diff --git a/app/controllers/studiengaenge/informationen.php b/app/controllers/studiengaenge/informationen.php
index 4bbdd019a958cec71694219eebb4f0cb8431f7f6..29b223aa80b97454af0b082b22e949ea12045db5 100644
--- a/app/controllers/studiengaenge/informationen.php
+++ b/app/controllers/studiengaenge/informationen.php
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class Studiengaenge_InformationenController extends MVVController
         parent::before_filter($action, $args);
-        if (!($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') || RolePersistence::isAssignedRole(
-                        $GLOBALS['user']->id, 'MVVAdmin'))) {
+        if (!($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')
+            || User::findCurrent()->hasRole('MVVAdmin'))) {
             throw new AccessDeniedException();
         PageLayout::setTitle(_('Verwaltung der Studiengänge'));
@@ -49,21 +49,16 @@ class Studiengaenge_InformationenController extends MVVController
         $this->studycourse = Fach::find($studycourse_id);
         $this->nr = $nr;
-        $this->degree = Degree::findBySQL('abschluss_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(abschluss_id) FROM user_studiengang '
-                . 'WHERE fach_id = :studycourse_id AND abschluss_id IN (:abschluss_ids)) '
-                . 'ORDER BY name',
-                ['studycourse_id' => $studycourse_id,
-                 'abschluss_ids' => $this->studycourse->degrees->pluck('abschluss_id')]);
     public function showstudycourse_action($degree_id, $nr = 0)
         $this->nr = $nr;
-        $this->degree = Degree::find($degree_id);
-        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("root",$GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
-            $this->studycourses = StudyCourse::findBySQL('fach_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(fach_id) FROM user_studiengang '
-                    . 'WHERE abschluss_id = :abschluss_id AND fach_id IN (:studycourse_ids)) ORDER BY name',
-                    [':abschluss_id' => $degree_id, ':studycourse_ids' => $this->degree->professions->pluck('fach_id')]);
+        $this->degree = Abschluss::find($degree_id);
+        $this->professions = $this->degree->professions;
+        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root',$GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
+            $this->studycourses = $this->degree->professions;
         } else {
             $inst_ids = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(Institute::findBySQL('Institut_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)
                 OR fakultaets_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)',
@@ -78,37 +73,32 @@ class Studiengaenge_InformationenController extends MVVController
     public function messagehelper_action()
-        $fach_id = Request::get('fach_id');
-        $degree_id = Request::get('abschluss_id');
-        $fach = new Fach($fach_id);
-        $degree = new Degree($degree_id);
+        $fach = Fach::find(Request::get('fach_id'));
+        $degree = Degree::find(Request::get('abschluss_id'));
-        $user = array();
-        if (is_null($degree_id) && !is_null($fach_id)) {
-            $user = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('fach_id = :fach_id',
-                [':fach_id' => $fach->fach_id]);
-        } else if (!is_null($degree_id) && !is_null($fach_id)) {
-            $user = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
-                [':fach_id' => $fach_id, ':abschluss_id' => $degree_id]);
-        } else if (!is_null($degree_id) && is_null($fach_id)) {
-            $user = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
-                [':abschluss_id' => $degree_id]);
+        if (!$degree && $fach) {
+            $users = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('fach_id = :fach_id', [':fach_id' => $fach->id]);
+        } else if ($degree && !$fach) {
+            $users = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('abschluss_id = :abschluss_id', [':abschluss_id' => $degree->id]);
+        } else {
+            $users = UserStudyCourse::findBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
+                [':fach_id' => $fach->id, ':abschluss_id' => $degree->id]
+            );
-        if (empty($user)) {
+        if (empty($users)) {
             PageLayout::postError(_('Keine Studierenden zu den gewählten Angaben gefunden'));
-            $this->redirect('index');
+            $this->redirect($this->indexURL());
-        foreach ($user as $u) {
-            $send_to[] = $u->user->username;
-        }
-        $_SESSION['sms_data']['p_rec'] = $send_to;
+        $_SESSION['sms_data']['p_rec'] = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(
+            SimpleCollection::createFromArray($users)->pluck('user')
+        )->pluck('username');
-        $subject = sprintf(_('Information zum Studiengang: %s %s'),
-            !$fach->isNew() ? $fach->name: '' , !$degree->isNew() ? $degree->name : '');
+        $subject = sprintf(
+            _('Information zum Studiengang: %s %s'),
+            $fach ? $fach->name: '' , $degree ? $degree->name : ''
+        );
             ['default_subject' => $subject, 'emailrequest' => 1]
@@ -118,29 +108,10 @@ class Studiengaenge_InformationenController extends MVVController
     private function createSidebar($view = 'subject' )
         $widget = new ViewsWidget();
-        $widget->addLink(_('Gruppieren nach Fächern'), $this->url_for('/index'))
-                ->setActive($view == 'subject');
-        $widget->addLink(_('Gruppieren nach Abschlüssen'), $this->url_for('/degree'))
-                ->setActive($view == 'degrees');
+        $widget->addLink(_('Gruppieren nach Fächern'), $this->indexURL())
+                ->setActive($view === 'subject');
+        $widget->addLink(_('Gruppieren nach Abschlüssen'), $this->degreeURL())
+                ->setActive($view === 'degrees');
-    public static function getStudyCount($degree_id)
-    {
-        if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root', $GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
-            return UserStudyCourse::countBySql('abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
-            [':abschluss_id' => $degree_id]);
-        } else {
-            $inst_ids = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(Institute::findBySQL('Institut_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)
-                OR fakultaets_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)',
-                    [':user_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->user_id]))->pluck('institut_id');
-            return UserStudyCourse::countBySql('JOIN mvv_fach_inst as fach_inst ON (user_studiengang.fach_id = fach_inst.fach_id)
-                WHERE user_studiengang.abschluss_id = :abschluss_id AND fach_inst.institut_id IN (:inst_ids)',
-            [':abschluss_id' => $degree_id, ':inst_ids' => $inst_ids]);
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/degree.php b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/degree.php
index 206a0a9737bdc2c95b01c27dc28499a7da1f699b..c42da60f97deb513a1c67509df407dba967d0426 100644
--- a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/degree.php
+++ b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/degree.php
@@ -12,34 +12,32 @@
     <? foreach ($degree as $key => $deg) : ?>
-        <? if (($studycount = Studiengaenge_InformationenController::getStudyCount($deg->abschluss_id)) > 0  ) : ?>
-    <tbody class="collapsed">
-            <tr class="table-header header-row">
-                <td class="toggle-indicator">
-                    <a id="<?= $deg->abschluss_id?>"  class="mvv-load-in-new-row"
-                       href="<?= $controller->url_for('/showstudycourse', $deg->abschluss_id, $key+1)?>"
-                       onclick="icon_toggle(this)">
-                        <?= htmlReady($deg->name) ?>
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    <?= $studycount ?>
-                </td>
-                <td class="dont-hide actions">
-                    <? if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("root", $GLOBALS['user']->id)) : ?>
-                        <a href="<?= $controller->url_for('/messagehelper',
-                                ['abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id]) ?>" data-dialog >
-                            <?= Icon::create('mail', Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
-                                ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(_('Alle Studierenden mit dem Studienabschluss %s benachrichtigen.'),
-                                        $deg->name))]) ?>
+        <? if ($deg->count_user > 0) : ?>
+            <tbody class="collapsed">
+                <tr class="table-header header-row">
+                    <td class="toggle-indicator">
+                        <a id="<?= $deg->abschluss_id ?>" class="mvv-load-in-new-row"
+                           href="<?= $controller->url_for('/showstudycourse', $deg->abschluss_id, $key + 1) ?>">
+                            <?= htmlReady($deg->name) ?>
-                    <? endif; ?>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-    </tbody>
-        <? endif; ?>
-    <? endforeach; ?>
+                    </td>
+                    <td>
+                        <?= $deg->count_user ?>
+                    </td>
+                    <td class="dont-hide actions">
+                        <? if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root', $GLOBALS['user']->id)) : ?>
+                            <a href="<?= $controller->messagehelper(['abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id]) ?>"
+                               data-dialog>
+                                <?= Icon::create('mail')->asImg(
+                                    ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(
+                                        _('Alle Studierenden mit dem Studienabschluss %s benachrichtigen.'),
+                                        $deg->name))
+                                    ]) ?>
+                            </a>
+                        <? endif ?>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        <? endif ?>
+    <? endforeach ?>
diff --git a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/index.php b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/index.php
index 5895f05644a2a1a8bceff190c6be5eb1e7ede157..0914cf1d5fd9fabd99dd612d8ef8e1b25dd1d083 100644
--- a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/index.php
+++ b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/index.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <table class="default nohover collapsable">
-        <col width="70%">
-        <col width="29%">
-        <col width="1%">
+        <col style="width: 70%">
+        <col style="width: 29%">
+        <col style="width: 1%">
@@ -14,26 +14,28 @@
     <? foreach ($studycourses as $key => $studycourse) : ?>
         <? $count = UserStudyCourse::countBySql('fach_id = ?', [$studycourse->fach_id]); ?>
         <? if ($count > 0) : ?>
-    <tbody class="collapsed">
-        <tr class="table-header header-row">
-            <td class="toggle-indicator">
-                <a id="<?= $studycourse->fach_id?>" class="mvv-load-in-new-row"
-                    href="<?= $controller->url_for('/showdegree', $studycourse->fach_id, $key+1)?>">
-                    <?= htmlReady($studycourse->name) ?>
-                </a>
-            </td>
-            <td>
-                <?= $count ?>
-            </td>
-            <td class="dont-hide actions">
-                <a href="<?= $controller->url_for('/messagehelper', ['fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id]) ?>" data-dialog >
-                    <?= Icon::create('mail', Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
-                        ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(_('Alle Studierenden des Faches %s benachrichtigen.'),
-                                $studycourse->name))]) ?>
-                </a>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-    </tbody>
-        <? endif; ?>
-    <? endforeach; ?>
+            <tbody class="collapsed">
+                <tr class="table-header header-row">
+                    <td class="toggle-indicator">
+                        <a id="<?= $studycourse->fach_id ?>" class="mvv-load-in-new-row"
+                           href="<?= $controller->showdegree($studycourse->fach_id, $key + 1) ?>">
+                            <?= htmlReady($studycourse->name) ?>
+                        </a>
+                    </td>
+                    <td>
+                        <?= $count ?>
+                    </td>
+                    <td class="dont-hide actions">
+                        <a href="<?= $controller->messagehelper(['fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id]) ?>" data-dialog>
+                            <?= Icon::create('mail')->asImg(
+                                ['title' => sprintf(
+                                    _('Alle Studierenden des Faches %s benachrichtigen.'),
+                                    htmlReady($studycourse->name))
+                                ]) ?>
+                        </a>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        <? endif ?>
+    <? endforeach ?>
diff --git a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showdegree.php b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showdegree.php
index 25badec476d27c93f8f845c688a07e2bce54d39b..4dfb8b0e95c58b6a2ccbfde6a6429d2a5d120ca7 100644
--- a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showdegree.php
+++ b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showdegree.php
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
 <td colspan="3">
     <table class="default">
-            <col width="70%">
-            <col width="29%">
-            <col width="1%">
+            <col style="width: 70%">
+            <col style="width: 29%">
+            <col style="width: 1%">
-    <? foreach ($degree as $key => $deg) : ?>
-        <tbody>
-            <tr>
-                <td><?= htmlReady($deg->name) ?></td>
-                <td>
-                <?= UserStudyCourse::countBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
-                        [':fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id, ':abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id])?>
+        <? foreach ($studycourse->degrees as $key => $deg) : ?>
+            <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <td><?= htmlReady($deg->name) ?></td>
+                    <td>
+                        <?= UserStudyCourse::countBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
+                            [':fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id, ':abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id]) ?>
-                <td class="actions">
-                    <? $action =ActionMenu::get()
-                        ->setContext($deg->name)
-                        ->addLink($controller->url_for('/messagehelper',
-                            ['fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id, 'abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id]),
-                            _('Nachricht an Studierende schreiben'),
-                            Icon::create('mail', Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
-                                ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(_('Nachricht an alle Studierende mit dem Studiengang %s mit dem Abschluss %s'),
-                                        $studycourse->name, $deg->name))]),
-                            ['data-dialog' => '']) ?>
-                    <?= $action ?>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-        </tbody>
-    <? endforeach; ?>
+                    <td class="actions">
+                        <?= $action = ActionMenu::get()
+                            ->setContext($deg->name)
+                            ->addLink($controller->messagehelperURL(
+                                ['fach_id' => $studycourse->fach_id, 'abschluss_id' => $deg->abschluss_id]),
+                                _('Nachricht an Studierende schreiben'),
+                                Icon::create(
+                                    'mail',
+                                    Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
+                                    ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(
+                                        _('Nachricht an alle Studierende mit dem Studiengang %s mit dem Abschluss %s'),
+                                        $studycourse->name, $deg->name))
+                                    ]),
+                                ['data-dialog' => ''])
+                            ->render()
+                        ?>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        <? endforeach ?>
diff --git a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showstudycourse.php b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showstudycourse.php
index ae4f745aa453a22c5066e4c4c3951565a75ce24e..94c886f14c3b6f0f9be28621d209fe2d3bafacda 100644
--- a/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showstudycourse.php
+++ b/app/views/studiengaenge/informationen/showstudycourse.php
@@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
 <td colspan="3">
     <table class="default">
-            <col width="70%">
-            <col width="29%">
-            <col width="1%">
+            <col style="width: 70%">
+            <col style="width: 29%">
+            <col style="width: 1%">
-    <? foreach ($studycourses as $key => $course) : ?>
-        <? if (($count = UserStudyCourse::countBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
-            [':fach_id' => $course->fach_id, ':abschluss_id' => $degree->abschluss_id])) > 0) : ?>
-            <tr>
-                <td><?= htmlReady($course->name) ?></td>
-                <td>
-                    <?= $count ?>
-                </td>
-                <td class="actions">
-                    <? $action =ActionMenu::get()->setContext($course->name)
-                        ->addLink($controller->url_for('/messagehelper',
-                            ['fach_id' => $course->fach_id, 'abschluss_id' => $degree->abschluss_id]),
-                            _('Nachricht an Studierende schreiben'),
-                            Icon::create('mail', Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
-                                ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(_('Nachricht an alle Studierende mit dem Studiengang %s mit dem Abschluss %s'),
-                                        $course->name, $degree->name))]),
-                            ['data-dialog' => '']) ?>
-                    <?= $action ?>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-        <? endif; ?>
-    <? endforeach; ?>
+        <? foreach ($studycourses as $key => $course) : ?>
+            <? if (($count = UserStudyCourse::countBySql('fach_id = :fach_id AND abschluss_id = :abschluss_id',
+                    [':fach_id' => $course->fach_id, ':abschluss_id' => $degree->abschluss_id])) > 0) : ?>
+                <tr>
+                    <td><?= htmlReady($course->name) ?></td>
+                    <td>
+                        <?= $count ?>
+                    </td>
+                    <td class="actions">
+                        <?= $action = ActionMenu::get()->setContext($course->name)
+                            ->addLink($controller->messagehelperURL(
+                                ['fach_id' => $course->fach_id, 'abschluss_id' => $degree->abschluss_id]),
+                                _('Nachricht an Studierende schreiben'),
+                                Icon::create(
+                                    'mail',
+                                    Icon::ROLE_CLICKABLE,
+                                    ['title' => htmlReady(sprintf(
+                                        _('Nachricht an alle Studierende mit dem Studiengang %s mit dem Abschluss %s'),
+                                        $course->name, $degree->name))
+                                    ]),
+                                ['data-dialog' => ''])->render()
+                        ?>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            <? endif ?>
+        <? endforeach ?>
diff --git a/lib/models/Degree.class.php b/lib/models/Degree.class.php
index 04c4da6bdb67bf67627e13e3e1bad9c5716dd283..c5b83c5d14c4e4fe740b326cad138e0d0f4ac6f5 100644
--- a/lib/models/Degree.class.php
+++ b/lib/models/Degree.class.php
@@ -35,16 +35,27 @@ class Degree extends SimpleORMap
         $config['additional_fields']['count_user']['get'] = 'countUser';
+        $config['registered_callbacks']['before_store'][] = "cbUpdateAuthorId";
     public function countUser()
-        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) '
-                . 'FROM user_studiengang WHERE abschluss_id = ?');
-        $stmt->execute([$this->id]);
-        return $stmt->fetchColumn();
+        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `user_id`) FROM `user_studiengang`';
+        $parameters = [':degree_id' => $this->id];
+        if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
+            $inst_ids = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(Institute::findBySQL('Institut_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)
+                OR fakultaets_id IN (SELECT institut_id FROM roles_user WHERE userid = :user_id)',
+                [':user_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->user_id]))->pluck('institut_id');
+            $sql .=  'JOIN `mvv_fach_inst` as `fach_inst` ON (`user_studiengang`.`fach_id` = `fach_inst`.`fach_id`)
+                WHERE `user_studiengang`.`abschluss_id` = :degree_id AND `fach_inst`.`institut_id` IN (:inst_ids)';
+            $parameters[':inst_ids'] = $inst_ids;
+        } else {
+            $sql .= ' WHERE `user_studiengang`.`abschluss_id` = :degree_id';
+        }
+        return DBManager::get()->fetchColumn($sql, $parameters);
     public function countUserByStudycourse($studycourse_id)
@@ -56,7 +67,7 @@ class Degree extends SimpleORMap
         return $stmt->fetchColumn();
-    public function store()
+    public function cbUpdateAuthorId()
         if ($this->isNew() || $this->isDirty()) {
             $this->editor_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
@@ -64,8 +75,5 @@ class Degree extends SimpleORMap
                 $this->author_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
-        return parent::store();