import Overlay from './overlay.js'; class AbstractAPI { static get supportedMethods() { return ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE']; } // Helper function that normalizes options static adjustOptions (options = {}) { return Object.assign({}, { method: 'get', parameters: {}, headers: {}, data: {}, overlay: false, async: false, before: false }, options || {}); } constructor (base_url) { if (this.constructor === AbstractAPI) { throw new TypeError('You should not instantiate the abstract api'); } this.total_requests = 0; this.request_count = 0; this.queue = []; this.base_url = base_url; } encodeData (data, method) { if (data instanceof Function) { data = data(); } return data; } request (url, options = {}) { // Normalize parameters if (Array.isArray(url)) { // Remove empty trailing chunks while (url[url.length - 1] === '') { delete url[url.length - 1]; } // Convert array to string url = url.join('/'); } options = this.constructor.adjustOptions(options); var deferred; const request = this.#createRequest(url, options); if (options.async && this.request_count > 0) { // Request should be sent asynchronous after every other request // is finished. The configuration for this particular request is // stored in a deferred which is then queued for execution. deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.then(() => this.request(url, options)); this.queue.push(deferred); } else if (options.before instanceof Function && !options.before()) { // A before function was defined and returned false, so the request // is canceled deferred = $.Deferred((dfd) => dfd.reject()); } else { // Increase request counters, show overlay if neccessary if (this.request_count === 0 && options.overlay) {, null, true); } this.request_count += 1; this.total_requests += 1; // Actual request deferred = $.ajax(request.url, { contentType: options.contentType || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', method: options.method.toUpperCase(), data: this.encodeData(, options.method.toUpperCase()), headers: options.headers }).always(() => { // Decrease request counter, remove overlay if neccessary this.request_count -= 1; if (this.request_count === 0 && options.overlay) { Overlay.hide(); } }); } return deferred.always(() => { // Check if any request was queued if (this.request_count === 0 && this.queue.length > 0) { this.queue.shift().resolve(); } }).promise(); } #createRequest(url, options) { const hasBody = ['post', 'put', 'patch'].includes(options.method.toLowerCase()); const query = hasBody ? '' : `?${this.convertDataToRequestParameters(}`; return { url: STUDIP.URLHelper.getURL(`${this.base_url}/${url}${query}`, {}, true), data: hasBody ? : {}, }; } convertDataToRequestParameters(data, prefix = '') { return Object.entries(data).filter(([key, value]) => { return value !== null; }).map(([key, value]) => { const name = prefix ? `${prefix}[${key}]` : `${key}`; if (value.constructor?.name === 'Object') { return this.convertDataToRequestParameters(value, name); } else { return `${name}=${value}`; } }).join('&'); } } // Create shortcut methods for easier access by method AbstractAPI.supportedMethods.forEach((method) => { AbstractAPI.prototype[method] = function (url, options = {}) { options = this.constructor.adjustOptions(options); options.method = method; return, url, options); }; }); export default AbstractAPI;