diff --git a/db/migrations/6.0.22_disable_audio_notifications_for_all.php b/db/migrations/6.0.22_disable_audio_notifications_for_all.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..049072886c17a2ec6f2f631841135bfe4c0716d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrations/6.0.22_disable_audio_notifications_for_all.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+final class DisableAudioNotificationsForAll extends Migration
+    public function description()
+    {
+        return 'Disable audio notifications for all users so that asking for audio permissions is triggered on re-activating';
+    }
+    protected function up()
+    {
+        // Deactive audio feedback per default setting.
+        DBManager::get()->execute(
+            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `config`
+            (`field`, `value`, `type`, `range`, `mkdate`, `chdate`, `description`)
+            VALUES
+            (:field, :value, :type, :range, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), :description)",
+            [
+                'value' => 1,
+                'type' => 'boolean',
+                'range' => 'user',
+                'description' => 'Audio-Feedback zu Benachrichtigungen abschalten'
+            ]
+        );
+        // Query default language
+        $query = "SELECT IFNULL(`config_values`.`value`, `config`.`value`)
+                  FROM `config`
+                  LEFT JOIN `config_values` USING (`field`)
+                  WHERE `field` = 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'";
+        $default_language = DBManager::get()->fetchColumn($query);
+        // Send notifications to users to inform of the change
+        $query = "SELECT IF(`user_info`.`preferred_language` = '', ?, `user_info`.`preferred_language`),
+                         `user_id`
+                  FROM `auth_user_md5`
+                  JOIN `user_info` USING (`user_id`)
+                  LEFT JOIN `config_values`
+                    ON `range_id` = `user_id`
+                       AND `field` = 'PERSONAL_NOTIFICATIONS_AUDIO_DEACTIVATED'
+                       AND `value` = '1'
+                  WHERE `config_values`.`range_id` IS NULL";
+        DBManager::get()->fetchGroupedPairs(
+            $query,
+            [$default_language],
+            function ($user_ids, $language) {
+                $message = 'Aus technischen Gründen wurde das Audio-Feedback zu '
+                         . 'Benachrichtigungen in Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte '
+                         . 'aktivieren Sie dieses erneut, wenn Sie es weiterhin '
+                         . 'nutzen möchten.';
+                if (str_starts_with($language, 'en')) {
+                    $message = 'For technical reasons, the audio feedback for '
+                             . 'notifications has been deactivated in your account. '
+                             . 'Please reactivate it if you wish to continue using it.';
+                }
+                // Create notification
+                $query = "INSERT INTO `personal_notifications`
+                          (`url`, `text`, `avatar`, `mkdate`)
+                          VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
+                DBManager::get()->execute($query, [
+                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/settings/general'),
+                    $message,
+                    Icon::create('audio2')->asImagePath()
+                ]);
+                $id = DBManager::get()->lastInsertId();
+                // Assign users
+                $query = "INSERT INTO `personal_notifications_user`
+                          (`personal_notification_id`, `user_id`)
+                          VALUES (?, ?)";
+                foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
+                    DBManager::get()->execute($query, [$id, $user_id]);
+                }
+            }
+        );
+        // Reset all users to default.
+        DBManager::get()->exec("DELETE FROM `config_values` WHERE `field` = 'PERSONAL_NOTIFICATIONS_AUDIO_DEACTIVATED'");
+    }
diff --git a/resources/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/settings.js b/resources/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/settings.js
index a8c7ccdba2a0d597791098d4e160d2bd2f23255b..43387631d71ad6e0e07d00895c177bb70e6199d4 100644
--- a/resources/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/settings.js
+++ b/resources/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/settings.js
@@ -15,6 +15,21 @@ STUDIP.domReady(() => {
     $('#edit_userdata .email-change-confirm').hide();
+    const audioActive = $('input[name="personal_notifications_audio_activated"]');
+    audioActive.on('change', function() {
+        if (audioActive.is(':checked')) {
+            navigator.permissions.query({name: 'autoplay'})
+                .then(result => {
+                    if (result.state !== 'granted') {
+                        navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true});
+                    }
+                })
+                .catch(error => {
+                    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true});
+                });
+        }
+    });