diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/banner.php b/app/controllers/admin/banner.php
index c13b8e8c2587c86250c65125d472c4e4a70384a4..5199bbc26fe04e98d82fdad35ad6e0450eeecf40 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/banner.php
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/banner.php
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
             10 => '10 (' . _('sehr hoch') . ')',
+        $this->roles = BannerRoles::getAvailableRoles();
+        $this->rolesStats = RolePersistence::getStatistics();
@@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
         if ($banner->isNew()) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_('Es existiert kein Banner mit der Id "%s"'), $banner->id));
+        $this->assigned = BannerRoles::getRoles($banner->id);
@@ -83,12 +88,17 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
      * @param Banner $banner Banner object
-    public function edit_action(Banner $banner)
+    public function edit_action(Banner $banner = null)
         if ($banner->isNew()) {
-            throw new Exception(sprintf(_('Es existiert kein Banner mit der Id "%s"'), $banner->id));
+            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Neues Banner anlegen'));
+        } else {
+            PageLayout::setTitle(_('Banner bearbeiten'));
+        $this->assigned = BannerRoles::getRoles($banner->id);
+        $this->roles = BannerRoles::getAvailableRoles($banner->id);
         // edit banner input
         if (Request::submitted('speichern')) {
             $banner_path = Request::get('banner_path');
@@ -118,143 +128,13 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
                 $banner_path = $this->bannerupload($upload['tmp_name'], $upload['size'], $upload['name'], $errors);
-            if (!$target && $target_type != 'none') {
-                $errors[] = _('Es wurde kein Verweisziel angegeben.');
-            }
-            $startDate = explode('.',Request::get('start_date'));
-            if (($x = $this->valid_date(Request::int('start_hour'), Request::int('start_minute'), $startDate[0],$startDate[1], $startDate[2])) == -1) {
-                $errors[] = _('Bitte geben Sie einen gültiges Startdatum ein.');
-            } else {
-                $startdate = $x;
-            }
-            $endDate = explode('.',Request::get('end_date'));
-            if (($x = $this->valid_date(Request::int('end_hour'), Request::int('end_minute'), $endDate[0], $endDate[1], $endDate[2])) == -1) {
-                           $errors[] = _('Bitte geben Sie einen gültiges Enddatum ein.');
-            } else {
-                $enddate = $x;
-            }
-            switch ($target_type) {
-                case 'url':
-                    if (!preg_match('~^(https?|ftp)://~i', $target)) {
-                        $errors[] = _('Das Verweisziel muss eine gültige URL sein (incl. http://).');
-                    }
-                break;
-                case 'inst':
-                    if (Institute::find($target) === null) {
-                        $errors[] =  _('Die angegebene Einrichtung existiert nicht. '
-                                      .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Einrichtungs-ID ein.');
-                    }
-                break;
-                case 'user':
-                    if (User::findByUsername($target) === null) {
-                        $errors[] = _('Der angegebene Username existiert nicht.');
-                    }
-                break;
-                case 'seminar':
-                    try {
-                        Seminar::getInstance($target);
-                    } catch (Exception $e) {
-                        $errors[] =  _('Die angegebene Veranstaltung existiert nicht. '
-                                      .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Veranstaltungs-ID ein.');
-                    }
-                break;
-                case 'none':
-                    $target = '';
-                break;
-            }
-            if (count($errors) > 0) {
-                PageLayout::postError(_('Es sind folgende Fehler aufgetreten:'), $errors);
-            } else {
-                $banner->banner_path = $banner_path;
-                $banner->description = $description;
-                $banner->alttext     = $alttext;
-                $banner->target_type = $target_type;
-                $banner->target      = $target;
-                $banner->startdate   = $startdate;
-                $banner->enddate     = $enddate;
-                $banner->priority    = $priority;
-                $banner->store();
-                PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Der Banner wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.'));
-                $this->redirect('admin/banner');
-            }
-        }
-        if ($banner['target_type'] == 'seminar') {
-            $seminar_name = get_object_name($banner['target'], 'sem');
-            $this->seminar = QuickSearch::get('seminar', new StandardSearch('Seminar_id'))
-                        ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                        ->defaultValue($banner['target'],$seminar_name['name'])
-                        ->render();
-        }
-        if ($banner['target_type'] == 'user') {
-            $this->user = QuickSearch::get('user', new StandardSearch('username'))
-                        ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                        ->defaultValue($banner['target'], $banner['target'])
-                        ->render();
-        }
-        if ($banner['target_type'] == 'inst') {
-            $institut_name = get_object_name($banner['target'], 'inst');
-            $this->institut = QuickSearch::get('institut', new StandardSearch('Institut_id'))
-                        ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                        ->defaultValue($banner['target'], $institut_name['name'])
-                        ->render();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a new banner
-     */
-    public function new_action()
-    {
-        // add new banner input
-        if (Request::submitted('anlegen')) {
-            $description = Request::get('description');
-            $alttext     = Request::get('alttext');
-            $target_type = Request::option('target_type');
-            //add the right target
-            if ($target_type == 'url') {
-                $target = Request::get('target');
-            } else if ($target_type == 'inst') {
-                $target = Request::option('institut');
-            } else if ($target_type == 'user') {
-                $target = Request::username('user');
-            } else if ($target_type == 'seminar') {
-                $target = Request::option('seminar');
-            } else {
-                $target = Request::get('target');
-            }
-            $priority = Request::int('priority');
-            $errors = [];
-            $upload = $_FILES['imgfile'];
-            if (!$upload['name']) {
+            if(!$banner_path){
                 $errors[] = _('Es wurde kein Bild ausgewählt.');
-            } else {
-               $banner_path = $this->bannerupload($upload['tmp_name'], $upload['size'], $upload['name'], $errors);
-            }
-            $startDate = explode('.',Request::get('start_date'));
-            if (($x = $this->valid_date(Request::int('start_hour'), Request::int('start_minute'), $startDate[0],$startDate[1], $startDate[2])) == -1) {
-                $errors[] = _('Bitte geben Sie einen gültiges Startdatum ein.');
-            } else {
-                $startdate = $x;
-            }
-            $endDate = explode('.',Request::get('end_date'));
-            if (($x = $this->valid_date(Request::int('end_hour'), Request::int('end_minute'), $endDate[0], $endDate[1], $endDate[2])) == -1) {
-                $errors[] = _('Bitte geben Sie einen gültiges Enddatum ein.');
-            } else {
-                $enddate = $x;
+            $startdate = strtotime(Request::get('start_date', 0));
+            $enddate = strtotime(Request::get('end_date', 0));
             if (!$target && $target_type != 'none') {
                 $errors[] = _('Es wurde kein Verweisziel angegeben.');
             } else {
@@ -267,7 +147,7 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
                     case 'inst':
                         if (Institute::find($target) === null) {
                             $errors[] =  _('Die angegebene Einrichtung existiert nicht. '
-                                          .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Einrichtungs-ID ein.');
+                                        .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Einrichtungs-ID ein.');
                     case 'user':
@@ -280,7 +160,7 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $errors[] =  _('Die angegebene Veranstaltung existiert nicht. '
-                                          .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Veranstaltungs-ID ein.');
+                                        .'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Veranstaltungs-ID ein.');
                     case 'none':
@@ -291,8 +171,8 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
             if (count($errors) > 0) {
                 PageLayout::postError(_('Es sind folgende Fehler aufgetreten:'), $errors);
+                $this->redirect('admin/banner');
             } else {
-                $banner = new Banner();
                 $banner->banner_path = $banner_path;
                 $banner->description = $description;
                 $banner->alttext     = $alttext;
@@ -303,10 +183,38 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
                 $banner->priority    = $priority;
+                $assignedroles = Request::intArray('assignedroles');
+                BannerRoles::update($banner->ad_id,$assignedroles);
                 PageLayout::postSuccess(_('Der Banner wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.'));
+        if (!$banner->isNew()) {
+            if ($banner->target_type == 'seminar') {
+                $seminar_name = get_object_name($banner->target, 'sem');
+                $this->seminar = QuickSearch::get('seminar', new StandardSearch('Seminar_id'))
+                            ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                            ->defaultValue($banner->target,$seminar_name['name'])
+                            ->render();
+            }
+            if ($banner->target_type == 'user') {
+                $this->user = QuickSearch::get('user', new StandardSearch('username'))
+                            ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                            ->defaultValue($banner->target, $banner->target)
+                            ->render();
+            }
+            if ($banner->target_type == 'inst') {
+                $institut_name = get_object_name($banner->target, 'inst');
+                $this->institut = QuickSearch::get('institut', new StandardSearch('Institut_id'))
+                            ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                            ->defaultValue($banner->target, $institut_name['name'])
+                            ->render();
+            }
+        }
@@ -384,27 +292,6 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
         return $banner_path;
-    /**
-     * Validate the date
-     *
-     * @param Int $h hour
-     * @param Int $m minute
-     * @param Int $d day
-     * @param Int $mo month
-     * @param Int $y year
-     *
-     */
-    protected function valid_date($h, $m, $d, $mo, $y)
-    {
-        if ((int)$h + (int)$m + (int)$d + (int)$mo + (int)$y === 0) {
-            return 0; // 0= forever
-        }
-        // mktime returns -1 if date is invalid (and does some strange
-        // conversion which might be considered as a bug...)
-        return mktime($h ,$m, 0, $mo, $d, $y);
-    }
      * Extends this controller with neccessary sidebar
@@ -417,7 +304,7 @@ class Admin_BannerController extends AuthenticatedController
         $actions = new ActionsWidget();
             _('Neues Banner anlegen'),
-            $this->url_for('admin/banner/new'),
+            $this->url_for('admin/banner/edit'),
diff --git a/app/views/admin/banner/datetime-picker.php b/app/views/admin/banner/datetime-picker.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d69d896f5344ceebde27028aaeea0dd509d2d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/views/admin/banner/datetime-picker.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<div class="hgroup">
-    <input size="11" name="<?=$prefix?>date" id="<?=$prefix?>date"
-            value="<?if($timestamp) : ?><?=date('d.m.Y',$timestamp)?><?endif;?>"
-            placeholder ="TT.MM.JJJJ" class="no-hint"
-            <?if($disabled) : ?>disabled<?endif;?>>
-    <input type="number" name="<?= $prefix ?>hour" placeholder="<?= _('hh') ?>"
-           value="<? if ($timestamp) echo date('G', $timestamp) ?>"
-           size="2" maxlength="2" style="width: 4em;" class="no-hint"
-           <? if ($disabled) echo 'disabled'; ?>> :
-    <input type="number" name="<?= $prefix ?>minute" placeholder="<?= _('mm') ?>"
-           value="<? if ($timestamp) echo date('i', $timestamp) ?>"
-           size="2" maxlength="2" style="width: 4em;" class="no-hint"
-           <? if ($disabled) echo 'disabled'; ?>>
-    <script>
-        jQuery('#<?=$prefix?>date').datepicker();
-    </script>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/banner/edit.php b/app/views/admin/banner/edit.php
index 668fde90af762ab0df5a991dd902f213d66510d1..0c0108259bf4708912a48c89b6bb0783e9ccf21b 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/banner/edit.php
+++ b/app/views/admin/banner/edit.php
@@ -1,103 +1,133 @@
 <? use Studip\Button, Studip\LinkButton; ?>
-<form action="<?= $controller->edit($banner) ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="default">
+<form action="<?= $controller->url_for('admin/banner/edit', $banner->id) ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="default">
     <?= CSRFProtection::tokenTag() ?>
-    <table class="default">
-        <tbody>
-            <tr>
-                <td class="nohover">
-                    <? if ($banner['banner_path']): ?>
-                        <?= $banner->toImg() ?>
-                    <? else: ?>
-                        <?= _('Noch kein Bild hochgeladen') ?>
-                    <? endif; ?><br>
-                    <label class="file-upload">
-                        <?= _('Bilddatei auswählen') ?>
-                        <input id="imgfile" name="imgfile" type="file" accept="image/*"><br>
-                        <input type="hidden" name="banner_path" value="<?= $banner['banner_path'] ?>"><br>
-                    </label>
-                </td>
-                <td class="nohover" style="vertical-align: top">
-                    <fieldset>
-                        <legend>
-                            <?= _('Banner bearbeiten') ?>
-                        </legend>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _('Beschreibung:') ?>
-                            <input type="text" id="description" name="description"
-                                   value="<?= htmlReady($banner['description']) ?>"
-                                   size="40" maxlen="254">
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _('Alternativtext:') ?>
-                            <input type="text" id="alttext" name="alttext"
-                                   value="<?= htmlReady($banner['alttext']) ?>"
-                                   size="40" maxlen="254">
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _("Verweis-Typ:") ?>
-                            <input name="target_type" type="hidden" size="8" value="<?=$banner['target_type']?>">
-                            <select name="target_type" disabled="disabled">
-                            <? foreach ($target_types as $key => $label): ?>
-                                <option value="<?= $key ?>" <? if ($banner['target_type'] == $key) echo 'selected'; ?>>
-                                    <?= $label ?>
-                                </option>
-                            <? endforeach; ?>
-                            </select>
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _("Verweis-Ziel:") ?>
-                            <? if (in_array($banner['target_type'], words('none url'))): ?>
-                                <input type="text" name="target" size="40" maxlen="254" value="<?= htmlReady($banner['target']) ?>">
-                            <? elseif ($banner['target_type'] == "seminar") :?>
-                                <?= $seminar ?>
-                            <? elseif ($banner['target_type'] == "inst") :?>
-                                <?= $institut ?>
-                            <? else: ?>
-                                <?= $user ?>
-                            <? endif; ?>
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _('Anzeigen ab:') ?>
-                            <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', [
-                                    'prefix'    => 'start_',
-                                    'timestamp' => $banner['startdate']]) ?>
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _('Anzeigen bis:') ?>
-                            <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', [
-                                    'prefix'    => 'end_',
-                                    'timestamp' => $banner['enddate']]) ?>
-                        </label>
-                        <label>
-                            <?= _('Priorität:')?>
-                            <select id="priority" name="priority">
-                            <? foreach ($priorities as $key => $label): ?>
-                                <option value="<?= $key ?>" <? if ($banner['priority'] == $key) echo 'selected'; ?>>
-                                    <?= $label ?>
-                                </option>
-                            <? endforeach; ?>
-                            </select>
-                        </label>
-                    </fieldset>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-        </tbody>
-    </table>
+    <fieldset>
+        <label>
+            <? if ($banner['banner_path']) : ?>
+                <?= $banner->toImg(['style' => 'max-width:500px']) ?>
+            <? else : ?>
+                <?= _('Noch kein Bild hochgeladen') ?>
+            <? endif; ?><br>
+            <label class="file-upload">
+                <?= _('Bilddatei auswählen') ?>
+                <input id="imgfile" name="imgfile" type="file" accept="image/*">
+                <input type="hidden" name="banner_path" value="<?= $banner['banner_path'] ?>">
+            </label>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Beschreibung:') ?>
+            <input type="text" id="description" name="description" value="<?= htmlReady($banner['description']) ?>" size="40" maxlen="254">
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Alternativtext:') ?>
+            <input type="text" id="alttext" name="alttext" value="<?= htmlReady($banner['alttext']) ?>" size="40" maxlen="254">
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _("Verweis-Typ:") ?>
+            <? if (!$banner->isNew()) : ?>
+                <input name="target_type" type="hidden" size="8" value="<?= $banner['target_type'] ?>">
+            <? endif; ?>
+            <select id="target_type" name="target_type" <?= $banner->isNew() ?: 'disabled' ?>>
+                <? foreach ($target_types as $key => $label) : ?>
+                    <option value="<?= $key ?>" <? if ($banner['target_type'] == $key) echo 'selected'; ?>>
+                        <?= $label ?>
+                    </option>
+                <? endforeach; ?>
+            </select>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _("Verweis-Ziel:") ?>
+            <? if ($banner->isNew()) : ?>
+                <input type="url" class="target-url" name="target" placeholder="<?= _('URL eingeben') ?>" value="<?= htmlReady($this->flash['request']['target']) ?>" style="width: 240px;" maxlen="254">
+                <?= QuickSearch::get('seminar', new StandardSearch('Seminar_id'))
+                    ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                    ->setInputClass('target-seminar')
+                    ->render() ?>
+                <?= QuickSearch::get('institut', new StandardSearch('Institut_id'))
+                    ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                    ->setInputClass('target-inst')
+                    ->render() ?>
+                <?= QuickSearch::get('user', new StandardSearch('username'))
+                    ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
+                    ->setInputClass('target-user')
+                    ->render() ?>
+                <span class="target-none"><?= _('Kein Verweisziel') ?></span>
+            <? else : ?>
+                <? if (in_array($banner['target_type'], words('none url'))) : ?>
+                    <input type="text" name="target" size="40" maxlen="254" value="<?= htmlReady($banner['target']) ?>">
+                <? elseif ($banner['target_type'] == "seminar") : ?>
+                    <?= $seminar ?>
+                <? elseif ($banner['target_type'] == "inst") : ?>
+                    <?= $institut ?>
+                <? else : ?>
+                    <?= $user ?>
+                <? endif; ?>
+            <? endif; ?>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Anzeigen ab:') ?>
+            <input type="text" size="20" name="start_date" id="start_date" value="<?= $banner['startdate'] ?
+                date('d.m.Y H:i', $banner['startdate']) : '' ?>" data-datetime-picker>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Anzeigen bis:') ?>
+            <input type="text" size="20" name="end_date" id="end_date" value="<?= $banner['enddate'] ?
+                date('d.m.Y H:i', $banner['enddate']) : '' ?>" data-datetime-picker>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Priorität:') ?>
+            <select id="priority" name="priority">
+                <? foreach ($priorities as $key => $label) : ?>
+                    <option value="<?= $key ?>" <? if ($banner['priority'] == $key) echo 'selected'; ?>>
+                        <?= $label ?>
+                    </option>
+                <? endforeach; ?>
+            </select>
+        </label>
+        <label>
+            <?= _('Sichtbarkeit:') ?>
+            <select id="assignedroles" class="nested-select" name="assignedroles[]" multiple>
+                <? if ($assigned) : ?>
+                    <? foreach ($assigned as $assignedrole) : ?>
+                        <option value="<?= $assignedrole->getRoleid() ?>" selected>
+                            <?= htmlReady($assignedrole->getRolename()) ?>
+                            <? if ($assignedrole->getSystemtype()) : ?>[<?= _('Systemrolle') ?>]<? endif ?>
+                            (<?= $rolesStats[$assignedrole->getRoleid()]['explicit'] + $rolesStats[$assignedrole->getRoleid()]['implicit'] ?>)
+                        </option>
+                    <? endforeach ?>
+                <? endif ?>
+                <? foreach ($roles as $role) : ?>
+                    <option value="<?= $role->getRoleid() ?>">
+                        <?= htmlReady($role->getRolename()) ?>
+                        <? if ($role->getSystemtype()) : ?>[<?= _('Systemrolle') ?>]<? endif ?>
+                        (<?= $rolesStats[$role->getRoleid()]['explicit'] + $rolesStats[$role->getRoleid()]['implicit'] ?>)
+                    </option>
+                <? endforeach ?>
+            </select>
+        </label>
+    </fieldset>
     <footer data-dialog-button>
         <?= Studip\Button::create(_('Speichern'), 'speichern') ?>
@@ -107,3 +137,14 @@
         ) ?>
+<? if ($banner->isNew()) : ?>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        jQuery(function($) {
+            $('#target_type').change(function() {
+                var target = $(this).val();
+                $(this).closest('label').next().find('[class^="target"]').hide().filter('.target-' + target).show();
+            }).change();
+        });
+    </script>
+<? endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/admin/banner/info.php b/app/views/admin/banner/info.php
index 2720d5ffe86975f456dc7b33ca6e0c6eabe4049a..74e8c730337548f9585373cadbe15d7e1b79efaa 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/banner/info.php
+++ b/app/views/admin/banner/info.php
@@ -41,26 +41,22 @@
             <td><?= _('Verweis-Ziel:') ?></td>
                 <input type="text" readonly
-                       value="<?= htmlReady($this->edit['target']) ?>"
-                       size="40" maxlen="254">
+                       value="<?= htmlReady($banner['target']) ?>"
+                       size="40" maxlen="254" disabled>
             <td><?= _('Anzeigen ab:')?></td>
-                <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', [
-                        'prefix'    => 'start_',
-                        'timestamp' => $banner['startdate'],
-                        'disabled'  => true]) ?>
+                <input type="text" size="40" name="start_date" id="start_date" value="<?= $banner['startdate'] ?
+                    date('d.m.Y H:i', $banner['startdate']) : '' ?>" data-datetime-picker disabled>
             <td><?= _('Anzeigen bis:') ?></td>
-                <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', [
-                        'prefix'    => 'end_',
-                        'timestamp' => $banner['enddate'],
-                        'disabled'  => true]) ?>
+                <input type="text" size="40" name="end_date" id="end_date" value="<?= $banner['enddate'] ?
+                    date('d.m.Y H:i', $banner['enddate']) : '' ?>" data-datetime-picker disabled>
@@ -75,6 +71,19 @@
+        <tr>
+            <td><?= _('Sichtbarkeit:')?></td>
+            <td>
+                <select multiple name="assignedroles[]" size="10" style="width: 100%" disabled>
+                <? foreach ($assigned as $assignedrole): ?>
+                    <option value="<?= $assignedrole->getRoleid() ?>">
+                        <?= htmlReady($assignedrole->getRolename()) ?>
+                        <? if ($assignedrole->getSystemtype()): ?>[<?= _('Systemrolle') ?>]<? endif ?>
+                    </option>
+                <? endforeach ?>
+                </select>
+            </td>
+        </tr>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/banner/new.php b/app/views/admin/banner/new.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e27cf0586972016fb51240955723c90ecff858a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/views/admin/banner/new.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<form action="<?= $controller->new() ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="default">
-    <fieldset>
-        <legend>
-            <?= _('Neues Banner anlegen') ?>
-        </legend>
-        <label class="file-upload">
-            <?= _('Bilddatei auswählen') ?>
-            <input id="imgfile" name="imgfile" type="file" accept="image/*">
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Beschreibung') ?>
-            <input type="text" id="description" name="description"
-                   value="<?= htmlReady($this->flash['request']['description']) ?>"
-                   style="width: 240px;" maxlen="254">
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Alternativtext') ?>
-            <input type="text" id="alttext" name="alttext"
-                   value="<?= htmlReady($this->flash['request']['alttext']) ?>"
-                   style="width: 240px;" maxlen="254">
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Verweis-Typ') ?>
-            <select id="target_type" name="target_type">
-            <? foreach ($target_types as $key => $label): ?>
-                <option value="<?= $key ?>"><?= $label ?></option>
-            <? endforeach; ?>
-            </select>
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Verweis-Ziel') ?>
-            <input type="url" class="target-url" name="target"
-                   placeholder="<?= _('URL eingeben') ?>"
-                   value="<?= htmlReady($this->flash['request']['target']) ?>"
-                   style="width: 240px;" maxlen="254">
-            <?= QuickSearch::get('seminar', new StandardSearch('Seminar_id'))
-                           ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                           ->setInputClass('target-seminar')
-                           ->render() ?>
-            <?= QuickSearch::get('institut', new StandardSearch('Institut_id'))
-                           ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                           ->setInputClass('target-inst')
-                           ->render() ?>
-            <?= QuickSearch::get('user', new StandardSearch('username'))
-                           ->setInputStyle('width: 240px')
-                           ->setInputClass('target-user')
-                           ->render() ?>
-            <span class="target-none"><?= _('Kein Verweisziel') ?></span>
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Anzeigen ab') ?>
-            <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', ['prefix' => 'start_']) ?>
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Anzeigen bis')?>
-            <?= $this->render_partial('admin/banner/datetime-picker', ['prefix' => 'end_']) ?>
-        </label>
-        <label>
-            <?= _('Priorität')?>
-            <select name="priority">
-            <? foreach ($priorities as $key => $label): ?>
-                <option value="<?= $key ?>"><?= $label ?></option>
-            <? endforeach; ?>
-            </select>
-        </label>
-    </fieldset>
-    <footer data-dialog-button>
-        <?= Studip\Button::createAccept(_('Anlegen'), 'anlegen') ?>
-        <?= Studip\LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->indexURL()) ?>
-    </footer>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-jQuery(function ($) {
-    $('#target_type').change(function () {
-        var target = $(this).val();
-        $(this).closest('label').next().find('[class^="target"]').hide().filter('.target-' + target).show();
-    }).change();
diff --git a/db/migrations/5.1.15_tic_409.php b/db/migrations/5.1.15_tic_409.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e4611b9f15e6f4cbb5af3ff862840a149b12beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrations/5.1.15_tic_409.php
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+class tic409 extends Migration
+    public function description()
+    {
+        return "create BannerRoles table";
+    }
+    public function up()
+    {
+        $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `banner_roles` (
+          `ad_id` CHAR(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,
+          `roleid` int(10) NOT NULL,
+           PRIMARY KEY (`ad_id`, `roleid`)
+          ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC';
+        DBManager::get()->exec($query);
+        $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `config` (`field`, `value`, `type`, `range`, `mkdate`, `chdate`, `description`)
+                  VALUES (:name, :value, :type, :range, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), :description)";
+        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
+        $statement->execute([
+            ':name'        => 'BANNER_ONLY_SYSTEM_ROLES',
+            ':description' => 'Ãœber diese Option wird die Auswahl der rollenspezifischen Banner auf Systemrollen begrenzt',
+            ':range'       => 'global',
+            ':type'        => 'boolean',
+            ':value'       => '1'
+        ]);
+    }
+    public function down()
+    {
+        DBManager::get()->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `banner_roles`');
+    }
diff --git a/lib/models/Banner.class.php b/lib/models/Banner.class.php
index 3f6611d0e785c09e90d078cfd5f16e481e0bfe78..8c283e540d8fdcfd4c0162804f2bbfd364bad5b9 100644
--- a/lib/models/Banner.class.php
+++ b/lib/models/Banner.class.php
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ class Banner extends SimpleORMap
     protected static function configure($config = [])
         $config['db_table'] = 'banner_ads';
+        $config['has_many']['banner_roles'] = [
+            'class_name' => BannerRoles::class,
+            'assoc_foreign_key' => 'ad_id',
+            'on_delete' => 'delete'
+        ];
@@ -60,11 +67,13 @@ class Banner extends SimpleORMap
         $sum = 0;
         // collect banners to consider, build banners array
         while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
-            $sum += pow(2, $row['priority']);
-            $banners[] = [
-                'ad_id'  => $row['ad_id'],
-                'offset' => $sum
-            ];
+            if (BannerRoles::checkUserAccess($row['ad_id'])) {
+                $sum += pow(2, $row['priority']);
+                $banners[] = [
+                    'ad_id'  => $row['ad_id'],
+                    'offset' => $sum
+                ];
+            }
         // draw random number and select banner
diff --git a/lib/models/BannerRoles.class.php b/lib/models/BannerRoles.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82f5722ae3b66977effb168eda42bc450b547fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/BannerRoles.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * BannerRoles.class.php - model class for the banner roles
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * @author      Sebastian Biller <s.biller@tu-braunschweig.de>
+ * @license     http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL version 2
+ * @category    Stud.IP
+ * @package     admin
+ * @since       5.1
+ *
+ * @property string ad_id database column
+ * @property int roleid database column
+ */
+class BannerRoles extends SimpleORMap
+    protected static function configure($config = [])
+    {
+        $config['db_table'] = 'banner_roles';
+        $config['belongs_to']['banner_ads'] = [
+            'class_name'  => Banner::class,
+            'foreign_key' => 'ad_id',
+        ];
+        parent::configure($config);
+    }
+    public static function checkUserAccess($ad_id, $user_id = null)
+    {
+        $user_id = $user_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->id;
+        $banner_roles = self::getRoles($ad_id);
+        $user_roles = RolePersistence::getAssignedRoles($user_id, true);
+        if (!$banner_roles) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        foreach ($banner_roles as $banner_role) {
+            foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) {
+                if ($banner_role->getRoleid() === $user_role->getRoleid()) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    public static function getRoles($ad_id)
+    {
+        $banner_roles = self::findByad_id($ad_id);
+        $banner_role_ids = [];
+        foreach ($banner_roles as $banner_role) {
+            $banner_role_ids[] = $banner_role['roleid'];
+        }
+        $only_system_roles = Config::get()->BANNER_ONLY_SYSTEM_ROLES;
+        $roles = RolePersistence::getAllRoles();
+        $re = [];
+        foreach ($banner_role_ids as $role_id) {
+            if (isset($roles[$role_id])) {
+                if ($only_system_roles && !$roles[$role_id]->getSystemtype()) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $re[$role_id] = $roles[$role_id];
+            }
+        }
+        return $re;
+    }
+    public static function getAvailableRoles($ad_id = null)
+    {
+        $banner_role_ids = [];
+        if ($ad_id) {
+            $banner_roles = self::findByad_id($ad_id);
+            foreach ($banner_roles as $banner_role) {
+                $banner_role_ids[] = $banner_role['roleid'];
+            }
+        }
+        $only_system_roles = Config::get()->BANNER_ONLY_SYSTEM_ROLES;
+        $roles = RolePersistence::getAllRoles();
+        $rolesStats = RolePersistence::getStatistics();
+        $re = [];
+        foreach ($roles as $key => $role) {
+            if (!in_array($key, $banner_role_ids)) {
+                if ($only_system_roles && !$role->getSystemtype()) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if ($rolesStats[$role->getRoleid()]['explicit'] + $rolesStats[$role->getRoleid()]['implicit'] == 0) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $re[$key] = $role;
+            }
+        }
+        return $re;
+    }
+    public static function update($ad_id, $new_roles)
+    {
+        self::deleteByAd_id($ad_id);
+        if ($new_roles) {
+            foreach ($new_roles as $new_role) {
+                $BannerRoles = new self();
+                $BannerRoles->ad_id = $ad_id;
+                $BannerRoles->roleid = $new_role;
+                $BannerRoles->store();
+            }
+        }
+    }