Forked from
Stud.IP / Stud.IP
1687 commits behind the upstream repository.
Jan-Hendrik Willms authored
Closes #3471 Merge request studip/studip!2366
Jan-Hendrik Willms authoredCloses #3471 Merge request studip/studip!2366
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forms.js 16.78 KiB
import { $gettext, $gettextInterpolate } from '../lib/gettext.js';
// Allow fieldsets to collapse
'form.default fieldset.collapsable legend,form.default.collapsable fieldset legend',
function() {
// Display a visible hint that indicates how many characters the user may
// input if the element has a maxlength restriction.
$(document).on('focus', 'form.default [maxlength]:not(.no-hint)', function() {
if (!$(this).is('textarea,input') || $(this).data('length-hint') || $(this).is('[readonly],[disabled]')) {
var width = $(this).outerWidth(true),
hint = $('<div class="length-hint">').hide(),
wrap = $('<div class="length-hint-wrapper">').width(width),
timeout = null;
hint.text($gettext('Zeichen verbleibend: '));
hint.append('<span class="length-hint-counter">');
.focus(function() {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
hint.finish().show('slide', { direction: 'down' }, 300);
}, 200);
.blur(function() {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
hint.finish().hide('slide', { direction: 'down' }, 300);
}, 200);
.on('focus propertychange change keyup', function() {
var count = $(this).val().length,
max = parseInt($(this).attr('maxlength'), 10);
hint.find('.length-hint-counter').text(max - count);
$(this).data('length-hint', true);
function() {
// Automatic form submission handler when a select has changed it's value.
// Due to accessibility issues, an intuitive select[onchange=form.submit()]
// leads to terrible behaviour when invoked not by mouse. The form is
// submitted upon _every_ change, including key strokes.
// Thus, we need to overwrite this behaviour. Breakdown of this solution:
// - Only submit when the value has actually changed
// - Always submit when pressing enter (keycode 13)
// - Always check for change on blur event
// - Store whether the element was activated by click event
// - If so, submit upon next change event
// - Otherwise submit when enter has been pressed
// Be aware: All select[onchange*="submit()"] will be rewritten to
// select.submit-upon-select and have the onchange attribute removed.
// This might lead to unexpected behaviour.
// Ensure, every .submit-upon-select has an defaultSelected option.
.on('focus', 'select[onchange*="submit()"]', function() {
.on('click mousedown', 'select.submit-upon-select', function(event) {
// Firefox and Chrome handle click events on selects differently,
// thus we need the mousedown event and the click event is needed for
// select2 elements. Please do not change!
$(this).data('wasClicked', true);
.on('change', 'select.submit-upon-select', function(event) {
// Trigger blur event if element was clicked in the beginning
if ($(this).data('wasClicked')) {
.on('focusout keyup keypress keydown select', 'select.submit-upon-select', function(event) {
var shouldSubmit = event.type === 'keyup' ? event.which === 13 : $(this).data('wasClicked'),
is_default = $('option:selected', this).prop('defaultSelected');
// Submit only if value has changed and either enter was pressed or
// select was opened by click
if (!is_default && shouldSubmit) {
if ($(this).data('formaction')) {
$(this.form).attr('action', $(this).data('formaction'));
$('option', this).prop('defaultSelected', false).filter(':selected').prop('defaultSelected', true);
return false;
STUDIP.ready((event) => {
$('.submit-upon-select', {
var has_default_selected =
$('option', this).filter(function() {
return this.defaultSelected;
}).length > 0;
if (!has_default_selected) {
$('option', this)
.prop('defaultSelected', true);
// Use select2 for crossbrowser compliant select styling and
// handling
$.fn.select2.amd.define('select2/i18n/de', [], function() {
return {
inputTooLong: function(e) {
var t = e.input.length - e.maximum;
return $gettext('Bitte %u Zeichen weniger eingeben').replace('%u', t);
inputTooShort: function(e) {
var t = e.minimum - e.input.length;
return $gettext('Bitte %u Zeichen mehr eingeben').replace('%u', t);
loadingMore: function() {
return $gettext('Lade mehr Ergebnisse...');
maximumSelected: function(e) {
var t = [
$gettext('Sie können nur %u Eintrag auswählen'),
$gettext('Sie können nur %u Einträge auswählen')
return t[e.maximum === 1 ? 0 : 1].replace('%u', e.maximum);
noResults: function() {
return $gettext('Keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden');
searching: function() {
return $gettext('Suche...');
$.fn.select2.defaults.set('language', 'de');
function createSelect2(element) {
if ($(element).data('select2')) {
let select_classes = $(element)
option = $('<option>'),
width = $(element).outerWidth(true),
cloned = $(element)
.css('opacity', 0)
wrapper = $('<div class="select2-wrapper">').css('display', cloned.css('display')),
dropdownAutoWidth = $(element).data('dropdown-auto-width')
.css('width', width);
if ($('.is-placeholder', element).length > 0) {
placeholder = $('.is-placeholder', element)
option.attr('selected', $(element).val() === '');
$('.is-placeholder', element).replaceWith(option);
adaptDropdownCssClass: function() {
return select_classes;
allowClear: placeholder !== undefined,
minimumResultsForSearch: $(element).closest('#sidebar').length > 0 ? 15 : 10,
placeholder: placeholder,
dropdownAutoWidth: dropdownAutoWidth,
dropdownParent: $(element).closest('.ui-dialog,#sidebar,body'),
templateResult: function(data, container) {
if (data.element) {
let option_classes = $(data.element).attr('class'),
element_data = $(data.element).data();
// Allow text color changes (calendar needs this)
if (element_data.textColor) {
$(container).css('color', element_data.textColor);
return data.text;
templateSelection: function(data, container) {
let result = $('<span class="select2-selection__content">').text(data.text),
element_data = $(data.element).data();
if (element_data && element_data.textColor) {
result.css('color', element_data.textColor);
if (element_data && element_data.colorClass) {
return result;
width: 'style'
STUDIP.ready(function () {
let forms = window.document.querySelectorAll('form.default.studipform:not(.vueified)');
if (forms.length > 0) {
STUDIP.Vue.load().then(({createApp}) => {
forms.forEach(f => {
el: f,
data() {
let params = JSON.parse(f.dataset.inputs);
params.STUDIPFORM_REQUIRED = f.dataset.required ? JSON.parse(f.dataset.required) : [];
params.STUDIPFORM_AUTOSAVEURL = f.dataset.autosave;
params.STUDIPFORM_REDIRECTURL = f.dataset.url;
params.STUDIPFORM_DEBUGMODE = JSON.parse(f.dataset.debugmode);
return params;
methods: {
submit: function (e) {
let v = this;
let validated = this.validate();
if (!validated) {
"behavior": "smooth"
let params = this.getFormValues();
data: params,
type: 'post',
success() {
window.location.href = v.STUDIPFORM_REDIRECTURL;
getFormValues() {
let v = this;
let params = {
security_token: this.$refs.securityToken.value
Object.keys(v.$data).forEach(function (i) {
if (!i.startsWith('STUDIPFORM_')) {
if (typeof v.$data[i] === 'boolean') {
params[i] = v.$data[i] ? 1 : 0;
} else {
params[i] = v.$data[i];
return params;
validate() {
let v = this;
let validated = this.$el.checkValidity();
$(this.$el).find('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
if (!this.validity.valid) {
let note = {
name: $(this.labels[0]).find('.textlabel').text(),
description: $gettext('Fehler!'),
if (this.validity.tooShort) {
note.description = $gettextInterpolate(
$gettext('Geben Sie mindestens %{min} Zeichen ein.'),
{min: this.minLength}
if (this.validity.valueMissing) {
if (this.type === 'checkbox') {
note.description = $gettext('Dieses Feld muss ausgewählt sein.');
} else {
note.description = $gettext('Hier muss ein Wert eingetragen werden.');
return validated;
setInputs(inputs) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(inputs)) {
if (this[key] !== undefined) {
this[key] = value;
selectLanguage(input_name, language_id) {
let languages = {
languages[input_name] = language_id;
mounted () {
// Well, this is really nasty: Select2 can't determine the select
// element's width if it is hidden (by itself or by it's parent).
// This is due to the fact that elements are not rendered when hidden
// (which seems pretty obvious when you think about it) but elements
// only have a width when they are rendered (pretty obvious as well).
// Thus, we need to handle the visible elements first and apply
// select2 directly.
$('select.nested-select:visible').each(function() {
// The hidden need a little more love. The only, almost sane-ish
// solution seems to be to attach a mutation observer to the closest
// visible element from the requested select element and observe style,
// class and attribute changes in order to detect when the select
// element itself will become visible. Pretty straight forward, huh?
$('select.nested-select:hidden:not(.select2-awaiting)').each(function() {
var observer = new window.MutationObserver(onDomChange);
observer.observe($(this).closest(':visible')[0], {
attributeOldValue: true,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['style', 'class', 'hidden'],
characterData: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true
function onDomChange(mutations, observer) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
let targets = Array.from('select.select2-awaiting'));
if ('select.select2-awaiting')) {
targets = $(targets).filter(':visible');
if (targets.length > 0) {
targets.removeClass('select2-awaiting').each(function() {
// Unfortunately, this code needs to be duplicated because jQuery
// namespacing kind of sucks. If the below change handler is namespaced
// and we trigger that namespaced event here, still all change handlers
// will execute (which is bad due to $(select).change(form.submit())).
$('select:not([multiple])').each(function() {
$(this).toggleClass('has-no-value', this.value === '');
.on('change', 'select:not([multiple])', function() {
$(this).toggleClass('has-no-value', this.value === '');
.on('dialog-close', function(event, data) {
$('select.nested-select', data.dialog).each(function() {
if (!$(this).data('select2')) {
.on('select2:open', 'select', function() {