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courseware.module.js 38.84 KiB
import axios from 'axios';
const getDefaultState = () => {
return {
blockAdder: {},
containerAdder: false,
consumeMode: false,
context: {},
courseware: {},
currentElement: {},
oerEnabled: null,
oerTitle: null,
licenses: null, // we need a route for License SORM
httpClient: null,
lastElement: null,
msg: 'Dehydrated',
'Hallo! Ich bin Ihr persönlicher Companion. Wussten Sie schon, dass Courseware jetzt noch einfacher zu bedienen ist?',
styleCompanionOverlay: 'default',
pluginManager: null,
showCompanionOverlay: false,
showToolbar: false,
urlHelper: null,
userId: null,
viewMode: 'read',
dashboardViewMode: 'default',
filingData: {},
userIsTeacher: false,
teacherStatusLoaded: false,
showStructuralElementEditDialog: false,
showStructuralElementAddDialog: false,
showStructuralElementExportDialog: false,
showStructuralElementInfoDialog: false,
showStructuralElementDeleteDialog: false,
showStructuralElementOerDialog: false,
structuralElementSortMode: false,
importFilesState: '',
importFilesProgress: 0,
importStructuresState: '',
importStructuresProgress: 0,
importErrors: [],
exportState: '',
exportProgress: 0,
purposeFilter: 'all',
showOverviewElementAddDialog: false,
bookmarkFilter: 'all',
const initialState = getDefaultState();
const getters = {
msg(state) {
return state.msg;
lastElement(state) {
return state.lastElement;
courseware(state) {
return state.courseware;
currentElement(state) {
return state.currentElement;
oerEnabled(state) {
return state.oerEnabled;
oerTitle(state) {
return state.oerTitle;
licenses(state) {
return state.licenses;
context(state) {
return state.context;
blockTypes(state) {
return state.courseware?.attributes?.['block-types'] ?? [];
containerTypes(state) {
return state.courseware?.attributes?.['container-types'] ?? [];
favoriteBlockTypes(state) {
const allBlockTypes = state.courseware?.attributes?.['block-types'] ?? [];
const favorites = state.courseware?.attributes?.['favorite-block-types'] ?? [];
return allBlockTypes.filter(({ type }) => favorites.includes(type));
viewMode(state) {
return state.viewMode;
dashboardViewMode(state) {
return state.dashboardViewMode;
showToolbar(state) {
return state.showToolbar;
blockAdder(state) {
return state.blockAdder;
containerAdder(state) {
return state.containerAdder;
showCompanionOverlay(state) {
return state.showCompanionOverlay;
msgCompanionOverlay(state) {
return state.msgCompanionOverlay;
styleCompanionOverlay(state) {
return state.styleCompanionOverlay;
consumeMode(state) {
return state.consumeMode;
httpClient(state) {
return state.httpClient;
urlHelper(state) {
return state.urlHelper;
userId(state) {
return state.userId;
userIsTeacher(state) {
return state.userIsTeacher;
teacherStatusLoaded(state) {
return state.teacherStatusLoaded;
pluginManager(state) {
return state.pluginManager;
filingData(state) {
return state.filingData;
showStructuralElementEditDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementEditDialog;
showStructuralElementAddDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementAddDialog;
showStructuralElementExportDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementExportDialog;
showStructuralElementInfoDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementInfoDialog;
showStructuralElementOerDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementOerDialog;
showStructuralElementDeleteDialog(state) {
return state.showStructuralElementDeleteDialog;
showOverviewElementAddDialog(state) {
return state.showOverviewElementAddDialog;
structuralElementSortMode(state) {
return state.structuralElementSortMode;
importFilesState(state) {
return state.importFilesState;
importFilesProgress(state) {
return state.importFilesProgress;
importStructuresState(state) {
return state.importStructuresState;
importStructuresProgress(state) {
return state.importStructuresProgress;
importErrors(state) {
return state.importErrors;
exportState(state) {
return state.exportState;
exportProgress(state) {
return state.exportProgress;
purposeFilter(state) {
return state.purposeFilter;
bookmarkFilter(state) {
return state.bookmarkFilter;
export const state = { ...initialState };
export const actions = {
loadContainer({ dispatch }, containerId) {
const options = {
include: 'blocks',
return dispatch('courseware-containers/loadById', { id: containerId, options }, { root: true });
loadStructuralElement({ dispatch }, structuralElementId) {
const options = {
'fields[users]': 'formatted-name',
return dispatch(
{ id: structuralElementId, options },
{ root: true }
loadFileRefs({ dispatch, rootGetters }, block_id) {
const parent = {
type: 'courseware-blocks',
id: block_id,
const relationship = 'file-refs';
return dispatch('file-refs/loadRelated', { parent, relationship }, { root: true }).then(() =>
async loadCoursewareActivities({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { userId, courseId }) {
const parent = {
type: 'users',
id: userId,
const relationship = 'activitystream';
const options = {
'filter[context_type]': 'course',
'filter[context_id]': courseId,
'filter[object_type]': 'courseware',
include: 'actor, context, object',
await dispatch('users/loadRelated', { parent, relationship, options }, { root: true });
const activities = rootGetters['users/all'];
for (const activity of activities) {
//load parents for breadcrumb
if (activity.type == 'activities') {
await this.dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/loadById', {
id: activity.relationships.object.meta['object-id'],
return activities;
async createFile(context, { file, filedata, folder }) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', filedata,;
const url = `folders/${}/file-refs`;
let request = await, formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
return state.httpClient.get(request.headers.location).then((response) => {
async createRootFolder({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { context, folder }) {
// get root folder for this context
await dispatch(
parent: context,
relationship: 'folders',
{ root: true }
let folders = await rootGetters[`${context.type}/related`]({
parent: context,
relationship: 'folders',
let rootFolder = null;
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
if (folders[i].attributes['folder-type'] === 'RootFolder') {
rootFolder = folders[i];
const newFolder = {
data: {
type: 'folders',
attributes: {
'folder-type': 'StandardFolder',
relationships: {
parent: {
data: {
type: 'folders',
return`${context.type}/${}/folders`, newFolder).then((response) => {
async createFolder(store, { context, parent, folder }) {
const newFolder = {
data: {
type: 'folders',
attributes: {
'folder-type': folder.type,
relationships: {
parent: parent,
return`${context.type}/${}/folders`, newFolder).then((response) => {
loadFolder({ dispatch }, folderId) {
const options = {};
return dispatch('folders/loadById', { id: folderId, options }, { root: true });
copyBlock({ getters }, { parentId, block }) {
const copy = {
data: {
block: block,
parent_id: parentId,
return`courseware-blocks/${}/copy`, copy).then((resp) => {
// console.log(resp);
copyContainer({ getters }, { parentId, container }) {
const copy = {
data: {
container: container,
parent_id: parentId,
return`courseware-containers/${}/copy`, copy).then((resp) => {
// console.log(resp);
async copyStructuralElement({ dispatch, getters, rootGetters }, { parentId, element, removePurpose }) {
const copy = { data: { parent_id: parentId, remove_purpose: removePurpose } };
const result = await`courseware-structural-elements/${}/copy`, copy);
const id =;
await dispatch('loadStructuralElement', id);
const newElement = rootGetters['courseware-structural-elements/byId']({ id });
return dispatch('courseware-structure/loadDescendants', { root: newElement });
lockObject({ dispatch, getters }, { id, type }) {
return dispatch(`${type}/setRelated`, {
parent: { id, type },
relationship: 'edit-blocker',
data: {
type: 'users',
id: getters.userId,
async createBlockInContainer({ dispatch }, { container, blockType }) {
const block = {
attributes: {
'block-type': blockType,
payload: null,
relationships: {
container: {
data: { type: container.type, id: },
await dispatch('courseware-blocks/create', block, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadContainer',;
async deleteBlockInContainer({ dispatch }, { containerId, blockId }) {
const data = {
id: blockId,
await dispatch('courseware-blocks/delete', data, { root: true });
//TODO throws TypeError: block is undefined after delete
return dispatch('loadContainer', containerId);
async updateBlockInContainer({ dispatch }, { attributes, blockId, containerId }) {
const container = {
type: 'courseware-containers',
id: containerId,
const block = {
type: 'courseware-blocks',
attributes: attributes,
id: blockId,
relationships: {
container: {
data: { type: container.type, id: },
await dispatch('courseware-blocks/update', block, { root: true });
await dispatch('unlockObject', { id: blockId, type: 'courseware-blocks' });
return dispatch('loadContainer', containerId);
async updateBlock({ dispatch }, { block, containerId }) {
const container = {
type: 'courseware-containers',
id: containerId,
const updateBlock = {
type: 'courseware-blocks',
attributes: block.attributes,
relationships: {
container: {
data: { type: container.type, id: },
await dispatch('courseware-blocks/update', updateBlock, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadContainer', containerId);
async deleteBlock({ dispatch }, { containerId, blockId }) {
const data = {
id: blockId,
await dispatch('courseware-blocks/delete', data, { root: true });
//TODO throws TypeError: block is undefined after delete
return dispatch('loadContainer', containerId);
async storeCoursewareSettings({ dispatch, getters }, { permission, progression }) {
const courseware = getters.courseware;
courseware.attributes['editing-permission-level'] = permission;
courseware.attributes['sequential-progression'] = progression;
return dispatch('courseware-instances/update', courseware, { root: true });
sortChildrenInStructualElements({ dispatch }, { parent, children }) {
const childrenResourceIdentifiers ={ type, id }) => ({ type, id }));
return dispatch(
parent: { type: parent.type, id: },
relationship: 'children',
data: childrenResourceIdentifiers,
{ root: true }
async createStructuralElement({ dispatch }, { attributes, parentId, currentId }) {
const data = {
relationships: {
parent: {
data: {
type: 'courseware-structural-elements',
id: parentId,
await dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/create', data, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', currentId);
async createStructuralElementWithTemplate({ dispatch }, { attributes, parentId, currentId, templateId }) {
const data = {
relationships: {
parent: {
data: {
type: 'courseware-structural-elements',
id: parentId,
templateId: templateId,
await dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/create', data, { root: true });
const options = {
include: 'children',
return dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/loadById', { id: currentId, options }, { root: true });
async deleteStructuralElement({ dispatch }, { id, parentId }) {
const data = {
id: id,
await dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/delete', data, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', parentId);
async updateStructuralElement({ dispatch }, { element, id }) {
await dispatch('courseware-structural-elements/update', element, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', id);
sortContainersInStructualElements({ dispatch }, { structuralElement, containers }) {
const containerResourceIdentifiers ={ type, id }) => ({ type, id }));
return dispatch(
parent: { type: structuralElement.type, id: },
relationship: 'containers',
data: containerResourceIdentifiers,
{ root: true }
async createContainer({ dispatch }, { attributes, structuralElementId }) {
const data = {
relationships: {
'structural-element': {
data: {
type: 'courseware-structural-elements',
id: structuralElementId,
await dispatch('courseware-containers/create', data, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', structuralElementId);
async deleteContainer({ dispatch }, { containerId, structuralElementId }) {
const data = {
id: containerId,
await dispatch('courseware-containers/delete', data, { root: true });
//TODO throws TypeError: container is undefined after delete
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', structuralElementId);
async updateContainer({ dispatch }, { container, structuralElementId }) {
await dispatch('courseware-containers/update', container, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement', structuralElementId);
sortBlocksInContainer({ dispatch }, { container, sections }) {
let blockResourceIdentifiers = [];
sections.forEach((section) => {
blockResourceIdentifiers.push({ type, id }) => ({ type, id })));
return dispatch(
parent: { type: container.type, id: },
relationship: 'blocks',
data: blockResourceIdentifiers,
{ root: true }
lockObject({ dispatch, getters }, { id, type }) {
return dispatch(`${type}/setRelated`, {
parent: { id, type },
relationship: 'edit-blocker',
data: {
type: 'users',
id: getters.userId,
unlockObject({ dispatch }, { id, type }) {
return dispatch(`${type}/setRelated`, {
parent: { id, type },
relationship: 'edit-blocker',
data: null,
async companionInfo({ dispatch }, { info }) {
await dispatch('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay', 'default');
await dispatch('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay', info);
return dispatch('coursewareShowCompanionOverlay', true);
async companionSuccess({ dispatch }, { info }) {
await dispatch('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay', 'happy');
await dispatch('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay', info);
return dispatch('coursewareShowCompanionOverlay', true);
async companionError({ dispatch }, { info }) {
await dispatch('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay', 'sad');
await dispatch('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay', info);
return dispatch('coursewareShowCompanionOverlay', true);
async companionWarning({ dispatch }, { info }) {
await dispatch('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay', 'alert');
await dispatch('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay', info);
return dispatch('coursewareShowCompanionOverlay', true);
async companionSpecial({ dispatch }, { info }) {
await dispatch('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay', 'special');
await dispatch('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay', info);
return dispatch('coursewareShowCompanionOverlay', true);
// adds a favorite block type using the `type` of the BlockType
async addFavoriteBlockType({ dispatch, getters }, blockType) {
const blockTypes = new Set({ type }) => type));
return dispatch('storeFavoriteBlockTypes', [...blockTypes]);
// removes a favorite block type using the `type` of the BlockType
async removeFavoriteBlockType({ dispatch, getters }, blockType) {
const blockTypes = new Set({ type }) => type));
return dispatch('storeFavoriteBlockTypes', [...blockTypes]);
// sets the favorite block types using an array of the `type`s of those BlockTypes
async storeFavoriteBlockTypes({ dispatch, getters }, favoriteBlockTypes) {
const courseware = getters.courseware;
courseware.attributes['favorite-block-types'] = favoriteBlockTypes;
return dispatch('courseware-instances/update', courseware, { root: true });
coursewareCurrentElement(context, id) {
context.commit('coursewareCurrentElementSet', id);
coursewareContext(context, id) {
context.commit('coursewareContextSet', id);
oerEnabled(context, enabled) {
context.commit('oerEnabledSet', enabled);
oerTitle(context, title) {
context.commit('oerTitleSet', title);
licenses(context, licenses) {
context.commit('licensesSet', licenses);
coursewareViewMode(context, view) {
context.commit('coursewareViewModeSet', view);
setDashboardViewMode(context, view) {
context.commit('setDashboardViewMode', view);
coursewareShowToolbar(context, toolbar) {
context.commit('coursewareShowToolbarSet', toolbar);
coursewareBlockAdder(context, adder) {
context.commit('coursewareBlockAdderSet', adder);
coursewareContainerAdder(context, adder) {
context.commit('coursewareContainerAdderSet', adder);
coursewareShowCompanionOverlay(context, companion_overlay) {
context.commit('coursewareShowCompanionOverlaySet', companion_overlay);
coursewareMsgCompanionOverlay(context, companion_overlay_msg) {
context.commit('coursewareMsgCompanionOverlaySet', companion_overlay_msg);
coursewareStyleCompanionOverlay(context, companion_overlay_style) {
context.commit('coursewareStyleCompanionOverlaySet', companion_overlay_style);
coursewareConsumeMode(context, mode) {
context.commit('coursewareConsumeModeSet', mode);
setHttpClient({ commit }, httpClient) {
commit('setHttpClient', httpClient);
setUrlHelper({ commit }, urlHelper) {
commit('setUrlHelper', urlHelper);
setUserId({ commit }, userId) {
commit('setUserId', userId);
showElementEditDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementEditDialog', bool);
showElementAddDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementAddDialog', bool);
showElementExportDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementExportDialog', bool);
showElementInfoDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementInfoDialog', bool);
showElementOerDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementOerDialog', bool);
showElementDeleteDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowStructuralElementDeleteDialog', bool);
setShowOverviewElementAddDialog(context, bool) {
context.commit('setShowOverviewElementAddDialog', bool);
setStructuralElementSortMode({ commit }, bool) {
commit('setStructuralElementSortMode', bool);
setImportFilesState({ commit }, state) {
commit('setImportFilesState', state);
setImportFilesProgress({ commit }, percent) {
commit('setImportFilesProgress', percent);
setImportStructuresState({ commit }, state) {
commit('setImportStructuresState', state);
setImportStructuresProgress({ commit }, percent) {
commit('setImportStructuresProgress', percent);
setImportErrors({ commit }, errors) {
commit('setImportErrors', errors);
setExportState({ commit }, state) {
commit('setExportState', state);
setExportProgress({ commit }, percent) {
commit('setExportProgress', percent);
addBookmark({ dispatch, rootGetters }, structuralElement) {
const cw = rootGetters['courseware'];
// get existing bookmarks
const bookmarks =
parent: cw,
relationship: 'bookmarks',
})?.map(({ type, id }) => ({ type, id })) ?? [];
// add a new bookmark
const data = [...bookmarks, { type: structuralElement.type, id: }];
// send them home
return dispatch(
parent: { type: cw.type, id: },
relationship: 'bookmarks',
{ root: true }
removeBookmark({ dispatch, rootGetters }, structuralElement) {
const cw = rootGetters['courseware'];
// get existing bookmarks
const bookmarks =
parent: cw,
relationship: 'bookmarks',
})?.map(({ type, id }) => ({ type, id })) ?? [];
// filter bookmark that must be removed
const data = bookmarks.filter(({ id }) => id !==;
// send them home
return dispatch(
parent: { type: cw.type, id: },
relationship: 'bookmarks',
{ root: true }
setPluginManager({ commit }, pluginManager) {
commit('setPluginManager', pluginManager);
uploadImageForStructuralElement({ dispatch, state }, { structuralElement, file }) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('image', file);
const url = `courseware-structural-elements/${}/image`;
return, formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
async deleteImageForStructuralElement({ dispatch, state }, structuralElement) {
const url = `courseware-structural-elements/${}/image`;
await state.httpClient.delete(url);
return dispatch('loadStructuralElement',;
cwManagerFilingData(context, msg) {
context.commit('cwManagerFilingDataSet', msg);
async loadRelatedPaginated({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { type, parent, relationship, options }) {
const limit = 100;
let offset = 0;
do {
const optionsWithPages = {
'page[offset]': offset,
'page[limit]': limit,
await dispatch(
options: optionsWithPages,
resetRelated: false,
{ root: true }
offset += limit;
} while (rootGetters[`${type}/all`].length < rootGetters[`${type}/lastMeta`];
loadUsersBookmarks({ dispatch, rootGetters, state }, userId) {
const parent = {
type: 'users',
id: userId,
const relationship = 'courseware-bookmarks';
const options = {
include: 'course',
return dispatch('loadRelatedPaginated', {
type: 'courseware-structural-elements',
async loadUsersCourses({ dispatch, rootGetters, state }, { userId, withCourseware }) {
const parent = {
type: 'users',
id: userId,
const relationship = 'course-memberships';
const options = {
include: 'course',
await dispatch('loadRelatedPaginated', {
type: 'course-memberships',
const memberships = rootGetters['course-memberships/related']({
let courses = [];
for (let membership of memberships) {
if (
membership.attributes.permission === 'dozent' && !==
) {
const course = rootGetters['courses/related']({ parent: membership, relationship: 'course' });
if (!withCourseware) {
const coursewareInstance = await dispatch('loadRemoteCoursewareStructure', {
rangeType: course.type
if (coursewareInstance?.relationships?.root) {
return courses;
async loadRemoteCoursewareStructure({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { rangeId, rangeType }) {
const parent = {
id: rangeId,
type: rangeType,
const relationship = 'courseware';
return dispatch(`courseware-instances/loadRelated`, { parent, relationship }, { root: true }).then(
(response) => {
const instance = rootGetters['courseware-instances/related']({
parent: parent,
relationship: relationship,
return instance;
(error) => {
return null;
loadTeacherStatus({ dispatch, rootGetters, state, commit, getters }, userId) {
const membershipId = `${}_${userId}`;
return dispatch('course-memberships/loadById', { id: membershipId })
.then(() => {
const membership = rootGetters['course-memberships/byId']({ id: membershipId });
const editingLevel = getters.courseware.attributes['editing-permission-level'];
const membershipPermission = membership.attributes.permission;
let isTeacher = false;
if (editingLevel === 'dozent') {
isTeacher = membershipPermission === 'dozent';
} else if (editingLevel === 'tutor') {
isTeacher = membershipPermission === 'dozent' || membershipPermission === 'tutor';
commit('setUserIsTeacher', isTeacher);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Could not find course membership for ${membershipId}.`);
commit('setUserIsTeacher', false);
loadFeedback({ dispatch }, blockId) {
const parent = { type: 'courseware-blocks', id: `${blockId}` };
const relationship = 'feedback';
const options = {
include: 'user',
return dispatch('courseware-block-feedback/loadRelated', { parent, relationship, options }, { root: true });
async createFeedback({ dispatch }, { blockId, feedback }) {
const data = {
attributes: {
relationships: {
block: {
data: {
type: 'courseware-blocks',
id: blockId,
await dispatch('courseware-block-feedback/create', data, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadFeedback', blockId);
async createTaskGroup({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { taskGroup }) {
await dispatch('courseware-task-groups/create', taskGroup, { root: true });
const id =;
const target = rootGetters['courseware-structural-elements/byId']({ id });
return dispatch('courseware-structure/loadDescendants', { root: target });
async loadTask({ dispatch }, { taskId }) {
return dispatch(
id: taskId,
options: {
include: 'solver,task-group,task-group.lecturer',
{ root: true }
async updateTask({ dispatch }, { attributes, taskId }) {
const task = {
type: 'courseware-tasks',
attributes: attributes,
id: taskId,
await dispatch('courseware-tasks/update', task, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadTask', { taskId: });
async deleteTask({ dispatch }, { task }) {
const data = {
await dispatch('courseware-tasks/delete', data, { root: true });
async createTaskFeedback({ dispatch }, { taskFeedback }) {
await dispatch('courseware-task-feedback/create', taskFeedback, { root: true });
return dispatch('loadTask', { taskId: });
async updateTaskFeedback({ dispatch }, { attributes, taskFeedbackId }) {
const taskFeedback = {
type: 'courseware-task-feedback',
attributes: attributes,
id: taskFeedbackId,
await dispatch('courseware-task-feedback/update', taskFeedback, { root: true });
return dispatch('courseware-task-feedback/loadById', { id: }, { root: true });
async deleteTaskFeedback({ dispatch }, { taskFeedbackId }) {
const data = {
id: taskFeedbackId,
await dispatch('courseware-task-feedback/delete', data, { root: true });
setPurposeFilter({ commit }, purpose) {
commit('setPurposeFilter', purpose);
setBookmarkFilter({ commit }, course) {
commit('setBookmarkFilter', course);
/* eslint no-param-reassign: ["error", { "props": false }] */
export const mutations = {
coursewareSet(state, data) {
state.courseware = data;
coursewareCurrentElementSet(state, data) {
state.lastElement = state.currentElement;
state.currentElement = data;
coursewareContextSet(state, data) {
state.context = data;
oerEnabledSet(state, data) {
state.oerEnabled = data;
oerTitleSet(state, data) {
state.oerTitle = data;
licensesSet(state, data) {
state.licenses = data;
coursewareViewModeSet(state, data) {
state.viewMode = data;
setDashboardViewMode(state, data) {
state.dashboardViewMode = data;
coursewareShowToolbarSet(state, data) {
state.showToolbar = data;
coursewareBlockAdderSet(state, data) {
state.blockAdder = data;
coursewareContainerAdderSet(state, data) {
state.containerAdder = data;
coursewareShowCompanionOverlaySet(state, data) {
state.showCompanionOverlay = data;
coursewareMsgCompanionOverlaySet(state, data) {
state.msgCompanionOverlay = data;
coursewareStyleCompanionOverlaySet(state, data) {
state.styleCompanionOverlay = data;
coursewareConsumeModeSet(state, data) {
state.consumeMode = data;
setHttpClient(state, httpClient) {
state.httpClient = httpClient;
setUrlHelper(state, urlHelper) {
state.urlHelper = urlHelper;
setUserId(state, userId) {
state.userId = userId;
setUserIsTeacher(state, isTeacher) {
state.teacherStatusLoaded = true;
state.userIsTeacher = isTeacher;
setPluginManager(state, pluginManager) {
state.pluginManager = pluginManager;
cwManagerFilingDataSet(state, data) {
state.filingData = data;
setShowStructuralElementEditDialog(state, showEdit) {
state.showStructuralElementEditDialog = showEdit;
setShowStructuralElementAddDialog(state, showAdd) {
state.showStructuralElementAddDialog = showAdd;
setShowStructuralElementExportDialog(state, showExport) {
state.showStructuralElementExportDialog = showExport;
setShowStructuralElementInfoDialog(state, showInfo) {
state.showStructuralElementInfoDialog = showInfo;
setShowStructuralElementOerDialog(state, showOer) {
state.showStructuralElementOerDialog = showOer;
setShowStructuralElementDeleteDialog(state, showDelete) {
state.showStructuralElementDeleteDialog = showDelete;
setShowOverviewElementAddDialog(state, showAdd) {
state.showOverviewElementAddDialog = showAdd;
setStructuralElementSortMode(state, mode) {
state.structuralElementSortMode = mode;
setImportFilesState(state, importFilesState) {
state.importFilesState = importFilesState;
setImportFilesProgress(state, importFilesProgress) {
state.importFilesProgress = importFilesProgress;
setImportErrors(state, importErrors) {
state.importErrors = importErrors;
setImportStructuresState(state, importStructuresState) {
state.importStructuresState = importStructuresState;
setImportStructuresProgress(state, importStructuresProgress) {
state.importStructuresProgress = importStructuresProgress;
setExportState(state, exportState) {
state.exportState = exportState;
setExportProgress(state, exportProgress) {
state.exportProgress = exportProgress;
setPurposeFilter(state, purpose) {
state.purposeFilter = purpose;
setBookmarkFilter(state, course) {
state.bookmarkFilter = course;
export default {