diff --git a/app/controllers/calendar/date.php b/app/controllers/calendar/date.php
index a3a80f146734a7c8943af8213d884166ac5f38b0..9438550324209d1a4bf8d204dd003658a29b270b 100644
--- a/app/controllers/calendar/date.php
+++ b/app/controllers/calendar/date.php
@@ -655,7 +655,30 @@ class Calendar_DateController extends AuthenticatedController
             throw new InvalidArgumentException();
-        if ($this->date->repetition_type !== 'SINGLE') {
+        //In case the moved event is a repetition event, we must know the original date from where
+        //it was moved from to correctly move the whole date series:
+        $original_date = Request::getDateTime('original_date');
+        $real_begin = new DateTime();
+        $real_begin->setTimestamp($this->date->begin);
+        if (
+            $original_date
+            && $original_date->format('Ymd') !== $real_begin->format('Ymd')
+        ) {
+            //The original date is set. If it differs from the beginning, a repetition date
+            //of a date series has been moved. In this case, the difference of the beginning
+            //and the original date has to be calculated and the begin and end fields have
+            //to be updated.
+            $original_date->setTime(
+                $real_begin->format('H'),
+                $real_begin->format('i'),
+                $real_begin->format('s')
+            );
+            $diff = $real_begin->diff($original_date);
+            $this->begin = $this->begin->sub($diff);
+            $this->end = $this->end->sub($diff);
+        }
+        if ($this->date->repetition_type !== CalendarDate::REPETITION_SINGLE) {
             PageLayout::setTitle(_('Verschieben eines Termins aus einer Terminserie'));
             //Show the dialog to decide what shall be done with the repetition.
             if (Request::submitted('move')) {
@@ -696,29 +719,6 @@ class Calendar_DateController extends AuthenticatedController
                     $this->response->add_header('X-Dialog-Close', '1');
-                } elseif ($repetition_handling === 'change_times') {
-                    //Set the new time for begin and end:
-                    $date_begin = new DateTime();
-                    $date_begin->setTimestamp($this->date->begin);
-                    $date_begin->setTime(
-                        intval($this->begin->format('H')),
-                        intval($this->begin->format('i')),
-                        intval($this->begin->format('s'))
-                    );
-                    $this->date->begin = $date_begin->getTimestamp();
-                    $date_end = new DateTime();
-                    $date_end->setTimestamp($this->date->end);
-                    $date_end->setTime(
-                        intval($this->end->format('H')),
-                        intval($this->end->format('i')),
-                        intval($this->end->format('s'))
-                    );
-                    $this->date->end = $date_end->getTimestamp();
-                    //Set the editor-ID:
-                    $this->date->editor_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
-                    $store_old_date = true;
                 } elseif ($repetition_handling === 'change_all') {
                     $this->date->begin = $this->begin->getTimestamp();
                     if ($this->date->repetition_end && intval($this->date->repetition_end) != pow(2,31) - 1) {
diff --git a/app/views/calendar/date/index.php b/app/views/calendar/date/index.php
index a10058bd1ee43d0251a13b69a0e56ac315ccb36e..73ecd68996d95ee10772c559a8dc93a4a54b8e64 100644
--- a/app/views/calendar/date/index.php
+++ b/app/views/calendar/date/index.php
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
         <?= Studip\LinkButton::create(
             $controller->url_for('calendar/date/edit/' . $date->id, array_merge($button_params, ['return_path' => '/calendar/calendar'])),
-            ['data-dialog' => 'size=auto;reload-on-close']
+            ['data-dialog' => 'size=auto']
         ) ?>
         <?= \Studip\LinkButton::create(
diff --git a/app/views/calendar/date/move.php b/app/views/calendar/date/move.php
index 3ea2b89a9ff26f2101059f919b570e2455c9e6d7..f999e65da0f9c370b7c9cacbca3ce161a63322b8 100644
--- a/app/views/calendar/date/move.php
+++ b/app/views/calendar/date/move.php
@@ -8,13 +8,9 @@
         <input type="radio" name="repetition_handling" value="create_single_date">
         <?= _('Der Termin soll aus der Terminserie herausgelöst werden.') ?>
-    <label>
-        <input type="radio" name="repetition_handling" value="change_times">
-        <?= _('Start- und Enduhrzeit der gesamten Terminserie soll geändert werden.') ?>
-    </label>
         <input type="radio" name="repetition_handling" value="change_all">
-        <?= _('Die gesamte Terminserie soll verschoben werden und erst am gewählten Datum beginnen.') ?>
+        <?= _('Die gesamte Terminserie soll verschoben werden.') ?>
     <div data-dialog-button>
         <?= \Studip\Button::create(_('Verschieben'), 'move') ?>
diff --git a/lib/classes/calendar/EventData.php b/lib/classes/calendar/EventData.php
index 95e89b0ec6ae53f30dd7d924a852b3cdbcd5ef51..db1e47264941f7edee40dadae7f32fe9f2c63565 100644
--- a/lib/classes/calendar/EventData.php
+++ b/lib/classes/calendar/EventData.php
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ class EventData
     public $border_colour;
     public $all_day;
+    /**
+     * @var string The ID in this field is used to group events when displayed
+     * in Fullcalendar so that they can be moved together.
+     */
+    public string $group_id;
     public function __construct(
         \DateTime $begin,
         \DateTime $end,
@@ -43,7 +49,8 @@ class EventData
         Array $api_urls = [],
         string $icon = '',
         string $border_colour = '',
-        bool $all_day = false
+        bool $all_day = false,
+        string $group_id = ''
         $this->begin = $begin;
@@ -64,6 +71,7 @@ class EventData
         $this->icon = $icon;
         $this->border_colour = $border_colour ?: $background_colour;
         $this->all_day = $all_day;
+        $this->group_id = $group_id;
@@ -109,6 +117,6 @@ class EventData
             'studip_view_urls' => $this->view_urls,
             'studip_api_urls' => $this->api_urls,
             'icon' => $this->icon
-        ];
+        ] + ($this->group_id ? ['groupId' => $this->group_id] : []);
diff --git a/lib/models/calendar/CalendarDateAssignment.php b/lib/models/calendar/CalendarDateAssignment.php
index d61d124bf8b90c38e96a2398a23070144ea87247..43c00809f4b2e4c6363d77fe68012ca49a1d2989 100644
--- a/lib/models/calendar/CalendarDateAssignment.php
+++ b/lib/models/calendar/CalendarDateAssignment.php
@@ -676,11 +676,12 @@ class CalendarDateAssignment extends SimpleORMap implements Event
                 'resize_dialog' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/calendar/date/move/' . $this->calendar_date_id),
-                'move_dialog'   => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/calendar/date/move/' . $this->calendar_date_id)
+                'move_dialog'   => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/calendar/date/move/' . $this->calendar_date_id, ['original_date' => $begin->format('Y-m-d')])
             $this->participation === 'DECLINED' ? 'decline-circle-full' : '',
-            $all_day
+            $all_day,
+            $this->calendar_date_id