From 45cd4aadbecce5840ab5dd56c0aad3c9807269fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan-Hendrik Willms <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:53:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add block length to lock time, fixes #2398

Closes #2398

Merge request studip/studip!1589
 tests/jsonapi/ConsultationHelper.php | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/jsonapi/ConsultationHelper.php b/tests/jsonapi/ConsultationHelper.php
index 10d50502221..a46cb473ed8 100644
--- a/tests/jsonapi/ConsultationHelper.php
+++ b/tests/jsonapi/ConsultationHelper.php
@@ -43,12 +43,14 @@ trait ConsultationHelper
     protected function createBlockWithSlotsForRange(Range $range, bool $lock_blocks = false): ConsultationBlock
+        $slot_length_in_hours = 2;
         // Generate start and end time. Assures that the day is not a holiday.
         $now = time();
         do {
             $begin = strtotime('next monday 8:00:00', $now);
-            $end = strtotime('+2 hours', $begin);
+            $end = strtotime("+{$slot_length_in_hours} hours", $begin);
             $now = strtotime('+1 week', $now);
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ trait ConsultationHelper
         // Lock blocks?
         $additional_data = [];
         if ($lock_blocks) {
-            $additional_data['lock_time'] = ceil(($begin - time()) / 3600);
+            $additional_data['lock_time'] = ceil(($begin - time()) / 3600) + $slot_length_in_hours;
         // Generate blocks