(this).data(type); if (selector === undefined || $(this).prop('disabled')) { return; } var state = $(this).prop('checked') || $(this).prop('indeterminate') || false; $(selector).each(function() { var condition = $(this).data(`${type}Condition`), toggle = state && (!condition || $(condition).length > 0); $(this) .toggle(type === 'shows' ? toggle : !toggle) .trigger('update.proxy'); }); }); }); STUDIP.ready(event => { $('[data-hides],[data-shows]','change'); }); // Enable the user to set the checked state on a subset of related // checkboxes by clicking the first checkbox of the subset and then // clicking the last checkbox of the subset while holding down the shift // key, thus toggling all the checkboxes in between. // This only works if the first and last checkbox of the subset are set // to the same state. var last_element = null; $(document).on('click', '[data-shiftcheck] :checkbox', function(event) { if (!event.originalEvent || last_element === { return; } if (last_element !== null && event.shiftKey) { var $this = $(, $form = $this.closest('form'), name = $this.attr('name'), state = $this.prop('checked'), $last = $(last_element), children, idx0, idx1, tmp; if ($$last.closest('form')) && name === $last.attr('name') && state === $last.prop('checked')) { children = $form.find(':checkbox[name="' + name + '"]:not(:disabled)'); idx0 = children.index(; idx1 = children.index(last_element); if (idx0 > idx1) { tmp = idx0; idx0 = idx1; idx1 = tmp; } children.slice(idx0, idx1).prop('checked', state); } } last_element =; }); // Lets the user confirm a specific action (submit or click event). function confirmation_handler(event) { if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); var element = $(event.currentTarget).closest('[data-confirm]'), question = || element.attr('title') || element.find('[title]:first').attr('title') || $gettext('Wollen Sie die Aktion wirklich ausführen?'); STUDIP.Dialog.confirm(question).done(function() { var content =; // We need to trigger the native event because for // some reason, jQuery's .trigger() won't always // work. Thus the data-confirm attribute will be removed // so that the original event can be executed element .removeAttr('data-confirm') .get(0)[event.type](); // Reapply the data-confirm attribute window.setTimeout(function() { element.attr('data-confirm', content); }, 0); }); } } $(document).on( 'click', 'a[data-confirm],input[data-confirm],button[data-confirm],img[data-confirm]', confirmation_handler ); $(document).on('submit', 'form[data-confirm]', confirmation_handler); // Ensures an element has the same value as another element. $(document).on('change', 'input[data-must-equal]', function() { var value = $(this).val(), rel = $(this).data().mustEqual, other = $(rel).val(), labels = $.map([this, rel], function(element) { var label = $(element) .closest('label') .text(); label = label || $('label[for="' + $(element).attr('id') + '"]').text(); return $.trim(label.split(':')[0]); }), error_message = $gettext('Die beiden Werte "$1" und "$2" stimmen nicht überein. '), matches = error_message.match(/\$\d/g); $.each(matches, function(i) { error_message = error_message.replace(this, labels[i]); }); if (value !== other) { this.setCustomValidity(error_message); } else { this.setCustomValidity(''); } }); //Generalisation: The enter-accessible class allows an element to be accessible via keyboard //by triggering the click event when the enter key is pressed. $(document).on('keydown', '.enter-accessible', function(event) { if (event.code == 'Enter') { //The enter key has been pressed. $(this).trigger('click'); } }); $(document).on('click', '[data-toggles]', function (event) { const target = event.currentTarget.dataset.toggles; $(target).toggle(); event.preventDefault(); });