<?php # Lifter010: TODO $nav_items = Navigation::getItem('/')->getIterator()->getArrayCopy(); $nav_items = array_filter($nav_items, function ($item) { return $item->isVisible(true); }); $header_nav = ['visible' => $nav_items, 'hidden' => []]; if (isset($_COOKIE['navigation-length'])) { $header_nav['hidden'] = array_splice( $header_nav['visible'], $_COOKIE['navigation-length'] ); } $navigation = PageLayout::getTabNavigation(); $tab_root_path = PageLayout::getTabNavigationPath(); if ($navigation) { $subnavigation = $navigation->activeSubNavigation(); if ($subnavigation !== null) { $nav_links = new NavigationWidget(); $nav_links->setId('sidebar-navigation'); $nav_links->addCSSClass('navigation-level-3'); $nav_links->setTitle(_('Dritte Navigationsebene')); if (!$navigation->getImage()) { $nav_links->addLayoutCSSClass('show'); } foreach ($subnavigation as $path => $nav) { if (!$nav->isVisible()) { continue; } $nav_id = "nav_".implode("_", preg_split("/\//", $tab_root_path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))."_".$path; $link = $nav_links->addLink( $nav->getTitle(), URLHelper::getURL($nav->getURL()), null, array_merge($nav->getLinkAttributes(), ['id' => $nav_id]) ); $link->setActive($nav->isActive()); if (!$nav->isEnabled()) { $link['disabled'] = true; $link->addClass('quiet'); } } if ($nav_links->hasElements()) { Sidebar::get()->insertWidget($nav_links, ':first'); } } } ?> <!-- Begin main site header --> <header id="main-header"> <!-- Top bar with site title, quick search and avatar menu --> <div id="top-bar" role="banner"> <div id="responsive-menu"> <? $user = User::findCurrent(); if ($user) { $me = [ 'avatar' => Avatar::getAvatar($user->id)->getURL(Avatar::MEDIUM), 'email' => $user->email, 'fullname' => $user->getFullName(), 'username' => $user->username, 'perm' => $GLOBALS['perm']->get_perm() ]; ?> <? } else { $me = ['username' => 'nobody']; } ?> <responsive-navigation :me="<?= htmlReady(json_encode($me)) ?>" context="<?= htmlReady(Context::get() ? Context::get()->getFullName() : '') ?>" :navigation="<?= htmlReady(json_encode(ResponsiveHelper::getNavigationObject($_COOKIE['responsive-navigation-hash'] ?? null))) ?>" ></responsive-navigation> </div> <div id="site-title"> <?= htmlReady(Config::get()->UNI_NAME_CLEAN) ?> </div> <!-- Dynamische Links ohne Icons --> <div id="header-links"> <ul> <? if (Navigation::hasItem('/links')): ?> <? foreach (Navigation::getItem('/links') as $nav): ?> <? if ($nav->isVisible()) : ?> <li class="<? if ($nav->isActive()) echo 'active'; ?> <?= htmlReady($nav->getLinkAttributes()['class'] ?? 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SkipLinks::addIndex(_('Suche'), 'globalsearch-input', 910, false) ?> <li id="quicksearch_item"> <script> var selectSem = function (seminar_id, name) { document.location = "<?= URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/course/details/", ["send_from_search" => 1, "send_from_search_page" => URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/search/courses?keep_result_set=1")]) ?>&sem_id=" + seminar_id; }; </script> <?= $GLOBALS['template_factory']->render('globalsearch/searchbar') ?> </li> <? endif; ?> <? endif; ?> <? if (is_object($GLOBALS['perm']) && $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('user')): ?> <? $active = Navigation::hasItem('/profile') && Navigation::getItem('/profile')->isActive(); ?> <!-- User-Avatar --> <li class="header_avatar_container <? if ($active) echo 'active'; ?>" id="avatar-menu-container"> <? if (is_object($GLOBALS['perm']) && PersonalNotifications::isActivated() && $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor')) : ?> <? $notifications = PersonalNotifications::getMyNotifications() ?> <? $lastvisit = (int)UserConfig::get($GLOBALS['user']->id)->getValue('NOTIFICATIONS_SEEN_LAST_DATE') ?> <div id="notification-container"<?= count($notifications) > 0 ? ' class="hoverable"' : '' ?>> <? foreach ($notifications as $notification) { if ($notification['mkdate'] > $lastvisit) { $alert = true; } } ?> <button id="notification_marker" data-toggles="#notification_checkbox" <?= !empty($alert) ? ' class="alert"' : "" ?> title="<?= sprintf( ngettext('%u Benachrichtigung', '%u Benachrichtigungen', count($notifications)), count($notifications) ) ?>" data-lastvisit="<?= $lastvisit ?>" <?= count($notifications) == 0 ? 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SkipLinks::addIndex(_('Zweite Navigationsebene'), 'navigation-level-2', 910) ?> <nav id="navigation-level-2" aria-label="<?= _('Zweite Navigationsebene') ?>"> <? if (PageLayout::isHeaderEnabled() /*&& isset($navigation)*/) : ?> <?= $this->render_partial('tabs', compact('navigation')) ?> <? endif; ?> </nav> <? endif; ?> <? $public_hint = ''; if (is_object($GLOBALS['user']) && $GLOBALS['user']->id != 'nobody') { // only mark course if user is logged in and free access enabled $is_public_course = Context::isCourse() && Config::get()->ENABLE_FREE_ACCESS; $is_public_institute = Context::isInstitute() && Config::get()->ENABLE_FREE_ACCESS && Config::get()->ENABLE_FREE_ACCESS != 'courses_only'; if (($is_public_course || $is_public_institute) && Navigation::hasItem('/course') && Navigation::getItem('/course')->isActive()) { // indicate to the template that this course is publicly visible // need to handle institutes separately (always visible) if (isset($GLOBALS['SessSemName']['class']) && $GLOBALS['SessSemName']['class'] === 'inst') { $public_hint = _('öffentliche Einrichtung'); } else if (Course::findCurrent() && !Course::findCurrent()->lesezugriff) { $public_hint = _('öffentliche Veranstaltung'); } } } ?> <div id="page-title-container" class="hidden-medium-up"> <div id="page-title"> <? if (Context::get() && strpos(PageLayout::getTitle(), Context::getHeaderLine() . ' - ') !== FALSE) : ?> <?= htmlReady(str_replace(Context::getHeaderLine() . ' - ' , '', PageLayout::getTitle())) ?> <? else: ?> <?= htmlReady( PageLayout::getTitle()) ?> <? endif ?> <?= !empty($public_hint) ? '(' . htmlReady($public_hint) . ')' : '' ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="responsive-contentbar-container"></div> <!-- End main site header --> </header>