diff --git a/RELEASE-NOTES.md b/RELEASE-NOTES.md
index 733f116966ee97b409ba76299d2323b5e63b0a5e..a10e71422be208396ebc20c3f539a93eb12ba4d9 100644
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 - Der zweite Parameter für die Methode `Navigation::setImage()` wurde entfernt. Der Parameter schien sich auf das Bild zu beziehen, hat aber Attribute an dem Link gesetzt. Stattdessen muss die Methode `Navigation::setLinkAttributes()` verwendet werden. ([Issue #3578](https://gitlab.studip.de/studip/studip/-/issues/3578))
 - Die Unterstützung für LESS-Stylsheets in Plugins wurde entfernt. Als Alternative wird SCSS unterstützt. ([Issue #2720](https://gitlab.studip.de/studip/studip/-/issues/2720))
 - Die Funktionen `studip_json_encode()` und `studip_json_decode()` wurden entfernt. Stattdessen müssen die Methode `json_encode()` und `json_decode()` verwendet werden. ([Issue #3814](https://gitlab.studip.de/studip/studip/-/issues/3814))
+- Die `MembersModel.php` wurde entfernt ([Issue #3811](https://gitlab.studip.de/studip/studip/-/issues/3811))
+- Die `admission.inc.php` wurde entfernt. ([Issue #3812](https://gitlab.studip.de/studip/studip/-/issues/3812))
 ## Security related issues
diff --git a/lib/admission.inc.php b/lib/admission.inc.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d0728f9d924f86fc9267386c8263d803a3366774..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lib/admission.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-# Lifter002: TODO
-# Lifter003: TEST
-# Lifter007: TODO
-# Lifter010: TODO
- * admission.inc.php
- *
- * the basic library for the admisson system
- *
- *
- * @author       Cornelis Kater <ckater@gwdg.de>, Suchi & Berg GmbH <info@data-quest.de>
- * @access       public
- * @modulegroup      admission
- * @module       admission.inc.php
- * @package      studip_core
- * @deprecated since Stud.IP 5.3
- *
- */
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// This file is part of Stud.IP
-// admission.inc.php
-// Funktionen die zur Teilnehmerbeschraenkung benoetigt werden
-// Copyright (C) 2002 Cornelis Kater <ckater@gwdg.de>, Suchi & Berg GmbH <info@data-quest.de>
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-// of the License, or any later version.
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-require_once 'lib/messaging.inc.php';
-require_once 'lib/dates.inc.php';
- * Insert a user into a seminar with optional log-message and contingent
- *
- * @param string   $seminar_id
- * @param string   $user_id
- * @param string   $status       status of user in the seminar (user, autor, tutor, dozent)
- * @param boolean  $copy_studycourse  if true, the studycourse is copied from admission_seminar_user
- *                                    to seminar_user. Overrides the $contingent-parameter
- * @param string   $contingent   optional studiengang_id, if no id is given, no contingent is considered
- * @param string   $log_message  optional log-message. if no log-message is given a default one is used
- * @return bool
- */
-function insert_seminar_user($seminar_id, $user_id, $status, $copy_studycourse = false, $contingent = false, $log_message = false) {
-    if (!$user_id) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // get the seminar-object
-    $sem = Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id);
-    $admission_status = '';
-    $admission_comment = '';
-    $mkdate = time();
-    $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT * FROM admission_seminar_user
-            WHERE seminar_id = ? AND user_id = ?");
-    $stmt->execute([$seminar_id, $user_id]);
-    if ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
-        // copy the studycourse from admission_seminar_user
-        if ($copy_studycourse && $data['studiengang_id']) {
-            $contingent = $data['studiengang_id'];
-        }
-        $admission_status = $data['status'];
-        $admission_comment = ($data['comment'] == NULL) ? '' : $data['comment'];
-        $mkdate = $data['mkdate'];
-    }
-    // check if there are places left in the submitted contingent (if any)
-    //ignore if preliminary
-    if ($admission_status != 'accepted' && $contingent && $sem->isAdmissionEnabled() && !$sem->getFreeAdmissionSeats($contingent)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // get coloured group as used on meine_seminare
-    $colour_group = $sem->getDefaultGroup();
-    // LOGGING
-    // if no log message is submitted use a default one
-    if (!$log_message) {
-        $log_message = 'Wurde in die Veranstaltung eingetragen, admission_status: '. $admission_status . ' Kontingent: ' . $contingent;
-    }
-    StudipLog::log('SEM_USER_ADD', $seminar_id, $user_id, $status, $log_message);
-    // actually insert the user into the seminar
-    $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare('INSERT IGNORE INTO seminar_user
-        (Seminar_id, user_id, status, comment, gruppe, mkdate)
-        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
-    $stmt->execute([$seminar_id, $user_id, $status, $admission_comment, $colour_group, $mkdate]);
-    NotificationCenter::postNotification('UserDidEnterCourse', $seminar_id, $user_id);
-    if ($admission_status) {
-        // delete the entries, user is now in the seminar
-        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare('DELETE FROM admission_seminar_user
-            WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?');
-        $stmt->execute([$user_id, $seminar_id]);
-        //renumber the waiting/accepted/lot list, a user was deleted from it
-        renumber_admission($seminar_id);
-    }
-    $cs = $sem->getCourseSet();
-    if ($cs) {
-        $prio_delete = AdmissionPriority::unsetPriority($cs->getId(), $user_id, $sem->getId());
-    }
-    CalendarScheduleModel::deleteSeminarEntries($user_id, $seminar_id);
-    // reload the seminar, the contingents have changed
-    $sem->restore();
-    // Check if a parent course exists and insert user there.
-    if ($sem->parent_course) {
-        insert_seminar_user($sem->parent_course, $user_id, $status, $copy_studycourse, $contingent, $log_message);
-    }
-    return true;
- * This function numbers a waiting list
- *
- * Use this functions, if a person was moved from the waiting list or there were other changes
- * to the waiting list. The User gets a message, if the parameter is set and the position
- * on the waiting  list has changed.
- *
- * @param        string  seminar_id      the seminar_id of the seminar to calculate
- * @param        boolean send_message        should a system-message be send?
- *
- */
-function renumber_admission ($seminar_id, $send_message = TRUE)
-    $messaging = new messaging;
-    $seminar = Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id);
-    if ($seminar->isAdmissionEnabled()) {
-        //Liste einlesen
-        $query = "SELECT user_id
-                  FROM admission_seminar_user
-                  WHERE seminar_id = ? AND status = 'awaiting'
-                  ORDER BY position";
-        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-        $statement->execute([$seminar->id]);
-        $user_ids = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
-        // Prepare statement that updates the position
-        $query = "UPDATE admission_seminar_user
-                  SET position = ?
-                  WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?";
-        $update_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-        $position = 1;
-        //Liste neu numerieren
-        foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
-            $update_statement->execute([$position, $user_id, $seminar->id]);
-            //User benachrichten
-            if ($update_statement->rowCount() && Config::get()->NOTIFY_ON_WAITLIST_ADVANCE && $send_message) {
-                //Usernamen auslesen
-                $username = get_username($user_id);
-                setTempLanguage($user_id);
-                $message = sprintf(_('Sie sind in der Warteliste der Veranstaltung **%s (%s)** hochgestuft worden. Sie stehen zur Zeit auf Position %s.'),
-                    $seminar->name,
-                    $seminar->getFormattedTurnus(),
-                    $position);
-                $subject = sprintf(_('Ihre Position auf der Warteliste der Veranstaltung %s wurde verändert'), $seminar->name);
-                restoreLanguage();
-                $messaging->insert_message($message, $username, '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, $subject);
-            }
-            $position += 1;
-        }
-    }
- * This function is a kind of wrapper, so that no nasty loops between the updaters occur
- *
- **/
-function update_admission ($seminar_id, $send_message = TRUE) {
-    if(Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id, TRUE)->isAdmissionEnabled()){
-        normal_update_admission($seminar_id, $send_message);
-    }
- * This function updates an admission procedure
- *
- * The function checks, if user could be insert to the seminar.
- * The User gets a message, if he is inserted to the seminar
- *
- * @param        string  seminar_id      the seminar_id of the seminar to calculate
- * @param        boolean send_message        should a system-message be send?
- *
- */
-function normal_update_admission($seminar_id, $send_message = TRUE)
-    $messaging=new messaging;
-    //Daten holen / Abfrage ob ueberhaupt begrenzt
-    $seminar = Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id);
-    if($seminar->isAdmissionEnabled()){
-        $sem_preliminary = ($seminar->admission_prelim == 1);
-        $cs = $seminar->getCourseSet();
-        //Veranstaltung einfach auffuellen (nach Lostermin und Ende der Kontingentierung)
-        if (!$seminar->admission_disable_waitlist_move && $cs->hasAlgorithmRun()) {
-            //anzahl der freien Plaetze holen
-            $count = (int)$seminar->getFreeAdmissionSeats();
-            //Studis auswaehlen, die jetzt aufsteigen koennen
-            $query = "SELECT user_id, username
-                      FROM admission_seminar_user
-                      LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)
-                      WHERE seminar_id = ? AND status = 'awaiting'
-                      ORDER BY position
-                      LIMIT " . (int)$count;
-            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-            $statement->execute([$seminar->getId()]);
-            $temp = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-            foreach ($temp as $row) {
-                //ok, here ist the "colored-group" meant (for grouping on meine_seminare), not the grouped seminars as above!
-                $group = select_group($seminar->getSemesterStartTime());
-                if (!$sem_preliminary) {
-                    $query = "INSERT INTO seminar_user
-                                (user_id, Seminar_id, status, gruppe, mkdate)
-                              VALUES (?, ?, 'autor', ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
-                    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-                    $statement->execute([
-                        $row['user_id'],
-                        $seminar->getId(),
-                        $group
-                    ]);
-                    $affected = $statement->rowCount();
-                    NotificationCenter::postNotification('UserDidEnterCourse', $seminar->getId(), $row['user_id']);
-                } else {
-                    $query = "UPDATE admission_seminar_user
-                              SET status = 'accepted'
-                              WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?";
-                    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-                    $statement->execute([
-                        $row['user_id'],
-                        $seminar->getId()
-                    ]);
-                    $affected = $statement->rowCount();
-                }
-                if ($affected > 0) {
-                    $log_message = 'Wurde automatisch aus der Warteliste in die Veranstaltung eingetragen.';
-                    StudipLog::log('SEM_USER_ADD', $seminar->getId(), $row['user_id'], $sem_preliminary ? 'accepted' : 'autor', $log_message);
-                    if (!$sem_preliminary) {
-                        $query = "DELETE FROM admission_seminar_user
-                                  WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?";
-                        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-                        $statement->execute([
-                            $row['user_id'],
-                            $seminar->getId()
-                        ]);
-                        $affected = $statement->rowCount();
-                    } else {
-                        $affected = 0;
-                    }
-                    //User benachrichtigen
-                    if (($sem_preliminary || $affected > 0) && $send_message) {
-                        setTempLanguage($row['user_id']);
-                        if (!$sem_preliminary) {
-                            $message = sprintf (_('Sie sind in die Veranstaltung **%s (%s)** eingetragen worden, da für Sie ein Platz frei geworden ist. Damit sind Sie für die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung zugelassen. Ab sofort finden Sie die Veranstaltung in der Übersicht Ihrer Veranstaltungen.'), $seminar->getName(), $seminar->getFormattedTurnus(true));
-                        } else {
-                            $message = sprintf (_('Sie haben den Status vorläufig akzeptiert in der Veranstaltung **%s (%s)** erhalten, da für Sie ein Platz freigeworden ist.'), $seminar->getName(), $seminar->getFormattedTurnus(true));
-                        }
-                        $subject = sprintf(_("Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung %s"),$seminar->getName());
-                        restoreLanguage();
-                        $messaging->insert_message($message, $row['username'], '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, $subject, true);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //Warteposition der restlichen User neu eintragen
-            renumber_admission($seminar_id, FALSE);
-        }
-        $seminar->restore();
-    }
- * sets a user on a waiting list for a registration procedure
- *
- * if applicable ($status == 'awaiting') returns the position
- *
- * @param        string  user_id
- * @param        string  seminar_id
- * @param        string  status              'claiming','awaiting','accepted'
- * @param        string  studiengang_id
- * @param        string  comment
- * @return       integer position on waiting list
- *
- */
-function admission_seminar_user_insert($user_id, $seminar_id, $status, $studiengang_id = '', $comment = '')
-    if ($status == 'accepted') {
-        $query = "INSERT INTO admission_seminar_user
-                    (user_id, seminar_id, status, mkdate, comment)
-                  VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?)";
-        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-        $statement->execute([
-            $user_id,
-            $seminar_id,
-            $status,
-            $comment
-        ]);
-        return $statement->rowCount();
-    } elseif ($status == 'awaiting') {
-        $query = "INSERT INTO admission_seminar_user
-                    (user_id, seminar_id, status, mkdate, comment, position)
-                  SELECT ?, ?, 'awaiting', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, IFNULL(MAX(position), 0) + 1
-                  FROM admission_seminar_user
-                  WHERE seminar_id = ? AND status != 'accepted'";
-        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-        $statement->execute([
-            $user_id,
-            $seminar_id,
-            $comment,
-            $seminar_id
-        ]);
-    }
-    return admission_seminar_user_get_position($user_id, $seminar_id);
- * returns the position for a user on a waiting list
- *
- * if the user is not found false is returned, return true if the user is found but
- * no position is available
- *
- * @param        string  user_id
- * @param        string  seminar_id
- * @return       integer position in waiting list or false if not found
- *
- */
-function admission_seminar_user_get_position($user_id, $seminar_id)
-    $query = "SELECT IFNULL(position, 'na')
-              FROM admission_seminar_user
-              WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ? AND status='awaiting'";
-    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
-    $statement->execute([$user_id, $seminar_id]);
-    $position = $statement->fetchColumn();
-    return $position == 'na' ? true : $position;