<?php /** * Course.php * model class for table seminare * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * @author André Noack <noack@data-quest.de> * @copyright 2012 Stud.IP Core-Group * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL version 2 * @category Stud.IP * * @property string $id alias column for seminar_id * @property string $seminar_id database column * @property string|null $veranstaltungsnummer database column * @property string $institut_id database column * @property I18NString $name database column * @property I18NString|null $untertitel database column * @property int $status database column * @property I18NString $beschreibung database column * @property I18NString|null $ort database column * @property string|null $sonstiges database column * @property int $lesezugriff database column * @property int $schreibzugriff database column * @property int|null $start_time database column * @property int|null $duration_time database column * @property I18NString|null $art database column * @property I18NString|null $teilnehmer database column * @property I18NString|null $vorrausetzungen database column * @property I18NString|null $lernorga database column * @property I18NString|null $leistungsnachweis database column * @property int $mkdate database column * @property int $chdate database column * @property string|null $ects database column * @property int|null $admission_turnout database column * @property int|null $admission_binding database column * @property int $admission_prelim database column * @property string|null $admission_prelim_txt database column * @property int $admission_disable_waitlist database column * @property int $visible database column * @property int|null $showscore database column * @property string|null $aux_lock_rule database column * @property int $aux_lock_rule_forced database column * @property string|null $lock_rule database column * @property int $admission_waitlist_max database column * @property int $admission_disable_waitlist_move database column * @property int $completion database column * @property string|null $parent_course database column * @property SimpleORMapCollection|CourseTopic[] $topics has_many CourseTopic * @property SimpleORMapCollection|CourseDate[] $dates has_many CourseDate * @property SimpleORMapCollection|CourseExDate[] $ex_dates has_many CourseExDate * @property SimpleORMapCollection|CourseMember[] $members has_many CourseMember * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Deputy[] $deputies has_many Deputy * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Statusgruppen[] $statusgruppen has_many Statusgruppen * @property SimpleORMapCollection|AdmissionApplication[] $admission_applicants has_many AdmissionApplication * @property SimpleORMapCollection|DatafieldEntryModel[] $datafields has_many DatafieldEntryModel * @property SimpleORMapCollection|SeminarCycleDate[] $cycles has_many SeminarCycleDate * @property SimpleORMapCollection|BlubberThread[] $blubberthreads has_many BlubberThread * @property SimpleORMapCollection|ConsultationBlock[] $consultation_blocks has_many ConsultationBlock * @property SimpleORMapCollection|RoomRequest[] $room_requests has_many RoomRequest * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Course[] $children has_many Course * @property SimpleORMapCollection|ToolActivation[] $tools has_many ToolActivation * @property SimpleORMapCollection|CourseMemberNotification[] $member_notifications has_many CourseMemberNotification * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Courseware\Unit[] $courseware_units has_many Courseware\Unit * @property Institute $home_institut belongs_to Institute * @property AuxLockRule|null $aux belongs_to AuxLockRule * @property Course|null $parent belongs_to Course * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Semester[] $semesters has_and_belongs_to_many Semester * @property SimpleORMapCollection|StudipStudyArea[] $study_areas has_and_belongs_to_many StudipStudyArea * @property SimpleORMapCollection|Institute[] $institutes has_and_belongs_to_many Institute * @property SimpleORMapCollection|UserDomain[] $domains has_and_belongs_to_many UserDomain * @property-read mixed $teachers additional field * @property mixed $end_time additional field * @property mixed $start_semester additional field * @property mixed $end_semester additional field * @property-read mixed $semester_text additional field * @property-read mixed $config additional field */ class Course extends SimpleORMap implements Range, PrivacyObject, StudipItem, FeedbackRange, Studip\Calendar\Owner { protected static function configure($config = []) { $config['db_table'] = 'seminare'; $config['has_many']['topics'] = [ 'class_name' => CourseTopic::class, 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['dates'] = [ 'class_name' => CourseDate::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'range_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY date' ]; $config['has_many']['ex_dates'] = [ 'class_name' => CourseExDate::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'range_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['members'] = [ 'class_name' => CourseMember::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findByCourse', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['deputies'] = [ 'class_name' => Deputy::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findByRange_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['statusgruppen'] = [ 'class_name' => Statusgruppen::class, 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['admission_applicants'] = [ 'class_name' => AdmissionApplication::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findByCourse', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['datafields'] = [ 'class_name' => DatafieldEntryModel::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findByModel', 'assoc_foreign_key' => function ($model, $params) { $model->setValue('range_id', $params[0]->id); }, 'foreign_key' => function ($course) { return [$course]; }, 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['cycles'] = [ 'class_name' => SeminarCycleDate::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findBySeminar', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['blubberthreads'] = [ 'class_name' => BlubberThread::class, 'assoc_func' => 'findBySeminar', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_many']['consultation_blocks'] = [ 'class_name' => ConsultationBlock::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'range_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', ]; $config['has_and_belongs_to_many']['semesters'] = [ 'class_name' => Semester::class, 'thru_table' => 'semester_courses', 'thru_key' => 'course_id', 'thru_assoc_key' => 'semester_id', 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY beginn ASC', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['belongs_to']['home_institut'] = [ 'class_name' => Institute::class, 'foreign_key' => 'institut_id', 'assoc_func' => 'find', ]; $config['belongs_to']['aux'] = [ 'class_name' => AuxLockRule::class, 'foreign_key' => 'aux_lock_rule', ]; $config['has_and_belongs_to_many']['study_areas'] = [ 'class_name' => StudipStudyArea::class, 'thru_table' => 'seminar_sem_tree', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_and_belongs_to_many']['institutes'] = [ 'class_name' => Institute::class, 'thru_table' => 'seminar_inst', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', ]; $config['has_and_belongs_to_many']['domains'] = [ 'class_name' => UserDomain::class, 'thru_table' => 'seminar_userdomains', 'on_delete' => 'delete', 'on_store' => 'store', 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY name', ]; $config['has_many']['room_requests'] = [ 'class_name' => RoomRequest::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'course_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', ]; $config['belongs_to']['parent'] = [ 'class_name' => Course::class, 'foreign_key' => 'parent_course' ]; $config['has_many']['children'] = [ 'class_name' => Course::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'parent_course', 'order_by' => 'GROUP BY seminar_id ORDER BY VeranstaltungsNummer, Name' ]; $config['has_many']['tools'] = [ 'class_name' => ToolActivation::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'range_id', 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY position', 'on_delete' => 'delete', ]; $config['has_many']['member_notifications'] = [ 'class_name' => CourseMemberNotification::class, 'on_delete' => 'delete', ]; $config['has_many']['courseware_units'] = [ 'class_name' => \Courseware\Unit::class, 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'range_id', 'on_delete' => 'delete', ]; $config['default_values']['lesezugriff'] = 1; $config['default_values']['schreibzugriff'] = 1; $config['default_values']['duration_time'] = 0; $config['additional_fields']['teachers'] = [ 'get' => 'getTeachers' ]; $config['additional_fields']['end_time'] = true; $config['additional_fields']['start_semester'] = [ 'get' => 'getStartSemester', 'set' => '_set_semester' ]; $config['additional_fields']['end_semester'] = [ 'get' => 'getEndSemester', 'set' => '_set_semester' ]; $config['additional_fields']['semester_text'] = [ 'get' => 'getTextualSemester' ]; $config['additional_fields']['config'] = [ 'get' => function (Course $course) { return $course->getConfiguration(); } ]; $config['notification_map']['after_create'] = 'CourseDidCreateOrUpdate'; $config['notification_map']['after_store'] = 'CourseDidCreateOrUpdate'; $config['i18n_fields']['name'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['untertitel'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['beschreibung'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['art'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['teilnehmer'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['vorrausetzungen'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['lernorga'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['leistungsnachweis'] = true; $config['i18n_fields']['ort'] = true; $config['registered_callbacks']['before_update'][] = 'logStore'; $config['registered_callbacks']['before_store'][] = 'cbSetStartAndDurationTime'; $config['registered_callbacks']['after_create'][] = 'setDefaultTools'; $config['registered_callbacks']['after_delete'][] = function ($course) { CourseAvatar::getAvatar($course->id)->reset(); FeedbackElement::deleteBySQL('course_id = ?', [$course->id]); // Remove subcourse relations, leaving subcourses intact. DBManager::get()->execute( "UPDATE `seminare` SET `parent_course` = NULL WHERE `parent_course` = :course", ['course' => $course->id] ); DBManager::get()->execute( "DELETE FROM `forum_visits` WHERE `seminar_id` = ?", [$course->id] ); }; parent::configure($config); } /** * Returns the currently active course or false if none is active. * * @return Course object of currently active course, null otherwise * @since 3.0 */ public static function findCurrent() { if (Context::isCourse()) { return Context::get(); } return null; } /** * Returns the associated mvv modules for a given course id. * * @param string $course_id * @param array|null $statusses Limit the results by a given module status * @return Modul[] */ public static function getMVVModulesForCourseId(string $course_id, ?array $statusses = null): array { $query = "SELECT mvv_modul.* FROM mvv_lvgruppe_seminar JOIN `mvv_lvgruppe` ON (`mvv_lvgruppe_seminar`.`lvgruppe_id` = `mvv_lvgruppe`.`lvgruppe_id`) JOIN `mvv_lvgruppe_modulteil` ON (`mvv_lvgruppe_seminar`.`lvgruppe_id` = `mvv_lvgruppe_modulteil`.`lvgruppe_id`) JOIN `mvv_modulteil` ON (`mvv_lvgruppe_modulteil`.`modulteil_id` = `mvv_modulteil`.`modulteil_id`) JOIN `mvv_modul` ON (`mvv_modulteil`.`modul_id` = `mvv_modul`.`modul_id`) WHERE seminar_id = ?"; $parameters = [$course_id]; if ($statusses !== null) { $query .= ' AND `mvv_modul`.`stat` IN (?)'; $parameters[] = $statusses; } return DBManager::get()->fetchAll($query, $parameters, function ($row) { return Modul::buildExisting($row); }); } public function getEnd_Time() { return $this->duration_time == -1 ? -1 : $this->start_time + $this->duration_time; } public function setEnd_Time($value) { if ($value == -1) { $this->duration_time = -1; } elseif ($this->start_time > 0 && $value > $this->start_time) { $this->duration_time = $value - $this->start_time; } else { $this->duration_time = 0; } } public function _set_semester($field, $value) { $method = 'set' . ($field === 'start_semester' ? 'StartSemester' : 'EndSemester'); $this->$method($value); } /** * @param Semester $semester */ public function setStartSemester(Semester $semester) { $end_semester = $this->semesters->last(); $start_semester = $this->semesters->first(); if ($start_semester && $start_semester->id === $semester->id) { return; } if ($end_semester) { if (count($this->semesters) > 1 && $end_semester->beginn < $semester->beginn) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('start-semester must start before end-semester'); } foreach ($this->semesters as $key => $one_semester) { if ($one_semester->beginn < $semester->beginn) { $this->semesters->offsetUnset($key); } } } $this->semesters[] = $semester; $this->semesters->orderBy('beginn asc'); //add possibly missing semesters between start_semester and end_semester if (count($this->semesters) > 1 && $semester->beginn < $start_semester->beginn) { $this->setEndSemester($end_semester); } } /** * @param Semester|null $semester */ public function setEndSemester(?Semester $semester) { $end_semester = $this->semesters->last(); $start_semester = $this->semesters->first(); if ( (is_null($end_semester) && is_null($semester)) || ($end_semester && $semester && $end_semester->id === $semester->id)) { return; } if ($start_semester) { if ($semester && $start_semester->beginn > $semester->beginn) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('end-semester must start after start-semester'); } $this->semesters = []; if ($semester) { $all_semester = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(Semester::getAll()); $this->semesters = $all_semester->findBy('beginn', [$start_semester->beginn, $semester->beginn], '>=<='); } } else { if ($semester) { $this->semesters[] = $semester; } } } /** * Retrieves the first semester of a course, if applicable. * * @returns Semester|null Either the first semester of the course * or null, if no semester could be found. */ public function getStartSemester() { if (count($this->semesters) > 0) { return $this->semesters->first(); } else { return Semester::findCurrent(); } } /** * Retrieves the last semester of a course, if applicable. * * @returns Semester|null Either the last semester of the course * or null, if no semester could be found. */ public function getEndSemester() { if (count($this->semesters) > 0) { return $this->semesters->last(); } } /** * Returns the readable semester duration as as string * @return string : readable semester */ public function getTextualSemester() { if (count($this->semesters) > 1) { return $this->start_semester->short_name . ' - ' . $this->end_semester->short_name; } elseif (count($this->semesters) === 1) { return $this->start_semester->short_name; } else { return _('unbegrenzt'); } } /** * Returns true if this course has no end-semester. Else false. * @return bool : true if there is no end-semester */ public function isOpenEnded() { return count($this->semesters) === 0; } /** * Returns if this course is in the given semester * @param Semester $semester : instance of the given semester * @return bool : true if this course is part of this semester */ public function isInSemester(Semester $semester) { if (count($this->semesters) > 0) { foreach ($this->semesters as $s) { if ($s->id === $semester->id) { return true; } } return false; } else { return true; } } public function getTeachers() { return $this->members->filter(function ($m) { return $m['status'] === 'dozent'; }); } public function getFreeSeats() { $free_seats = $this->admission_turnout - $this->getNumParticipants(); return max($free_seats, 0); } public function isWaitlistAvailable() { if ($this->admission_disable_waitlist) { return false; } if ($this->admission_waitlist_max) { return $this->admission_waitlist_max - $this->getNumWaiting() > 0; } return true; } /** * Retrieves all members of a status * * @param String|Array $status the status to filter with * @param bool $as_collection return collection instead of array? * @return Array|SimpleCollection an array of all those members. */ public function getMembersWithStatus($status, $as_collection = false) { $result = CourseMember::findByCourseAndStatus($this->id, $status); return $as_collection ? SimpleCollection::createFromArray($result) : $result; } /** * Retrieves the number of all members of a status * * @param String|Array $status the status to filter with * * @return int the number of all those members. */ public function countMembersWithStatus($status) { return CourseMember::countByCourseAndStatus($this->id, $status); } public function getNumParticipants() { return $this->countMembersWithStatus('user autor') + $this->getNumPrelimParticipants(); } public function getNumPrelimParticipants() { return AdmissionApplication::countBySql( "seminar_id = ? AND status = 'accepted'", [$this->id] ); } public function getNumWaiting() { return AdmissionApplication::countBySql( "seminar_id = ? AND status = 'awaiting'", [$this->id] ); } public function getParticipantStatus($user_id) { $p_status = $this->members->findBy('user_id', $user_id)->val('status'); if (!$p_status) { $p_status = $this->admission_applicants->findBy('user_id', $user_id)->val('status'); } return $p_status; } /** * Returns the semType object that is defined for the course * * @return SemType The semTypeObject for the course */ public function getSemType() { $semTypes = SemType::getTypes(); if (isset($semTypes[$this->status])) { return $semTypes[$this->status]; } Log::error(sprintf('SemType not found id:%s status:%s', $this->id, $this->status)); return new SemType(['name' => 'Fehlerhafter Veranstaltungstyp']); } /** * Returns the SemClass object that is defined for the course * * @return SemClass The SemClassObject for the course */ public function getSemClass() { return $this->getSemType()->getClass(); } /** * Returns the full name of a course. If the important course numbers * (IMPORTANT_SEMNUMBER) is set in global configs it will also display * the coursenumber * * @param string formatting template name * @return string Fullname */ public function getFullName($format = 'default') { $template = [ 'name' => '%1$s', 'name-semester' => '%1$s (%4$s)', 'number-name' => '%3$s %1$s', 'number-name-semester' => '%3$s %1$s (%4$s)', 'number-type-name' => '%3$s %2$s: %1$s', 'sem-duration-name' => '%4$s', 'type-name' => '%2$s: %1$s', 'type-number-name' => '%2$s: %3$s %1$s', ]; if ($format === 'default' || !isset($template[$format])) { $format = Config::get()->IMPORTANT_SEMNUMBER ? 'type-number-name' : 'type-name'; } $sem_type = $this->getSemType(); $data[0] = $this->name; $data[1] = $sem_type['name']; $data[2] = $this->veranstaltungsnummer; $data[3] = $this->getTextualSemester(); return trim(vsprintf($template[$format], array_map('trim', $data))); } /** * Retrieves the course dates including cancelled dates ("ex-dates"). * The dates can be filtered by an optional time range. By default, * all dates are retrieved. * * @param int $range_begin The begin timestamp of the time range. * * @param int $range_end The end timestamp of the time range. * * @returns SimpleCollection A collection of all retrieved dates and * cancelled dates. */ public function getDatesWithExdates($range_begin = 0, $range_end = 0) { $dates = []; if (($range_begin > 0) && ($range_end > 0) && ($range_end > $range_begin)) { $ex_dates = $this->ex_dates->findBy('content', '', '<>') ->findBy('date', $range_begin, '>=') ->findBy('end_time', $range_end, '<='); $dates = $this->dates->findBy('date', $range_begin, '>=') ->findBy('end_time', $range_end, '<='); $dates->merge($ex_dates); } else { $dates = $this->ex_dates->findBy('content', '', '<>'); $dates->merge($this->dates); } $dates->uasort(function($a, $b) { return $a->date - $b->date ?: strnatcasecmp($a->getRoomName(), $b->getRoomName()); }); return $dates; } /** * Sets this courses study areas to the given values. * * @param array $ids the new study areas * @return bool Changes successfully saved? */ public function setStudyAreas($ids) { $old = $this->study_areas->pluck('sem_tree_id'); $added = array_diff($ids, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $ids); $success = false; if ($added || $removed) { $this->study_areas = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(StudipStudyArea::findMany($ids)); if ($this->store()) { NotificationCenter::postNotification('CourseDidChangeStudyArea', $this); $success = true; foreach ($added as $one) { StudipLog::log('SEM_ADD_STUDYAREA', $this->id, $one); $area = $this->study_areas->find($one); if ($area->isModule()) { NotificationCenter::postNotification( 'CourseAddedToModule', $area, ['module_id' => $one, 'course_id' => $this->id] ); } } foreach ($removed as $one) { StudipLog::log('SEM_DELETE_STUDYAREA', $this->id, $one); $area = StudipStudyArea::find($one); if ($area->isModule()) { NotificationCenter::postNotification( 'CourseRemovedFromModule', $area, ['module_id' => $one, 'course_id' => $this->id] ); } } } } return $success; } /** * Is the current course visible for the current user? * @param string $user_id * @return bool Visible? */ public function isVisibleForUser($user_id = null) { return $this->visible || $GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm(Config::get()->SEM_VISIBILITY_PERM, $user_id) || $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('user', $this->id, $user_id); } /** * Returns a descriptive text for the range type. * * @return string */ public function describeRange() { return _('Veranstaltung'); } /** * Returns a unique identificator for the range type. * * @return string */ public function getRangeType() { return 'course'; } /** * Returns the id of the current range * * @return string */ public function getRangeId() { return $this->id; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConfiguration() { return CourseConfig::get($this); } /** * Decides whether the user may access the range. * * @param string|null $user_id Optional id of a user, defaults to current user * @return bool * @todo Check permissions */ public function isAccessibleToUser($user_id = null) { if ($user_id === null) { $user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id; } return $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('user', $this->id, $user_id); } /** * Decides whether the user may edit/alter the range. * * @param string|null $user_id Optional id of a user, defaults to current user * @return bool * @todo Check permissions */ public function isEditableByUser($user_id = null) { if ($user_id === null) { $user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id; } return $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $this->id, $user_id); } /** * Returns the appropriate icon for the completion status. * * Mapping (completion -> icon role): * - 0 => status-red * - 1 => status-yellow * - 2 => status-green * * @return Icon class */ public function getCompletionIcon() { $role = Icon::ROLE_STATUS_RED; if ($this->completion == 1) { $role = Icon::ROLE_STATUS_YELLOW; } elseif ($this->completion == 2) { $role = Icon::ROLE_STATUS_GREEN; } return Icon::create('radiobutton-checked', $role); } /** * Returns the appropriate label for the completion status. * * @return string */ public function getCompetionLabel(): string { return [ 0 => _('unvollständig'), 1 => _('in Bearbeitung'), 2 => _('fertig'), ][$this->completion] ?? _('undefiniert'); } /** * Generates a general log entry if the course were changed. * Furthermore, this method emits notifications when the * start and/or the end semester has/have changed. */ protected function logStore() { if ($this->isFieldDirty('start_time')) { //Log change of start semester: StudipLog::log('SEM_SET_STARTSEMESTER', $this->id, isset($this->start_semester) ? $this->start_semester->name : _('unbegrenzt')); NotificationCenter::postNotification('CourseDidChangeSchedule', $this); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('duration_time')) { StudipLog::log('SEM_SET_ENDSEMESTER', $this->id, $this->getTextualSemester()); NotificationCenter::postNotification('CourseDidChangeSchedule', $this); } $log = []; if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_prelim')) { $log[] = $this->admission_prelim ? _('Neuer Anmeldemodus: Vorläufiger Eintrag') : _('Neuer Anmeldemodus: Direkter Eintrag'); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_binding')) { $log[] = $this->admission_binding? _('Anmeldung verbindlich') : _('Anmeldung unverbindlich'); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_turnout')) { $log[] = sprintf(_('Neue Teilnehmerzahl: %s'), (int)$this->admission_turnout); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_disable_waitlist')) { $log[] = $this->admission_disable_waitlist ? _('Warteliste aktiviert') : _('Warteliste deaktiviert'); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_waitlist_max')) { $log[] = sprintf(_('Plätze auf der Warteliste geändert: %u'), (int)$this->admission_waitlist_max); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_disable_waitlist_move')) { $log[] = $this->admission_disable_waitlist ? _('Nachrücken aktiviert') : _('Nachrücken deaktiviert'); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('admission_prelim_txt')) { if ($this->admission_prelim_txt) { $log[] = sprintf(_('Neuer Hinweistext bei vorläufigen Eintragungen: %s'), strip_tags(kill_format($this->admission_prelim_txt))); } else { $log[] = _('Hinweistext bei vorläufigen Eintragungen wurde entfert'); } } if (!empty($log)) { StudipLog::log( 'SEM_CHANGED_ACCESS', $this->id, null, '', implode(' - ', $log) ); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('visible')) { StudipLog::log($this->visible ? 'SEM_VISIBLE' : 'SEM_INVISIBLE', $this->id); } } /** * Called directly before storing the object to edit the columns start_time and duration_time * which are both deprecated but are still in use for older plugins. */ public function cbSetStartAndDurationTime() { if ($this->isFieldDirty('start_time')) { $this->setStartSemester(Semester::findByTimestamp($this->start_time)); } if ($this->isFieldDirty('duration_time')) { $this->setEndSemester($this->duration_time == -1 ? null : Semester::findByTimestamp($this->start_time + $this->duration_time)); } if ($this->isOpenEnded()) { $this->start_time = $this->start_time ?: Semester::findCurrent()->beginn ?? time(); $this->duration_time = -1; } else { $this->start_time = $this->getStartSemester()->beginn; $this->duration_time = $this->getEndSemester()->beginn - $this->start_time; } } //StudipItem interface implementation: public function getItemName($long_format = true) { if ($long_format) { return $this->getFullName(); } else { return $this->name; } } public function getItemURL() { return URLHelper::getURL( 'dispatch.php/course/details/index', [ 'cid' => $this->id ] ); } public function getItemAvatarURL() { $avatar = CourseAvatar::getAvatar($this->id); if ($avatar) { return $avatar->getURL(Avatar::NORMAL); } return ''; } /** * Export available data of a given user into a storage object * (an instance of the StoredUserData class) for that user. * * @param StoredUserData $storage object to store data into */ public static function exportUserData(StoredUserData $storage) { $sorm = self::findThru($storage->user_id, [ 'thru_table' => 'seminar_user', 'thru_key' => 'user_id', 'thru_assoc_key' => 'Seminar_id', 'assoc_foreign_key' => 'Seminar_id', ]); if ($sorm) { $field_data = []; foreach ($sorm as $row) { $field_data[] = $row->toRawArray(); } if ($field_data) { $storage->addTabularData(_('Seminare'), 'seminare', $field_data); } } } public function getRangeName() { return $this->name; } public function getRangeIcon($role) { return Icon::create('seminar', $role); } public function getRangeUrl() { return 'course/overview'; } public function getRangeCourseId() { return $this->Seminar_id; } public function isRangeAccessible(string $user_id = null): bool { $user_id = $user_id ?? $GLOBALS['user']->id; return $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('autor', $this->Seminar_id, $user_id); } public function getLink() : StudipLink { return new StudipLink($this->getItemURL(), $this->name, Icon::create('seminar')); } /** * Returns a list of courses for the specified user. * Permission levels may be supplied to limit the course list. * * @param string $user_id The ID of the user whose courses shall be retrieved. * * @param string[] $perms The permission levels of the user that shall be * regarded when retrieving courses. * * @param bool $with_deputies Whether to include courses where the user is * a deputy (true) or not (false). Defaults to true. * * @return Course[] A list of courses. */ public static function findByUser($user_id, $perms = [], $with_deputies = true) { if (!$user_id) { return []; } $db = DBManager::get(); $sql = "SELECT `seminar_id` FROM `seminar_user` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id"; $sql_params = ['user_id' => $user_id]; if (is_array($perms) && count($perms)) { $sql .= ' AND `status` IN (:perms)'; $sql_params['perms'] = $perms; } $seminar_ids = $db->fetchFirst($sql, $sql_params); if (Config::get()->DEPUTIES_ENABLE && $with_deputies) { $sql = 'SELECT range_id FROM `deputies` WHERE `deputies`.`user_id` = :user_id'; $seminar_ids = array_merge($seminar_ids, $db->fetchFirst($sql, $sql_params)); } $name_sort = Config::get()->IMPORTANT_SEMNUMBER ? 'VeranstaltungsNummer, Name' : 'Name'; return Course::findBySQL( "LEFT JOIN semester_courses ON (semester_courses.course_id = seminare.Seminar_id) WHERE Seminar_id IN (?) GROUP BY seminare.Seminar_id ORDER BY semester_courses.semester_id IS NULL DESC, start_time DESC, {$name_sort}", [$seminar_ids] ); } /** * Returns whether this course is a studygroup * @return bool */ public function isStudygroup() { return in_array($this->status, studygroup_sem_types()); } /** * */ public function setDefaultTools() { $this->tools = []; foreach (array_values($this->getSemClass()->getActivatedModuleObjects()) as $module) { PluginManager::getInstance()->setPluginActivated($module->getPluginId(), $this->id, true); $this->tools[] = ToolActivation::find([$this->id, $module->getPluginId()]); } } /** * @param $name string name of tool / plugin * @return bool */ public function isToolActive($name) { $plugin = PluginEngine::getPlugin($name); return $plugin && $this->tools->findOneby('plugin_id', $plugin->getPluginId()); } /** * returns all activated plugins/modules for this course * @return StudipModule[] */ public function getActivatedTools() { return array_filter($this->tools->getStudipModule()); } /** * @see Range::__toString() */ public function __toString() : string { return $this->getFullName(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public static function getCalendarOwner(string $owner_id): ?\Studip\Calendar\Owner { return self::find($owner_id); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isCalendarReadable(?string $user_id = null): bool { if ($user_id === null) { $user_id = User::findCurrent()->id; } //Calendar read permissions are granted for all participants //that have at least user permissions. return $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('user', $this->id, $user_id); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isCalendarWritable(string $user_id = null): bool { if ($user_id === null) { $user_id = User::findCurrent()->id; } //Calendar write permissions are granted for all participants //that have autor permissions or higher. return $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('autor', $this->id, $user_id); } /** * Get user information for all users in this course * */ public function getMembersData(?string $status = ''): array { $result = []; if (!$status) { foreach ($this->members->orderBy('position, nachname') as $member) { $result[$member->user_id] = $member->getExportData(); } foreach ($this->admission_applicants->findBy('status', 'accepted')->orderBy('position') as $member) { $result[$member->user_id] = $member->getExportData(); } } elseif ($status === 'awaiting') { foreach ($this->admission_applicants->findBy('status', $status)->orderBy('position') as $member) { $result[$member->user_id] = $member->getExportData(); } } elseif ($status === 'claiming') { $cs = CourseSet::getSetForCourse($this->id); if (is_object($cs) && !$cs->hasAlgorithmRun()) { $claiming_users = User::findFullMany(array_keys(AdmissionPriority::getPrioritiesByCourse($cs->getId(), $this->id)), 'ORDER BY nachname'); foreach ($claiming_users as $claiming_user) { $studycourse = []; $claiming_user->studycourses->map(function($sc) use (&$studycourse) { $studycourse[]= $sc->studycourse->name . ',' . $sc->degree->name . ',' . $sc->semester; }); $export_data = [ 'status' => $status, 'salutation' => $claiming_user->salutation, 'Titel' => $claiming_user->title_front, 'Vorname' => $claiming_user->vorname, 'Nachname' => $claiming_user->nachname, 'Titel2' => $claiming_user->title_rear, 'username' => $claiming_user->username, 'privadr' => $claiming_user->privadr, 'privatnr' => $claiming_user->privatnr, 'Email' => $claiming_user->email, 'Anmeldedatum' => '', 'Matrikelnummer' => $claiming_user->matriculation_number, 'studiengaenge' => implode(';', $studycourse), 'position' => 0, ]; $result[$claiming_user->user_id] = $export_data; } } } return $result; } }