 * courses.php - Controller for admin and seminar related
 * pages under "Meine Veranstaltungen"
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * @author      David Siegfried <david@ds-labs.de>
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL version 2 or later
 * @category    Stud.IP
 * @since       3.1
require_once 'lib/meine_seminare_func.inc.php';
require_once 'lib/object.inc.php';
require_once 'lib/archiv.inc.php'; //for lastActivity in getCourses() method

class Admin_CoursesController extends AuthenticatedController

     * This method returns the appropriate widget for the given datafield.
     * @param DataField datafield The datafield whose widget is requested.
     * @return SidebarWidget|null Returns a SidebarWidget derivative or null in case of an error.
    private function getDatafieldWidget(DataField $datafield)
        if ($datafield->accessAllowed()) {
            //The current user is allowed to see this datafield.
            //Now we must distinguish between the different types of data fields:

            $datafields_filters = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_DATAFIELDS_FILTERS;

            $type = $datafield->type;

            if ($type == 'bool') {
                //bool fields just need a checkbox for the states TRUE and FALSE
                $checkboxWidget = new OptionsWidget($datafield->name);
                    _('Feld gesetzt'),
                    Request::bool('df_'.$datafield->id, $datafields_filters[$datafield->id] ?? false),
                        ['df_'.$datafield->id => '1']
                    ['onclick' => "$(this).toggleClass(['options-checked', 'options-unchecked']); STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({'df_".$datafield->id."': $(this).hasClass('options-checked') ? 1 : 0}); return false;"]
                return $checkboxWidget;
            } elseif ($type == 'selectbox' || $type == 'radio' || $type == 'selectboxmultiple') {
                $options = array_map('trim', explode("\n", DBManager::get()->fetchColumn(
                    'SELECT typeparam FROM datafields WHERE datafield_id = ?',

                if ($options) {
                    $selectWidget = new SelectWidget(
                        'df_' . $datafield->id
                        new SelectElement(
                            '(' . _('keine Auswahl') . ')'
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                            new SelectElement(
                                Request::get('df_'.$datafield->id, $datafields_filters[$datafield->id] ?? null) === $option
                    $selectWidget->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({'df_".$datafield->id."': $(this).find('select').val()}); return false;");
                    return $selectWidget;
                return null;
            } else {
                //all other fields get a text field
                $textWidget = new SearchWidget();
                    $datafields_filters[$datafield->id] ?? null
                $textWidget->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({'df_".$datafield->id."': $(this).find('input').val()}); return false;");
                return $textWidget;

     * This method is responsible for building the sidebar.
     * Depending on the sidebar elements the user has selected some of those
     * elements are shown or not. To find out what elements
     * the user has selected the user configuration is accessed.
     * @param string courseTypeFilterConfig The selected value for the course type filter field, defaults to null.
     * @return null This method does not return any value.
    private function buildSidebar()
            Depending on the elements the user has selected
            some of the following elements may not be presented
            in the sidebar.
        $visibleElements = $this->getActiveElements();

        $this->sem_create_perm = in_array(Config::get()->SEM_CREATE_PERM, ['root', 'admin', 'dozent'])
            ? Config::get()->SEM_CREATE_PERM
            : 'dozent';

        $sidebar = Sidebar::get();

            Order of elements:
            * Navigation
            * selected filters (configurable)
            * selected actions widget
            * actions
            * view filter (configurable)
            * export

            Now draw the configurable elements according
            to the values inside the visibleElements array.
        if (!empty($visibleElements['search'])) {
        if (!empty($visibleElements['institute'])) {
        if (!empty($visibleElements['semester'])) {
        if (!empty($visibleElements['stgteil'])) {
            Sidebar::Get()->addWidget($this->getStgteilSelector(), 'filter_stgteil');
        if (!empty($visibleElements['courseType'])) {
        if (!empty($visibleElements['teacher'])) {
            Sidebar::Get()->addWidget($this->getTeacherWidget(), 'filter_teacher');

        //if there are datafields in the list, draw their input fields, too:
        if (!empty($visibleElements['datafields'])) {
            //The datafields entry contains an array with datafield-IDs.
            //We must fetch them from the database and show an appropriate widget
            //for each datafield.

            $visibleDatafieldIds = $visibleElements['datafields'];

            $datafields = DataField::getDataFields('sem');

            if ($datafields) {
                foreach ($datafields as $datafield) {
                    if (in_array($datafield->id, $visibleDatafieldIds)) {
                        $widget = $this->getDatafieldWidget($datafield);

                        if ($widget) {

        //this shall be visible in every case:

        //actions: always visible, too
        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm($this->sem_create_perm)) {
            $actions = new ActionsWidget();
                _('Neue Veranstaltung anlegen'),
                _('Diese Seitenleiste konfigurieren'),

            $sidebar->addWidget($actions, 'links');

        //the view filter's visibility is configurable:
        if (in_array('viewFilter', $visibleElements)) {

        //"export as Excel" is always visible:
        if ($this->sem_create_perm) {
            $params = [];

            if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT) {
                $params['search'] = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT;
            $export = new ExportWidget();
                _('Als Excel exportieren'),
                 URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/export_csv', $params),

        foreach (PluginEngine::getPlugins(AdminCourseWidgetPlugin::class) as $plugin) {
            foreach ($plugin->getWidgets() as $name => $widget) {
                $position = $widget->getPositionInSidebar();
                if ($position) {
                    $sidebar->insertWidget($widget, $position, $name);
                } else {
                    $sidebar->addWidget($widget, $name);

     * Common tasks for all actions
     * @param String $action Called action
     * @param Array  $args   Possible arguments
    public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
        parent::before_filter($action, $args);

        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
        } else {

        // we are defintely not in an lecture or institute

        //delete all temporary permission changes
        if (is_array($_SESSION)) {
            foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) {
                if (strpos($key, 'seminar_change_view_') === 0) {

        $this->insts = Institute::getMyInstitutes($GLOBALS['user']->id);

        if (empty($this->insts) && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
            PageLayout::postError(_('Sie wurden noch keiner Einrichtung zugeordnet'));

        // Semester selection
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE) {
            $this->semester = Semester::find($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE);

        if (Request::get('reset-search')) {

        PageLayout::setTitle(_('Verwaltung von Veranstaltungen und Einrichtungen'));
        // Add admission functions.
        $this->max_show_courses = 500;

     * Show all courses with more options
    public function index_action()
        $this->fields = $this->getViewFilters();
        $this->sortby = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT ?? 'name';
        $this->sortflag = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT_FLAG ?? 'ASC';


        PageLayout::addHeadElement('script', [
            'type' => 'text/javascript',
        ], sprintf(
              'window.AdminCoursesStoreData = %s;',

    private function getStoreData(): array
        $configuration = User::findCurrent()->getConfiguration();

        $institut_id = $configuration->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT && $configuration->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT !== 'all'
                     ? $configuration->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT
                     : null;

        $filters = array_merge(
            array_merge(...PluginEngine::sendMessage(AdminCourseWidgetPlugin::class, 'getFilters')),
                'institut_id'    => $institut_id,
                'search'         => $configuration->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT,
                'semester_id'    => $configuration->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE,
                'course_type'    => $configuration->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER,
                'stgteil'        => $configuration->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL,
                'teacher_filter' => $configuration->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER,

        return [
            'setActivatedFields' => $this->getFilterConfig(),
            'setActionArea' => $configuration->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA ?? '1',
            'setFilter' => array_filter($filters),

    private function getDatafieldFilters(): array
        $visibleElements = $this->getActiveElements();
        if (empty($visibleElements['datafields'])) {
            return [];

        $datafields = DataField::getDataFields('sem');
        $config = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_DATAFIELDS_FILTERS;

        $datafields = array_filter($datafields, function (Datafield $datafield) use ($visibleElements, $config) {
            return in_array($datafield->id, $visibleElements['datafields'])
                && isset($config[$datafield->id]);

        $result = [];
        foreach ($datafields as $datafield) {
            $result["df_{$datafield->id}"] = $config[$datafield->id];
        return $result;

    public function search_action()

        $filter = AdminCourseFilter::get();
        if (Request::option('course_id')) { //we have only one course and want to see if that course is part of the result set
            $filter->query->where('course_id', 'seminare.Seminar_id = :course_id', ['course_id' => Request::option('course_id')]);
        PluginEngine::sendMessage(AdminCourseWidgetPlugin::class, 'applyFilters', $filter);

        $count = $filter->countCourses();
        if ($count > $this->max_show_courses && !Request::submitted('without_limit')) {
                'count' => $count
        $courses = AdminCourseFilter::get()->getCourses();

        $data = [
            'data' => []
        if (Request::submitted('activated_fields')) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_ADMIN_VIEW_FILTER_ARGS', json_encode(Request::getArray('activated_fields')));
        $activated_fields = $this->getFilterConfig();

        $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA', Request::option('action'));
        foreach ($courses as $course) {
            if ($course->parent_course && !Request::option('course_id')) {
            $data['data'][] = $this->getCourseData($course, $activated_fields);
            foreach ($course->children as $childcourse) {
                $data['data'][] = $this->getCourseData($childcourse, $activated_fields);
        $tf = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($GLOBALS['STUDIP_BASE_PATH'] . '/app/views');
        switch ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 8: //Sperrebenen
                $template = $tf->open('admin/courses/lock_preselect');
                $template->course = $course;
                $template->all_lock_rules = new SimpleCollection(array_merge(
                        'name'    => '--' . _('keine Sperrebene') . '--',
                        'lock_id' => 'none'
                $data['buttons_top'] = $template->render();
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Sperrebenen'), 'locking_button', ['formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_lockrule')]);
            case 9: //Sichtbarkeit
                $data['buttons_top'] = '<label>'._('Alle auswählen').'<input type="checkbox" data-proxyfor=".course-admin td:last-child :checkbox"></label>';
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Sichtbarkeit'), 'visibility_button', ['formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_visibility')]);
            case 10: //Zusatzangaben
                $template = $tf->open('admin/courses/aux_preselect');
                $template->course = $course;
                $template->aux_lock_rules = AuxLockRule::findBySQL('1 ORDER BY name ASC');
                $data['buttons_top'] = $template->render();
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Zusatzangaben'), 'aux_button', ['formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_aux_lockrule')]);
            case 11: //Veranstaltung kopieren
            case 14: //Zugangsberechtigungen
            case 16: //Löschen
                $data['buttons_top'] = '<label>'._('Alle auswählen').'<input type="checkbox" data-proxyfor=".course-admin td:last-child :checkbox"></label>';
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Löschen'), 'deleting_button', ['formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/archive/confirm')]);
            case 17: //Gesperrte Veranstaltungen
                $data['buttons_top'] = '<label>'._('Alle auswählen').'<input type="checkbox" data-proxyfor=".course-admin td:last-child :checkbox"></label>';
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Einstellungen speichern'), 'locking_button', ['formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_locked')]);
            case 18: //Startsemester
            case 19: //LV-Gruppen
            case 20: //Notiz
            case 21: //Mehrfachzuordnung Studienbereiche
                $data['buttons_top'] = '<label>' . _('Alle auswählen') .
                    '<input type="checkbox" data-proxyfor=".course-admin td:last-child :checkbox"></label>';
                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::createAccept(
                    _('Mehrfachzuordnung von Studienbereichen'), 'batch_assign_semtree',
                        'formaction' => URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/tree/batch_assign_semtree'),
                        'data-dialog' => 'size=big'
                foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseAction') as $plugin) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA === get_class($plugin)) {
                        $multimode = $plugin->useMultimode();
                        if ($multimode) {
                            $data['buttons_top'] = '<label>'._('Alle auswählen').'<input type="checkbox" data-proxyfor=".course-admin td:last-child :checkbox"></label>';
                            if ($multimode instanceof Flexi_Template) {
                                $data['buttons_bottom'] = $multimode->render();
                            } elseif ($multimode instanceof \Studip\Button) {
                                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) $multimode;
                            } elseif (is_string($multimode)) {
                                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::create($multimode, '', ['formaction' => $plugin->getAdminActionURL()]);
                            } else {
                                $data['buttons_bottom'] = (string) \Studip\Button::create(_('Speichern'), '', ['formaction' => $plugin->getAdminActionURL()]);
        if (!isset($data['buttons_top'])) {
            $data['buttons_top'] = '';
        if (!isset($data['buttons_bottom'])) {
            $data['buttons_bottom'] = '';


    private function processFilters(): void
        $filters = Request::getArray('filters');
        $config = User::findCurrent()->getConfiguration();

        // Simple filters
        $mapping = [
            'search'         => 'ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT',
            'semester_id'    => 'MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE',
            'stgteil'        => 'MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL',
            'teacher_filter' => 'ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER',
            'course_type'    => 'MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER',
            'institut_id'    => 'MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT',

        foreach ($mapping as $key => $field) {
            if (isset($filters[$key])) {
                $config->store($field, $filters[$key]);


        // Datafield filters
        $activeSidebarElements = $this->getActiveElements();

        $datafields_filters = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_DATAFIELDS_FILTERS;
        foreach (DataField::getDataFields('sem') as $datafield) {
            $key = "df_{$datafield->id}";

            if (
                && in_array($datafield->id, $activeSidebarElements['datafields'])
            ) {
                $datafields_filters[$datafield->id] = $filters[$key];
            } else {
        $config->store('ADMIN_COURSES_DATAFIELDS_FILTERS', $datafields_filters);

        // Plugin filters
        foreach (PluginEngine::getPlugins(AdminCourseWidgetPlugin::class) as $plugin) {
            $plugin_filters = array_intersect_key(

    protected function getCourseData(Course $course, $activated_fields)
        $d = [
            'id' => $course->id,
            'parent_course' => $course->parent_course
        if (in_array('name', $activated_fields)) {
            $params = tooltip2(_('Veranstaltungsdetails anzeigen'));
            $params['style'] = 'cursor: pointer';
            $d['name'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php', ['auswahl' => $course->id]).'">'
                . htmlReady($course->name)
                .'</a> '
                .'<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/course/details/index/'. $course->id).'" data-dialog><button class="undecorated">'.Icon::create('info-circle', Icon::ROLE_INACTIVE)->asImg($params).'</button></a> '
                .(!$course->visible ? _('(versteckt)') : '');
        if (in_array('number', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['number'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php', ['auswahl' => $course->id]).'">'
        if (in_array('avatar', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['avatar'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php', ['auswahl' => $course->id]).'">'
                .CourseAvatar::getAvatar($course->getId())->getImageTag(Avatar::SMALL, ['title' => $course->name])
        if (in_array('type', $activated_fields)) {
            $semtype = $course->getSemType();
            $d['type'] = $semtype['name'];
        if (in_array('room_time', $activated_fields)) {
            $seminar = new Seminar($course);
            $d['room_time'] = $seminar->getDatesHTML([
                'show_room'   => true,
            ]) ?: _('nicht angegeben');
        if (in_array('semester', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['semester'] = $course->semester_text;
        if (in_array('institute', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['institute'] = $course->home_institut ? $course->home_institut->name : $course->institute;
        if (in_array('requests', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['requests'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/course/room_requests', ['cid' => $course->id]).'">'.count($course->room_requests)."</a>";
        if (in_array('teachers', $activated_fields)) {
            $teachers = $this->getTeacher($course->id);
            $teachers = array_map(function ($teacher) {
                return '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/profile', ['username' => $teacher['username']]) .'">'. htmlReady($teacher['fullname']).'</a>';
            }, $teachers);
            $d['teachers'] = implode(', ', $teachers);
        if (in_array('members', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['members'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/course/members', ['cid' => $course->id]).'">'
        if (in_array('waiting', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['waiting'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/course/members', ['cid' => $course->id]).'">'
        if (in_array('preliminary', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['preliminary'] = '<a href="'.URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/course/members', ['cid' => $course->id]).'">'
        if (in_array('contents', $activated_fields)) {
            $icons = [];
            foreach ($course->tools as $tool) {
                $module = $tool->getStudipModule();
                if ($module) {
                    $last_visit = object_get_visit($course->id, $module->getPluginId());
                    $nav = $module->getIconNavigation($course->id, $last_visit, $GLOBALS['user']->id);
                    if (isset($nav) && $nav->isVisible(true)) {
                        $icons[] = $nav;
            $d['contents'] = '<div class="icons">
                <ul class="my-courses-navigation">';

            foreach ($icons as $icon) {
                $d['contents'] .= '<li class="my-courses-navigation-item '. ($icon->getImage()->signalsAttention() ? 'my-courses-navigation-important' : '').'">
                        <a href="'. URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php', ['auswahl' => $course->id, 'redirect_to' => $icon->getURL()]).'"'. ($icon->getTitle() ? ' title="'.htmlReady($icon->getTitle()).'"' : '') .'>
                            '. $icon->getImage()->asImg(20) .'
            $d['contents'] .= '</ul></div>';
        if (in_array('last_activity', $activated_fields)) {
            $d['last_activity'] = strftime('%x', lastActivity($course->id));

        foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
            foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                if (in_array($plugin->getPluginId() . '_' . $index, $activated_fields)) {
                    $content = $plugin->adminAreaGetCourseContent($course, $index);
                    $d[$plugin->getPluginId()."_".$index] = $content instanceof Flexi_Template ? $content->render() : $content;
        $tf = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($GLOBALS['STUDIP_BASE_PATH'].'/app/views');

        switch ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA) {
            case 1:
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/basicdata/view', ['cid' => $course->id]),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 2:
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/study_areas/show', ['cid' => $course->id, 'from' => 'admin/courses']),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 3:
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/index', ['cid' => $course->id, 'cmd' => 'applyFilter']),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 4:
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/room_requests/index', ['cid' => $course->id, 'origin' => 'admin_courses']),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 8: //Sperrebenen
                $template = $tf->open('admin/courses/lock');
                $template->course = $course;
                $template->aux_lock_rules = AuxLockRule::findBySQL('1 ORDER BY name ASC');
                $template->all_lock_rules = new SimpleCollection(array_merge(
                        'name'    => '--' . _('keine Sperrebene') . '--',
                        'lock_id' => 'none'
                $d['action'] = $template->render();
            case 9: //Sichtbarkeit
                $d['action'] = '<input type="hidden" name="all_sem[]" value="'.htmlReady($course->id).'"><input type="checkbox" name="visibility['.$course->id.']" '.($course->visible ? ' checked ' : '').'value="1">';
            case 10: //Zusatzangaben
                $template = $tf->open('admin/courses/aux-select');
                $template->course = $course;
                $template->aux_lock_rules = AuxLockRule::findBySQL('1 ORDER BY name ASC');
                $d['action'] = $template->render();
            case 11: //Veranstaltung kopieren
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/wizard/copy/' . $course->id),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 14: //Zugangsberechtigungen
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/admission', ['cid' => $course->id]),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 16: //Löschen
                $d['action'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="archiv_sem[]" value="'.htmlReady($course->id).'" aria-label="'.htmlReady(sprintf(_('Veranstaltung %s löschen'), $course->getFullName())).'">';
            case 17: //Gesperrte Veranstaltungen
                $cs = CourseSet::getSetForCourse($course->id);
                if ($cs) {
                    $locked = true;
                    $disabled = !$cs->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission');
                } else {
                    $locked = false;
                    $disabled = false;
                $d['action'] = '<input type="hidden" name="all_sem[]" value="'.htmlReady($course->id).'"><input type="checkbox" name="admission_locked['.$course->getId().']" '.($locked ? 'checked' : '').' '.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').' value="1" aria-label="'.htmlReady(sprintf(_('Veranstaltung %s sperren'), $course->getFullName())).'">';
            case 18: //Startsemester
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/editSemester', ['cid' => $course->id, 'origin' => 'admin_courses']),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 19: //LV-Gruppen
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::create(
                    URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/course/lvgselector', ['cid' => $course->id, 'from' => 'admin/courses']),
                    ['data-dialog' => '', 'role' => 'button']
            case 20: //Notiz
                $method = $course->config->COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE ? 'createHasNotice' : 'createHasNoNotice';
                $d['action'] = (string) \Studip\LinkButton::$method(
                        'data-dialog' => 'size=auto',
                        'title' => $course->config->COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE,
                        'role' => 'button'
            case 21: //Mehrfachzuweisung Studienbereiche
                $template = $tf->open('admin/courses/batch_assign_semtree');
                $template->course = $course;
                $d['action'] = $template->render();
                foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseAction') as $plugin) {
                    if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA === get_class($plugin)) {
                        $output = $plugin->getAdminCourseActionTemplate($course->getId());
                        $d['action'] = $output instanceof Flexi_Template ? $output->render() : (string) $output;
        $d['completion'] = $course->completion;
        return $d;

     * This action just stores the new settings for sorting the table of courses.
     * @return void
    public function sort_action()
        if (Request::isPost()) {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT', Request::get('sortby'));
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT_FLAG', Request::get('sortflag'));

     * The sidebar action is responsible for showing a dialog
     * that lets the user configure what elements of the sidebar are visible
     * and which will be invisible.
     * @return null This method does not return any value.
    public function sidebar_action()
        if (Request::get('updateConfig', false)) {
                The user has changed the configuration.
                Collect the activated elements:

            $searchActive = Request::get('searchActive');
            $instituteActive = Request::get('instituteActive');
            $semesterActive = Request::get('semesterActive');
            $stgteilActive = Request::get('stgteilActive');
            $courseTypeActive = Request::get('courseTypeActive');
            $teacherActive = Request::get('teacherActive');
            $viewFilterActive = Request::get('viewFilterActive');
            $activeDatafields = Request::getArray('activeDatafields');

                Update or create an entry for the current user
                in the user configuration table.
            $activeArray = [];
            if ($searchActive) {
                $activeArray['search'] = true;
            if ($instituteActive) {
                $activeArray['institute'] = true;
            if ($semesterActive) {
                $activeArray['semester'] = true;
            if ($stgteilActive) {
                $activeArray['stgteil'] = true;
            if ($courseTypeActive) {
                $activeArray['courseType'] = true;
            if ($teacherActive) {
                $activeArray['teacher'] = true;
            if ($viewFilterActive) {
                $activeArray['viewFilter'] = true;

            if ($activeDatafields) {
                $activeArray['datafields'] = $activeDatafields;

            //store the configuration value:

        } else {
                The user accesses the page to check the current configuration.

            $this->datafields = DataField::getDataFields('sem');

            $this->userSelectedElements = $this->getActiveElements();

            //add the last activity for each Course object:
            $this->lastActivities = [];

    public function get_stdgangteil_selector_action($institut_id)
        $selector = $this->getStgteilSelector($institut_id);
        $this->render_text($selector->render(['base_class' => 'sidebar']));

    public function get_teacher_selector_action($institut_id)
        $selector = $this->getTeacherWidget($institut_id);
        $this->render_text($selector->render(['base_class' => 'sidebar']));

     * Export action
    public function export_csv_action()
        $filter_config = Request::getArray('fields');

        if (count($filter_config) > 0) {
            $courses = AdminCourseFilter::get()->getCourses();

            $view_filters = $this->getViewFilters();

            $data = [];

            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                $sem = new Seminar($course);
                $row = [];

                if (in_array('number', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['number'] = $course['VeranstaltungsNummer'];

                if (in_array('name', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['name'] = $course->name;

                if (in_array('type', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['type'] = sprintf(
                        '%s: %s',

                if (in_array('room_time', $filter_config)) {
                    $_room = $sem->getDatesExport([
                        'semester_id' => $this->semester->id,
                        'show_room' => true
                    $row['room_time'] = $_room ?: _('nicht angegeben');

                if (in_array('requests', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['requests'] = $course->room_requests->count();

                if (in_array('teachers', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['teachers'] = implode(
                        ', ',
                            function ($d) {
                                return $d->getUserFullName();
                            CourseMember::findByCourseAndStatus($course->id, 'dozent')

                if (in_array('members', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['members'] = $course->getNumParticipants();

                if (in_array('waiting', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['waiting'] = $course->getNumWaiting();

                if (in_array('preliminary', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['preliminary'] = $course->getNumPrelimParticipants();

                if (in_array('last_activity', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['last_activity'] = strftime('%x', lastActivity($course->id));

                if (in_array('semester', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['semester'] = $course->getTextualSemester();

                if (in_array('institute', $filter_config)) {
                    $row['institute'] = $course->home_institut ? (string) $course->home_institut['name'] : $course['institut_id'];

                foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
                    foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                        if (in_array($plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index, $filter_config)) {
                            $content = $plugin->adminAreaGetCourseContent($course, $index);
                            $row[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = strip_tags(is_a($content, 'Flexi_Template')
                                ? $content->render()
                                : $content

                $data[$course->id] = $row;

            $captions = [];
            foreach ($filter_config as $index) {
                $captions[$index] = $view_filters[$index];
            foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
                foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                    if (in_array($plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index, $filter_config)) {
                        $captions[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = $label;

            $tmpname = md5(uniqid('Veranstaltungsexport'));
            if (array_to_csv($data, $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmpname, $captions)) {
        } else {
            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Spalten zum Export auswählen'));
            $this->fields = $this->getViewFilters();
            $this->selection = $this->getFilterConfig();

     * Set the lockrules of courses
    public function set_lockrule_action()
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
        $result = false;
        $courses = Request::getArray('lock_sem');
        $errors = [];

        if (!empty($courses)) {
            foreach ($courses as $course_id => $value) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('dozent', $course_id)) {
                    // force to pre selection
                    if (Request::get('lock_sem_all') && Request::submitted('all')) {
                        $value = Request::get('lock_sem_all');

                    $course = Course::find($course_id);
                    if ($value === 'none') {
                        $value = null;

                    if ($course->lock_rule === $value) {

                    $course->setValue('lock_rule', $value);
                    if (!$course->store()) {
                        $errors[] = $course->name;
                    } else {
                        $result = true;

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden erfolgreich durchgeführt!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Lock or unlock courses
    public function set_locked_action()
        $admission_locked = Request::getArray('admission_locked');

        $all_courses = Request::getArray('all_sem');

        $course_set_id = CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId();
        $log_msg = '';
        foreach ($all_courses as $course_id) {
            if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('dozent', $course_id)) {
                $set = CourseSet::getSetForCourse($course_id);

                if (!is_null($set)) {
                    if (!$set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission')) {

                    if ($set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission') && !isset($admission_locked[$course_id])) {
                        if (CourseSet::removeCourseFromSet($set->getId(), $course_id)) {
                            $log_msg = _('Veranstaltung wurde entsperrt');

                if (is_null($set) && isset($admission_locked[$course_id])) {
                    if (CourseSet::addCourseToSet($course_set_id, $course_id)) {
                        $log_msg = sprintf(_('Veranstaltung wurde gesperrt, set_id: %s'), $course_set_id);

                if ($log_msg) {
                    StudipLog::log('SEM_CHANGED_ACCESS', $course_id, null, $log_msg);

        PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden ausgeführt!'));

     * Set the visibility of a course
    public function set_visibility_action()
        $result = false;
        $visibilites = Request::intArray('visibility');
        $all_courses = Request::getArray('all_sem');
        $errors = [];

        if (!empty($all_courses)) {
            foreach ($all_courses as $course_id) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
                    $course = Course::find($course_id);

                    if ($course->isOpenEnded() || $course->end_semester->visible) {
                        $visibility = $visibilites[$course_id] ?: 0;

                        if ($course->visible == $visibility) {

                        $course->visible = $visibility;
                        if (!$course->store()) {
                            $errors[] = $course->name;
                        } else {
                            $result = true;
                            StudipLog::log($visibility ? 'SEM_VISIBLE' : 'SEM_INVISIBLE', $course->id);

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die Sichtbarkeit wurde bei den gewünschten Veranstatungen erfolgreich geändert!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Set the additional course informations
    public function set_aux_lockrule_action()
        $result = false;
        $courses = Request::getArray('lock_sem');
        $lock_sem_forced = Request::getArray('lock_sem_forced');
        $errors = [];
        if (!empty($courses)) {
            foreach ($courses as $course_id => $value) {
                if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
                    // force to pre selection
                    if (Request::submitted('all')) {
                        $value = Request::get('lock_sem_all');
                        $value_forced = Request::int('aux_all_forced', 0);
                    } else {
                        $value_forced = $lock_sem_forced[$course_id] ?? 0;

                    $course = Course::find($course_id);

                    if (!$value) {
                        $value_forced = 0;

                    $course->setValue('aux_lock_rule', $value);
                    $course->setValue('aux_lock_rule_forced', $value_forced);

                    $ok = $course->store();
                    if ($ok === false) {
                        $errors[] = $course->name;
                    } elseif ($ok) {
                        $result = true;

            if ($result) {
                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Die gewünschten Änderungen wurden erfolgreich durchgeführt!'));
            if ($errors) {
                    _('Bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'),
                    array_map('htmlReady', $errors)

     * Marks a course as complete/incomplete.
     * @param String $course_id Id of the course
    public function toggle_complete_action($course_id)
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException();
        $course = Course::find($course_id);
        $course->completion = ((int)$course->completion + 1) % 3;

        if (Request::isXhr()) {
                'state' => (int)$course->completion,
                'label' => $course->getCompetionLabel(),
        } else {
            $this->redirect('admin/courses/index#course-' . $course_id);

     * Changes the notice for a course.
     * @param  string $course_id
    public function notice_action(Course $course)
        if (Request::isPost()) {
            $course->config->store('COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE', trim(Request::get('notice')));

            if (Request::isXhr()) {
                $this->response->add_header('X-Dialog-Execute', 'STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.loadCourse');
                $this->response->add_header('X-Dialog-Close', '1');
            } else {

        $this->course = $course;
        $this->notice = $course->config->COURSE_ADMIN_NOTICE;

     * Return a specifically action or all available actions
     * @param null $selected
     * @return array
    private function getActions($selected = null)
        // array for the avaiable modules
        $sem_filter = $this->semester ? $this->semester->beginn : 'all';
        $actions = [
            1 => [
                'name'       => _('Grunddaten'),
                'title'      => _('Grunddaten'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/basicdata/view?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            2 => [
                'name'       => _('Studienbereiche'),
                'title'      => _('Studienbereiche'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/study_areas/show/?cid=%s&from=admin/courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            3 => [
                'name'       => _('Zeiten/Räume'),
                'title'      => _('Zeiten/Räume'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/index?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
                'params'     => [
                    'newFilter' => $sem_filter,
                    'cmd'       => 'applyFilter'
            8 => [
                'name'      => _('Sperrebene'),
                'title'     => _('Sperrebenen'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_lockrule',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'lock.php',
            9 => [
                'name'      => _('Sichtbarkeit'),
                'title'     => _('Sichtbarkeit'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_visibility',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'visibility.php',
            10 => [
                'name'      => _('Zusatzangaben'),
                'title'     => _('Zusatzangaben'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_aux_lockrule',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'aux-select.php',
            11 => [
                'name'       => _('Veranstaltung kopieren'),
                'title'      => _('Kopieren'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/wizard/copy/%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            14 => [
                'name'       => 'Zugangsberechtigungen',
                'title'      => _('Zugangsberechtigungen'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/admission?cid=%s',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            16 => [
                'name'      => _('Löschen'),
                'title'     => _('Löschen'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/course/archive/confirm',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'add_to_archive.php',
            17 => [
                'name'      => _('Gesperrte Veranstaltungen'),
                'title'     => _('Einstellungen speichern'),
                'url'       => 'dispatch.php/admin/courses/set_locked',
                'multimode' => true,
                'partial'   => 'admission_locked.php',
            18 => [
                'name'       => _('Startsemester'),
                'title'      => _('Startsemester'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/timesrooms/editSemester?cid=%s&origin=admin_courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=400'],
            19 => [
                'name'       => _('LV-Gruppen'),
                'title'      => _('LV-Gruppen'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/course/lvgselector?cid=%s&from=admin/courses',
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
            20 => [
                'name'       => _('Notiz'),
                'title'      => _('Notiz'),
                'url'        => $this->noticeURL('%s'),
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=auto'],
                'partial'    => 'notice-action.php',
            21 => [
                'name'       => _('Mehrfachzuordnung von Studienbereichen'),
                'title'      => _('Mehrfachzuordnung von Studienbereichen'),
                'url'        => 'dispatch.php/admin/tree/batch_assign_semtree',
                'dialogform' => true,
                'multimode'  => true,
                'partial'    => 'batch_assign_semtree.php'

        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) {
            if (!Config::get()->ALLOW_DOZENT_DELETE) {
        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent')) {


        foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseAction') as $plugin) {
            $actions[get_class($plugin)] = [
                'name'      => $plugin->getPluginName(),
                'title'     => $plugin->getPluginName(),
                'url'       => $plugin->getAdminActionURL(),
                'attributes' => ['data-dialog' => 'size=big'],
                'multimode' => $plugin->useMultimode()

        if (is_null($selected)) {
            return $actions;

        return $actions[$selected];

     * Set and return all needed view filters
     * @return array
    private function getViewFilters()
        $views = [
            'avatar'        => _('Avatar'),
            'number'        => _('Nr.'),
            'name'          => _('Name'),
            'type'          => _('Veranstaltungstyp'),
            'room_time'     => _('Raum/Zeit'),
            'semester'      => _('Semester'),
            'institute'     => _('Einrichtung'),
            'requests'      => _('Raumanfragen'),
            'teachers'      => _('Lehrende'),
            'members'       => _('Teilnehmende'),
            'waiting'       => _('Personen auf Warteliste'),
            'preliminary'   => _('Vorläufige Anmeldungen'),
            'contents'      => _('Inhalt'),
            'last_activity' => _('Letzte Aktivität'),
        foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getPlugins('AdminCourseContents') as $plugin) {
            foreach ($plugin->adminAvailableContents() as $index => $label) {
                $views[$plugin->getPluginId() . "_" . $index] = $label;
        return $views;

     * Returns all courses matching set criteria.
     * @param array $params Additional parameters
     * @param bool $display_all : boolean should we show all courses or check for a limit of 500 courses?
     * @return array of courses
    private function getCourses($params = [], $display_all = false)
        // Init
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === "all") {
            $inst = new SimpleCollection($this->insts);
            $inst->filter(function ($a) use (&$inst_ids) {
                $inst_ids[] = $a->Institut_id;
        } else {
            //We must check, if the institute ID belongs to a faculty
            //and has the string _i appended to it.
            //In that case we must display the courses of the faculty
            //and all its institutes.
            //Otherwise we just display the courses of the faculty.

            $inst_id = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT;

            $institut = new Institute($inst_id);

            if (!$institut->isFaculty() || $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN) {
                // If the institute is not a faculty or the child insts are included,
                // pick the institute IDs of the faculty/institute and of all sub-institutes.
                $inst_ids[] = $inst_id;
                if ($institut->isFaculty()) {
                    foreach ($institut->sub_institutes->pluck('Institut_id') as $institut_id) {
                        $inst_ids[] = $institut_id;
            } else {
                // If the institute is a faculty and the child insts are not included,
                // pick only the institute id of the faculty:
                $inst_ids[] = $inst_id;

        $active_elements = $this->getActiveElements();

        $filter = AdminCourseFilter::get(true);

        if ($params['datafields']) {
            foreach ($params['datafields'] as $field_id => $value) {
                $datafield = DataField::find($field_id);
                if ($datafield) {
                    //enable filtering by datafield values:
                    //and use the where-clause for each datafield:
                    $filter->settings['query']['joins']['de_'.$field_id] = [
                        'table' => "datafields_entries",
                        'join' => "LEFT JOIN",
                        'on' => "seminare.seminar_id = de_".$field_id.".range_id"
                    $filter->where("(de_".$field_id.".datafield_id = :fieldId_".$field_id." "
                        . "AND de_".$field_id.".content = :fieldValue_".$field_id.") "
                        . ($datafield['default_value'] == $value ? " OR (de_".$field_id.".content IS NULL)" : "")." ",
                            'fieldId_'.$field_id => $field_id,
                            'fieldValue_'.$field_id => $value

        $filter->where("sem_classes.studygroup_mode = '0'");

        // Get only children of given course
        if (!empty($params['parent_course'])) {
            $filter->where("parent_course = :parent",
                    'parent' => $params['parent_course']

        if ($active_elements['semester'] && is_object($this->semester)) {
        if ($active_elements['courseType'] && $params['typeFilter'] && $params['typeFilter'] !== "all") {
            $parts = explode('_', $params['typeFilter']);
            $class_filter = $parts[0];
            $type_filter = $parts[1] ?? null;
            if (!$type_filter && !empty($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$class_filter])) {
                $type_filter = array_keys($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$class_filter]->getSemTypes());
        if ($active_elements['search'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SEARCHTEXT) {
        if ($active_elements['teacher'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER && ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER !== "all")) {
        if ($active_elements['institute']) {
        if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL !== 'all') {
        if ($params['sortby'] === "status") {
            $filter->orderBy(sprintf('sem_classes.name %s, sem_types.name %s, VeranstaltungsNummer %s', $params['sortFlag'], $params['sortFlag'], $params['sortFlag']), $params['sortFlag']);
        } elseif ($params['sortby'] === 'institute') {
            $filter->orderBy('Institute.Name', $params['sortFlag']);
        } elseif ($params['sortby']) {
            $filter->orderBy($params['sortby'], $params['sortFlag']);
        $this->count_courses = $filter->countCourses();
        if ($this->count_courses && ($this->count_courses <= $filter->max_show_courses || $display_all)) {
            $courses = $filter->getCourses();
        } else {
            return [];

        $seminars = [];
        if (!empty($courses)) {
            foreach ($courses as $seminar_id => $seminar) {
                $seminars[$seminar_id] = $seminar[0];
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['seminar_id'] = $seminar_id;
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['obj_type'] = 'sem';
                $dozenten = $this->getTeacher($seminar_id);
                $seminars[$seminar_id]['dozenten'] = $dozenten;

                if (in_array('contents', $params['view_filter'])) {
                    $tools = new SimpleCollection(ToolActivation::findbyRange_id($seminar_id, "ORDER BY position"));
                    $visit_data = get_objects_visits([$seminar_id], 0, null, null, $tools->pluck('plugin_id'));
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['visitdate'] = $visit_data[$seminar_id][0]['visitdate'];
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['last_visitdate'] = $visit_data[$seminar_id][0]['last_visitdate'];
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['tools'] = $tools;
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['navigation'] = MyRealmModel::getAdditionalNavigations(
                        $seminars[$seminar_id]['sem_class'] ?? null,
                //add last activity column:
                if (in_array('last_activity', $params['view_filter'])) {
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['last_activity'] = lastActivity($seminar_id);
                if ((int)$this->selected_action === 17) {
                    $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = false;
                    if ($seminar[0]['course_set']) {
                        $set = new CourseSet($seminar[0]['course_set']);
                        if (!is_null($set) && $set->hasAdmissionRule('LockedAdmission')) {
                            $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = 'locked';
                        } else {
                            $seminars[$seminar_id]['admission_locked'] = 'disable';

        return $seminars;

     * Returns the teacher for a given cours
     * @param String $course_id Id of the course
     * @return array of user infos [user_id, username, Nachname, fullname]
    private function getTeacher($course_id)
        $teachers   = CourseMember::findByCourseAndStatus($course_id, 'dozent');
        $collection = SimpleCollection::createFromArray($teachers);
        return $collection->map(function (CourseMember $teacher) {
            return [
                'user_id'  => $teacher->user_id,
                'username' => $teacher->username,
                'Nachname' => $teacher->nachname,
                'fullname' => $teacher->getUserFullname('no_title_rev'),

     * Adds view filter to the sidebar
     * @param array $configs
    private function setViewWidget()
        $configs         = $this->getFilterConfig();
        $checkbox_widget = new OptionsWidget();

        foreach ($this->getViewFilters() as $index => $label) {
            $state = in_array($index, $configs);
                $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_view_filter/' . $index . '/' . $state),
                ['onclick' => "$(this).toggleClass(['options-checked', 'options-unchecked']); $(this).attr('aria-checked', $(this).hasClass('options-checked') ? 'true' : 'false'); STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.toggleActiveField('".$index."'); return false;"]
        Sidebar::get()->addWidget($checkbox_widget, 'views');

     * Adds the institutes selector to the sidebar
    private function setInstSelector()
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(
        $list->class = 'institute-list';

        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') || (count($this->insts) > 1)) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') ? _('Alle') : _('Alle meine Einrichtungen'),

        foreach ($this->insts as $institut) {
                new SelectElement(
                    (!$institut['is_fak'] ? ' ' : '') . $institut['Name'],
                    $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === $institut['Institut_id']
                'select-' . $institut['Institut_id']

            //check if the institute is a faculty.
            //If true, then add another option to display all courses
            //from that faculty and all its institutes.

            //$institut is an array, we can't use the method isFaculty() here!
            if ($institut['fakultaets_id'] === $institut['Institut_id']) {
                    new SelectElement(
                        $institut['Institut_id'] . '_withinst', //_withinst = with institutes
                        ' ' . $institut['Name'] . ' +' . _('Institute'),
                        ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT === $institut['Institut_id'] && $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_INCLUDE_CHILDREN)
                    'select-' . $institut['Name'] . '-with_institutes'
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.changeFiltersDependendOnInstitute($(this).find('select').val()); return false;");

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_institute');

     * Adds the semester selector to the sidebar
    private function setSemesterSelector()
        $semesters = array_reverse(Semester::getAll());
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Semester'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_selection'), 'sem_select');
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Alle')), 'sem_select-all');
        foreach ($semesters as $semester) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $semester->id === $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE
            ), 'sem_select-' . $semester->id);
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({semester_id: $(this).find('select').val()}); return false;");

        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter_semester');

     * Adds the studiengangteil selector to the sidebar
    private function getStgteilSelector($institut_id = null)
        $institut_id = $institut_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT;
        $stgteile = StudiengangTeil::getAllEnriched('fach_name', 'ASC', ['mvv_fach_inst.institut_id' => $institut_id]);
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Studiengangteil'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_selection'), 'stgteil_select');
        if (!$institut_id || $institut_id === 'all') {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Wählen Sie eine Einrichtung') ), 'stgteil_select-all');
        } elseif (count($stgteile) === 0) {
                $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Keine Studiengangteile zu der gewählten Einrichtung') ), 'stgteil_select-all');
        } else {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Alle')), 'stgteil_select-all');
        foreach ($stgteile as $stgteil) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $stgteil->id === $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_STGTEIL
            ), 'stgteil_select-' . $stgteil->id);
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({stgteil: $(this).find('select').val()}); return false;");
        return $list;

     * Adds HTML-Selector to the sidebar
     * @param null $selected_action
    private function setActionsWidget()
        $actions = $this->getActions();
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Aktionsbereichauswahl'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_action_type'), 'action_area');

        foreach ($actions as $index => $action) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ACTION_AREA == $index),
                'action-aria-' . $index
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeActionArea($(this).find('select').val()); return false;");
        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'editmode');

     * Returns a course type widthet depending on all available courses and theirs types
     * @param string $selected
     * @param array $params
    private function setCourseTypeWidget()
        $sidebar = Sidebar::get();
        $this->url = $this->url_for('admin/courses/set_course_type');
        $this->types = [];
        $this->selected = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER;

        $list = new SelectWidget(
        $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
            '', _('Alle'), !$GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER
        ), 'course-type-all');
        foreach ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'] as $class_id => $class) {
            if ($class['studygroup_mode']) {

            $element = new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER === (string)$class_id
                'course-type-' . $class_id

            foreach ($class->getSemTypes() as $id => $result) {
                $element = new SelectElement(
                    $class_id . '_' . $id,
                    $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER === $class_id . '_' . $id
                    'course-type-' . $class_id . '_' . $id
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({course_type: $(this).find('select').val()}); return false;");
        $sidebar->addWidget($list, 'filter-course-type');

     * Returns a widget to selected a specific teacher
     * @param array $teachers
    private function getTeacherWidget($institut_id = null)
        $institut_id = $institut_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_INSTITUTES_DEFAULT;
        $teachers = DBManager::get()->fetchAll("
                SELECT auth_user_md5.*, user_info.*
                FROM auth_user_md5
                    LEFT JOIN user_info ON (auth_user_md5.user_id = user_info.user_id)
                    INNER JOIN user_inst ON (user_inst.user_id = auth_user_md5.user_id)
                    INNER JOIN Institute ON (Institute.Institut_id = user_inst.Institut_id)
                WHERE (Institute.Institut_id = :institut_id OR Institute.fakultaets_id = :institut_id)
                    AND auth_user_md5.perms = 'dozent'
                ORDER BY auth_user_md5.Nachname ASC, auth_user_md5.Vorname ASC
            ", [
                'institut_id' => $institut_id
            function ($data) {
                $ret['user_id'] = $data['user_id'];
                $ret['fullname'] = User::build($data)->getFullName("full_rev");
                return $ret;

        $list = new SelectWidget(_('Lehrendenfilter'), $this->url_for('admin/courses/index'), 'teacher_filter');
        if (!$institut_id || $institut_id === 'all') {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Wählen Sie eine Einrichtung') ), 'teacher_filter-all');
        } elseif (count($teachers) === 0) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Keine Lehrenden in der gewählten Einrichtung') ), 'teacher_filter-all');
        } else {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement('', _('Alle')), 'teacher_filter-all');

        foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
            $list->addElement(new SelectElement(
                $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_TEACHERFILTER === $teacher['user_id']
            ), 'teacher_filter-' . $teacher['user_id']);
        $list->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({teacher_filter: $(this).find('select').val()}); return false;");
        return $list;

     * Adds a search widget to the sidebar
    private function setSearchWiget()
        $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
        $search = new SearchWidget(URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/courses'));
            _('Freie Suche'),
        $search->setOnSubmitHandler("STUDIP.AdminCourses.App.changeFilter({search: $(this).find('input').val()}); return false;");
        $sidebar->addWidget($search, 'filter_search');

     * Returns the filter configuration.
     * @return array containing the filter configuration
    private function getFilterConfig(): array
        $available_filters = array_keys($this->getViewFilters());

        $temp = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_ADMIN_VIEW_FILTER_ARGS;
        if ($temp) {
            $config = json_decode($temp, true);
            if (!is_array($config)) {
                $config = [];

            $config = array_intersect($config, $available_filters);
        } else {
            $config = [];

        if (!$config) {
            $config = $this->setFilterConfig([
                'number', 'name', 'semester', 'institute', 'teachers'

        return array_values($config);

     * Sets the filter configuration.
     * @param Array $config Filter configuration
     * @return array containing the filter configuration
    private function setFilterConfig($config)
        $config = $config ?: array_keys($this->getViewFilters());
        $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('MY_COURSES_ADMIN_VIEW_FILTER_ARGS', json_encode($config));

        return $config;

     * Returns the default element configuration.
     * @return array containing the default element configuration
    private function getActiveElementsDefault()
        return [
            'search' => true,
            'institute' => true,
            'semester' => true,
            'stgteil' => true,
            'courseType' => true,
            'teacher' => true,
            'viewFilter' => true

     * Returns the active element configuration of the current user.
     * @return array containing the active element configuration
    private function getActiveElements()
        $active_elements = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ADMIN_COURSES_SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS;

        if ($active_elements) {
            return json_decode($active_elements, true);
        } else {
            return $this->getActiveElementsDefault();

     * Sets the active element configuration for the current user.
     * @param Array $active_elements element configuration
    private function setActiveElements($active_elements)
        if ($active_elements == $this->getActiveElementsDefault()) {
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->store('ADMIN_COURSES_SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_ELEMENTS', json_encode($active_elements));